Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 147 [Hourglass of Time]

After returning to the castle from the Black Lake, Kerry threw himself into the library, and he began to desperately look for some secrets and spells.

If he guessed correctly, what the enemy was doing was actually a similar operation to that of a lich.

A lich is a spellcaster who uses magic to achieve immortality. They use black magic and necromancy to transform into undead creatures and store their souls in a physicist.

In the world of Harry Potter, there is no such thing as necromancy, but they do have black magic. To a certain extent, black magic can complete the transformation of undead creatures alone.

Finally, he found an entry in the restricted area of black magic.

Soul parasitism - changing one's own soul into the appearance of a parasite, so that it parasitizes on different animals or humans. [Soul parasitism, the user needs to kill an animal or a person, use the soul of another creature as glue, and glue his own soul to other animals or parasitized objects. 】

When I saw this word, I understood instantly that the person who caused the chaos in Hogwarts was none other than Voldemort!

Souls like to parasitize on other people, and they understand advanced magic and have some magical props.

Klee felt that there was absolutely no way there could be a second person except Voldemort.

You have to know that there are only about 20,000 people in the wizarding world in London, England, including magical creatures, and there are only six or seven thousand pure wizards.

It is impossible to find a second person with the same characteristics as Voldemort among these six or seven thousand people.

The probability of this is even smaller than Mars hitting the Earth. So Klee judged that Voldemort must have done these things.

""Voldemort, Voldemort! I wanted to spare your life and let you continue to perform on the stage, but now it seems that it is better for you to die sooner rather than later!" Kerry said to himself.

Voldemort used this magic when he parasitized himself on the back of Quirrell's neck. Looking at the entire Harry Potter series, this spell is difficult to learn and has a high cost. No second person can complete it.

Voldemort's soul fragment parasitized itself on the merman.

And it is precisely because the merman possesses certain unique and exemplary magic belonging to their race that they can merge with water, Kerry could not find any clues. In addition, the other party used a time reversal device similar to a time converter, which made Voldemort's escape smoother.

Kerry guessed that Voldemort's way of escape was like this every time:

Voldemort's soul first found the merman, he killed the merman, and parasitized himself on it. At this time The mermaid's body was not completely dead yet, and it could still maintain its magic and activity for several days.

Then he went back upstream along the waterway connecting the Black Lake and the Forbidden Forest.

He first killed the unicorn and used the unicorn's blood to replenish his soul again. Then he killed some magical animals to replenish his magic power. When the mermaid's body lost its function, he would smash the body and scatter it back to the Black Lake. Then he abducted another mermaid as a sacrifice. It was because the body of a mermaid would lose its activity after a few days, so he kept abducting the mermen.

The reason for his escape should be similar to what Corey guessed. He had a time converter or a similar device.

In the original time In the timeline, Kerry should have used his super hearing or super sense of smell to find Voldemort hiding in the dark. But when Voldemort activated this magical thing, the time instantly went back a few minutes or even an hour. The original timeline was annihilated.

At this time, Voldemort would calmly turn into a stream and mix into the river, and then flow into the Black Lake along the river.

When Kerry in this timeline came to Voldemort's previous position, Voldemort had already disappeared.

The Kerry in this timeline is the current Kerry, and he has not caught Voldemort until now.

Although this conjecture has formed a closed loop, there is still no clue about how to capture Voldemort. The time converter in Voldemort's hand is really a killer.

Kerry He came to the door of the principal's office with his doubts - but Dumbledore was not in the office. If you think about it carefully, several young wizards have been poisoned in the past few days, and even Hagrid is on the verge of death, so the pressure from the school board and the Ministry of Magic must be very huge.

Dumbledore should be doing some interpersonal relationship work in the Ministry of Magic in London now. Or it can be said that the current situation is that Dumbledore deliberately stayed to test this group of young wizards.

As the person who is most familiar with Old Bee, Kerry can boldly guess that the latter is even more likely.

After staying for a few minutes, Kerry turned and walked towards Professor McGonagall's office. After saying hello, Kerry asked:"Professor, do you know what props in the magic world can reverse time? Maybe it won't take a long time, just a few minutes or even tens of seconds will be enough?"

Professor McGonagall's face was obviously not very good at this time. She was worried about the poisoning of her students.

"Isn't the Time Turner enough for you?" Professor McGonagall asked doubtfully.

"No... I guess the person who attacked Hagrid has a device similar to the time converter!"Kerry slowly said his guess:"Every time I was about to catch him, he would use this device to turn back time and make me forget the past! He took this opportunity to escape!"

Professor McGonagall frowned. She understood what Kerry was talking about.

Then she took out a thick book from the bookshelf behind her and turned the pages one by one.

This book is actually a notebook, Professor McGonagall's personal notebook.

""Hourglass!" Professor McGonagall pointed to a line of words on the notebook and said

【The time hourglass is said to be a magic item from an unknown world. When the user turns the hourglass upside down, the entire world can go back one minute.】

"One minute?"Kerry frowned.

One minute is short, but for a pursuer, one minute is too long. This one minute can change the fate of everyone.

Kerry told Professor McGonagall all the information he had. After listening to Kerry's speculation, the professor suddenly said:"Water pipes?"

Kerry instantly understood that Professor McGonagall was talking about the way the attackers came to the castle.

Voldemort attacked those students and Hagrid through the water pipes and along the water flow.

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