Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 131 [The Real Secret of the Chamber of Secrets]

Dumbledore certainly would not take any of Malfoy's words or threats to heart. It was more of a bad taste - I believe Kerry could understand this the best.

When a legendary wizard with a magic power of 200,000 faces the threat of an ant, his first reaction would not be to step on it to death, but to concentrate on playing with it for a long time, just like a child who gets a new toy, until a certain moment when he loses interest or is delayed by other things, he will simply crush the ant to death or flick it away with a finger.

Kerry once asked why Dumbledore displayed his apparent magic power as about 10,000 calories. Is there any special meaning? Dumbledore replied:"This is a threshold, a mysterious threshold... Only those who cross this threshold can be called 'God'.’!"

In fact, this is exactly the case. Apart from Dumbledore, Snape is the one with the highest magic power. But until now, Snape's magic power is only more than 9,600, just a little short of 10,000 cards, but this may limit Snape's life...

From 9,600 to 10,000 cards, this is a qualitative change... But Kerry has not yet understood what this"qualitative change" refers to.

After killing the basilisk, Kerry, Hermione and the members of the 91st team have become popular"super stars"! The whole Hogwarts is creating a frenzy around them.

A few days later, on a new Monday, all students were notified early in the morning that a major ceremony would be held, and all the young wizards had to wait in the auditorium.

At around nine o'clock, the"Merlin Medal Award Ceremony" officially began.

Minister Fudge was the award presenter. First, Kerry and Hermione, as the direct leaders and commanders of the basilisk battle, were awarded a second-class Merlin medal. This was the second Merlin medal Kerry had received.

Next came Harry and the other six people. Harry, as the captain, also received a second-class Order of Merlin. Ron, Neville, Seamus, Dean, and Cedric were awarded the third-class Order of Merlin. Seamus is still a stone now, and his medal was received by Professor McGonagall and temporarily stored.

Then came the Centaurs - the leader Firenze, the second-class Order of Merlin - which is extremely rare, because the Order of Merlin is generally only awarded to humans, and magical animals are generally not among the recipients. But the matter of the basilisk was really too big, and the basilisk caused a sensation throughout the British Isles. In the past few days, villagers in Hogsmeade have been overlooking the corpse of the basilisk from outside the high walls of Hogwarts.

The Centaurs were awarded an additional"Merlin Friendship Medal", which is actually an informal toy, a kind of prevarication, but the Centaurs who didn't know the inside story were very happy.

There are some small stories in this - the original Order of Merlin did not have these ordinary centaurs, so Kerry tried his best - first, he put pressure on the Ministry of Magic through Dumbledore, and secondly, he asked Collins to bribe some officials of the Ministry of Magic... It is normal that money makes the world go round!

The body of the basilisk was eventually taken away by the Ministry of Magic for research - Kerry secretly left a can of snake blood - he was still waiting to use this thing to destroy Voldemort's diary!

This basilisk craze lasted for almost two weeks. It was not until two weeks later that Kerry could use the time converter normally, otherwise it would be too conspicuous, and someone would always be watching him...

This semester can be said to be a very fast time, because Christmas is coming soon! The festive atmosphere in the school is gradually becoming stronger...

But Hermione encountered some big trouble

"Now the effective time of the antidote spell has been reduced from three hours to one hour. I have calculated that if it is used dozens of times, it will be reduced from one hour to ten minutes!" Kerry said to Hermione. The antidote spell can indeed dispel the invasion of the petrification spell, but with the increase in the number of antidote spells this semester, Hermione's"resistance" is gradually increasing!

Initially, the antidote spell could be dispelled for eight hours at a time.

Kerry only needed to cast it three or four times a day to ensure Hermione's normal activities for the day.

Hermione could even use the time converter to sneak into senior courses to learn knowledge.

But by a month ago, the time had been reduced to five hours, and two weeks ago it had been reduced to three hours.

But in recent days, Hermione's body's"resistance" to the antidote spell has increased too fast.

It only took a few days to reduce it to less than an hour.


, Kerry counted the time several times and used the method of [simulation function] to draw a curve. The result is that in just two days, Hermione's drug resistance will increase to an incredible level, and it will be extremely dangerous at that time!

Kerry even speculated that if it was used one or two hundred more times, it is very likely that the Mandela potion would not be able to restore Hermione to normal. At that time, it would be a complete disaster!

Hermione is also very depressed now. This means that she can only move for a few dozen hours at most. For safety reasons, she can only move for a few hours.

"Christmas is coming soon, can you bring my parents to Hogwarts? At least let them see me in person?" Hermione said to Kerry:"If there is any problem, I will ask Professor McGonagall in person."

"Of course not a problem!" Kerry explained.

Hermione nodded with satisfaction, but with her second nod, Hermione seemed to be frozen in an instant - she was petrified again!

Kerry reluctantly tidied Hermione's hat, the wizard hat and her coat, and placed them on the bed. Then he picked up Hermione, laid her sideways on the bed, and covered Hermione with a quilt, and then used several trap spells and protection spells to protect Hermione's body completely.

After doing all this, he looked back at Seamus and Colin who were lying on the side, sympathized for two seconds, and then left the school hospital.


At dinner, Kerry called Ginny and informed her of Hermione's situation.

Ginny looked very calm. She took a bite of mashed potatoes on the plate and said while chewing:"Hermione actually told me about it. I was mentally prepared, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon. She thought she would have to wait until at least next semester. By that time, the mandrake was almost ripe."

"Unfortunately, it will take at least five months for the mandrake to mature. And the medicine that is enough to treat three people needs to be boiled for at least half a month. That means we won't be able to see a vivid Hermione before June 1 next year."Kerry calculated the time, and his words were full of frustration.

""Do we need to do anything for Hermione?" Ginny asked.

Kerry wanted to say that he would arrange it and you don't have to worry about it, but suddenly he seemed to think of a key point:"I think there is one thing we can do... that is the real secret of the Chamber of Secrets!"

After saying this, Kerry looked at Goyle in the distance meaningfully. Goyle seemed to have a feeling. He looked up and looked around, but did not notice Kerry's hidden eyes in the distance.

Goyle hurriedly threw away the half-eaten food and left the hall.

Kerry and Ginny both looked at Goyle, and when Goyle left the hall, they looked at each other tacitly and nodded.

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