Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 126 [Snake Catcher Plan]

Hermione said to Kerry:"Our classmates are turning into stone one by one! If we can't correct the mistakes in time, more and more people will be controlled!"

Kerry wanted to reiterate the argument of"extra risk", but seeing Hermione's firm eyes, Kerry instantly decided to obey. Perhaps this is what the biggest protagonist of the original book should do! If Hermione's mind is forcibly changed, it may only backfire.

Kerry nodded solemnly and shared all the information he was familiar with with Hermione.

Hermione and Kerry made a careful plan, and finally the two completed the plan two days after Colin was attacked. The name of the plan was [Snake Catcher Plan].

The time was set a few days later. At this time, Harry had recovered and his hand bones had grown back.

This time Kerry was going to lure the snake out of the hole!

Dumbledore sat in the principal's office, listening and watching quietly. He showed a mysterious smile:"Savior? Yes! This is what a savior should do. Even Merlin's will does not need to be obeyed! Merlin's will is just a jumping clown! Christian Feynman! Go and do it!"

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he suddenly knocked on a brick behind him. A deep passage appeared in the office, with fluorescent light flashing inside. Dumbledore slowly walked to the depths.


On a quiet night, Kerry, Harry and Hermione used their invisibility cloaks to walk to the bathroom.

Kerry said,"I searched the bathroom this afternoon and finally found something unusual at this faucet!"

Kerry pointed to one of the brass faucets and said,"There is a small snake mark here, but not anywhere else. I think this must be the entrance to Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets!"

Hermione and Harry nodded and agreed with this conclusion.

""Harry, listen to me! Your Parseltongue comes from your soul, so you can definitely speak it, but Hermione and I have tried many times. Perhaps it is because our souls have not really merged with the snake, so although Hermione and I can hear the Parseltongue, we can't speak even a single word of it." Kerry explained:"Now what I need you to do is to imagine this snake-shaped mark, imagine it as a real snake, and speak!"

"Open it!" Harry spoke English for the first time. Kerry patted Harry on the shoulder and told him not to be nervous. After Harry tried a few more times,

"Open it!" Harry thought he was still speaking English, but Kerry and Hermione had a strange feeling, it was Parseltongue!

Suddenly, the faucet emitted a dazzling white light and began to spin rapidly. Then, the pool also moved. They watched the pool slowly disappear from their sight, revealing a very thick water pipe that could accommodate a person.

This is the basilisk's lair! If this is a multiplayer copy, it must be at least level 80.

Kerry then ordered Harry:"Take on the invisibility cloak and find your teammates. Gather below!"

""Okay!" Harry disappeared.

Hermione stuck her head into the pipe, which was bottomless. She immediately retracted her head.

Looking at the dark pipe, Kerry said excitedly:"Now it's time for our show!"

Hermione smiled and took out all her equipment.

A finger wand, a pair of metal wire gloves, a pair of sunglasses, a close-fitting dagger, and a gun on Hermione's waist!

These were all prepared by Kerry for Hermione. The two looked at each other, and Kerry jumped into the cave, followed by Hermione.

The cave was deep and smooth. Kerry judged that the basilisk might come here once a day, and even the inner wall of the pipe was worn into a dent.

In about a minute, Kerry and Hermione landed one after another, and the speed must have been at least seventy or eighty yards. Although the speed was very fast, Hermione now had a force of nearly 3 tons, and this speed was nothing at all.

"This is not Hogwarts anymore!" Hermione said sharply,"We should be in the mountains west of Hogsmeade village now."

"We are now at least three hundred meters underground and it is very hot here!"Kerry said.

The temperature underground is usually constant at around four to five degrees, but as the depth increases and it approaches the mantle, the temperature will rise suddenly.

Kerry and Hermione walked forward one after the other.

The depth and complexity of this nameless underground passage far exceeded Kerry's expectations. It was not like the simple passages described in movies or novels at all. The network here was more like ant holes, crisscrossing and irregular.

But Kerry was not panicked at all-because he heard the snake's breathing!

Kerry's super hearing had always been suppressed in Hogwarts Castle, because almost every door had magic, and every wall had magical barriers, but here, Kerry's super hearing took effect instantly. He heard the distant breathing of the basilisk from the interconnected passages and immediately found the right way.

Kerry took out the fluorescent powder and sprinkled it all the way down so that Harry could follow behind. There was no light at all around, and thanks to their super vision, the two of them moved forward smoothly.

At an intersection, Kerry stopped Hermione and whispered,"The basilisk is not far ahead, less than two hundred meters away from us."

"Act according to the plan."Hermione also responded in a low voice.

Kerry nodded, and then the two separated, Kerry continued to move forward, and Hermione stayed where she was.

Kerry did not walk over, but flew over, quietly approaching the basilisk.

In the darkness, a huge monster over a hundred meters long was resting, with its hideous snake head curled up on its body. The scales on its body were dazzling black, and the snake body was flat and oval. The widest part was at least one meter and eight to two meters, which was equivalent to the width of a family car. If this terrifying basilisk did not rely on magic, its own weight alone would crush all its bones.

At this moment, the basilisk was resting, it closed its eyes and breathed slowly.

About twenty meters away from the basilisk, Kerry landed on the ground and took out two things he had prepared - two slender daggers like three-edged scrapers.

The sound of footsteps landing woke up the basilisk. It opened its eyes instantly and saw Kerry. Within a second, it coiled up its body and raised its snake head, and roared.

"Ah! Go to hell!"Kerry pushed the ground with both feet, each leg had a force of nearly 500 tons! In an instant, the ground exploded, and Kerry's speed accelerated to more than the speed of sound!

Like a flash of lightning, Kerry's hands pierced into the eyes of the basilisk, and two daggers shot into the eyes of the basilisk. In an instant, the basilisk felt pain and shook its head violently. This action just made it easier for Kerry. Kerry spread his legs and sat on the basilisk.

"Ugly snake!"Kerry sat on the top of the basilisk, took out two more steel bars, and shot them into the snake's eyes again.

The basilisk roared again!

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