Superman at Hogwarts - Chapter 123 [Something Happened to Harry]

Kerry looked at the two children and said,"I have a very good magic that can bless them, [Given by Love], Professor Snape, what do you think?"

"Very good magic, your magic power has far surpassed mine in just one year. Is that right?" Snape asked

"If it's just about magic points, my current magic points are already 110,000 cards, which is about 12 times yours." Kerry explained:"But my actual combat power is not much different from yours. I know your combat index is extremely high, isn't it?"

"You really are a legend!" Snape said with a smile:"Savior! I believe more and more that you are the savior! Please allow me to ask you to cast a spell for the two children!"

Chris nodded, took out the Hercules wand and said to Lisa's wide eyes:"[Given by Love]】:!@#¥%……"Characters of one hundred and twenty-seven syllables floated out of Kerry's mouth, and along with these syllables, endless magical power surged out, as if greater than the earth!

"Merlin's beard!" Ginny was shocked. It was the first time she saw Kerry use his full strength. In the past, she could only feel that every time Kerry attacked, he was very strong - but how strong he was was very vague, and it seemed that he was not much stronger than herself. In her opinion, Kerry's usual spells were almost the same as those of ordinary professors.

But at this moment - she found that she was so wrong!

If an ordinary professor is just a tall building, then Kerry's magic power is at least Mount Everest! Regardless of the depth or breadth, Kerry's magic power appears in a crushing posture! Standing in front of Kerry, it seemed that what she felt was not a person, but a monster! This monster could crush her to pieces with a wave of its claws!

"Eleven thousand cards of magic power!"Hermione was also slightly amazed. She had a higher magic value and could feel the terrifying magic power that was so terrifying that it was suffocating.

Too strong! Really too strong!

If a wizard can become a god, then the one in front of him is-Kerry has surpassed the level of wizards!

The magic tide slowly fell with Kerry's breathing. Before everyone could catch their breath, Kerry chanted the spell again, this time it was the boy Severin. It was the same magic surge again. Even the nanny who was a squib could feel this strong magic!

It was such a powerful magic! Snape looked at Kerry very seriously. Although he had overestimated Kerry Many times, even his substitute teaching plan was mentioned by Snape to Professor McGonagall, but no one expected that in addition to his strong memory for knowledge, Kerry's own magic power was so strong that it was soul-stirring!

When Kerry finally completed the two blessing spells, it took Snape dozens of seconds to react. He expressed his sincere gratitude.

The visit was a great success, and the two children were also very happy because Kerry brought delicious candies. They were very happy.

After Kerry and the other two left Snape's cabin, on the way back to school, Ginny broke the silence and said,"Whose children are those two children? Why do I feel a sense of familiarity?"

""Whether it's that boy or girl, I feel very familiar with them, but... who are they?" Ginny asked.

Kerry and Hermione looked at each other, and Hermione nodded, indicating that she could tell Ginny, and Ginny was still trustworthy.

"You'll feel familiar, but normal, because they're not normal babies, they're clones," Kerry explained.

"Clone?" This was the first time Ginny came across this word.

Kerry simply told Ginny the definition of clone. It took Ginny several minutes to digest this knowledge, but she soon realized the key point:"A clone is actually a replica? Who are those two children cloned from?"

Kerry explained:"Severin should be Snape's own clone. He cloned himself and even put part of his soul into it. And Lisa - comes from Harry's mother!"

"It turned out to be Harry's mother." Ginny repeated, but in an instant she realized the problem:"Harry's mother??? Are you talking about Harry Potter??? What's going on???"

"That's right! This involves a story from a long, long time ago, so I can't tell you because it's Snape's private matter."

"This is ridiculous!"Ginny couldn't accept it. It was not until then that she understood why she felt so familiar with Lisa.

Because Ginny liked Harry in her heart, she would of course pay close attention to Harry's every move, so when she saw Lisa for the first time, she noticed that they had exactly the same eyes!

"How could Snape clone Harry's mother?" Ginny couldn't accept it:"What should Harry call Lisa? Little mother?"

"My great-great-grandmother lived to be 98 years old……"Hermione suddenly interrupted:"Do you know why?"

Ginny was a little confused. She didn't understand why Hermione suddenly talked about something completely unrelated:"Because she is in good health?"

"Because she never meddles in other people's business!" Kerry said, and Hermione smiled in tacit understanding.

Ginny was suddenly struck by lightning.


The weather at the end of November was terrible, so humid that the bed boards were moldy, but on the day of the Quidditch match, it rained, and the team's match went on as usual.

Kerry didn't pay attention to this matter. He was looking up information with Hermione in the library, because he found that Hermione's body had been"out of control" recently. With the increase in the number of antidote spells, Hermione's body gradually became"resistant".

The time to remove the spell dropped from once every eight hours to once every five hours. Although it was not a big deal, it was obviously very troublesome - this meant that Hermione could only turn back into a stone man and lie on the bed at night. The time converter could not be used casually, because Hermione could turn into a stone man at any time.

At this time, Ron rushed in from outside:"Harry is in trouble! He is lying in the hospital now!"

Dobby still acted according to the original book - he tampered with a Quidditch bludger, causing the bludger to kill Harry.

Lockhart bravely tried to save Harry, but Harry's hand bones were completely pulled out. Lockhart knew he was in trouble, so he disappeared immediately. Harry was eventually sent to the infirmary by his 91 team members.

Harry also won applause from the whole audience!

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