Hogwarts Superboy - Chapter 119 [Halloween Dinner Attack]

Kerry carefully considered all his possibilities about snakes, but he finally remembered snakes in one place.

"【Queen and Princess】!"Kerry seemed to have traveled through time and space and finally figured out the key point

"Is it the snake?" Hermione was also shocked.

The purpose of ritual magic for the queen and the princess is to closely connect the two people. It has countless advantages such as telepathy, power sharing, magic power sharing, etc.

The most important ritual is to draw a magic circle and include the [Queen] and [Princess] in it. In the hexagram of the magic circle, there is a corner that needs to be filled with something - a snake. The role of this snake is to entangle the two souls together and exchange some of their souls!

After being reminded by Kerry, Hermione instantly realized that the so-called soul exchange was not only exchanging the souls of two [people], but also throwing the little snake's pitiful soul into the brains of the two people! This���The method is actually like a blender, it mixes the two people's things together.

Now, the little snake's soul has become an inseparable part of Kerry and Hermione's soul, so it is natural that the two of them will naturally learn the language of snakes.——【Parseltongue!

For humans, this is called Parseltongue. For snakes, this is just the most common snake language... So Kerry and Hermione now understand Parseltongue.


Soon it was Halloween - Halloween is a happy day. On this day, all kinds of strange things appeared in Hogwarts, and everyone had a lot of fun.

Before the Halloween dinner started, Kerry said to Hermione:"Last year's Halloween dinner, a giant monster appeared. Do you think the same thing will happen this year?"

"Do you still want me to be a hero?" Hermione asked curiously,"But I need to be subjected to a detoxification spell every eight hours. Are you sure you want me, a patient, to do these things?"

"Forget it... I guess you can't do anything this time. The basilisk is still too strong for you." Kerry said

"Basilisk? Did you know that thing was going to attack the students?"Ginny came over and whispered

"I just guessed that the person who controlled the basilisk might take advantage of the chaos tonight to do something bad."The basilisk also needs to celebrate Halloween!" Kerry said,"The basilisk also needs to celebrate Halloween!"

This year's Halloween dinner was still grand, and Dumbledore gave his usual speech before the dinner began.

In the end, the students were happily eating the feast and playing various scary cosplays. Until the halfway point of the banquet, Kerry noticed that Goyle had left!

Then Kerry and Hermione looked at each other, and Hermione raised her eyebrows, and everything was self-explanatory.

In the original book, Harry and his three friends did not attend the Halloween dinner, but went to a ghost party, but now because of Kerry, the five of them are enjoying their Halloween dinner. At this time, the drama classmate Kerry made his debut-he quietly walked to Harry's side and whispered:"Did you hear it?"

Harry was stunned:"Did you say that the voice appeared again? But I didn't hear it.……"

"It's time for the 91st Legion to perform! I think you should put on your equipment and patrol the entire castle!"Kerry said.

Harry's eyes suddenly burned with fire. Although they had trained outside many times, they had never walked in the castle except for a demonstration on the last day of the last school year.

Harry and Ron and others chatted briefly, and several people nodded to Kerry, and they left quietly.


In the bathroom,"Gore" summoned the basilisk again, and the huge snake head of the basilisk gently poked out of the bathroom.

If Kerry was here, he would definitely understand why Goyle would not be petrified - Goyle's eyes at this moment only had whites, without any pupils.

The basilisk swam carefully along the empty corridor. Harry and others walked to the area where the basilisk was from another corridor, but they were heading in the direction of the basilisk's tail instead of facing the basilisk directly.

"What is that?!"Neville was the first to shout, and a huge snake tail disappeared from the corner of the wall.

""Basilisk!" Harry shouted,"It's time to fight! My teammates!"

The five ruffians formed a battle formation and rushed towards the Basilisk!

Goyle on the other side heard Harry's shout and instantly felt something was wrong. He quickly controlled the Basilisk and wanted to return to the bathroom, but was blocked by Harry and the other five.

"Don't look directly at the basilisk! Seamus! Sniper rifle!"Harry hid in the corner and directed the battle. Seamus, who was at the end of the team, immediately took out his sniper rifle wand and hit the basilisk's tail hard. The basilisk turned its head and wanted to attack Seamus from the side, but Seamus was very smart and quickly ran behind Neville's big shield.

For a moment, the scene became tense. The five people did not have any advantage - after all, they were facing a super monster that was hundreds of feet long!

Neville held up his shield to guard against the attack of the basilisk. Harry, Dean, and Seamus kept firing all kinds of spells they could think of. Ron also took out his finger wand and kept chanting.

At the end of the corridor - three figures appeared by the wall: Kerry, Hermione, and Ginny.

"The battle over there doesn't look that intense! Do we need help?" Hermione asked

"Don't worry! This is Hogwarts, and a certain old bee will never allow the basilisk to kill anyone!"Kerry said

"Old bee?" Ginny was confused.

"At most, it will be petrified, just like Hermione."Kerry did not explain what the old bee meant, but supplemented his speech.

While they were talking, the basilisk seemed to have received an order to evacuate, and left with a look back every three steps. The five people of Team 91 were in a hurry to rush forward. At this moment, an accident happened.

The basilisk suddenly turned back, staring at the five people with his eyes straight - everyone quickly lowered their heads to control themselves from looking at the basilisk, but Seamus, who was walking at the end, was immediately frozen - Neville's smooth big shield reflected the basilisk's eyes into his sniper wand!

The basilisk then disappeared into a room in an instant - Kerry immediately shouted"Fuck" - as expected, Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets is not just a bathroom, it has more exits and entrances!

"Seamus!"Harry and Ron's miserable voices came, and Kerry dragged Hermione and Ginny away.

At this moment, the Halloween dinner was over - at the end of the corridor, hundreds of little wizards came, most of them were little wizards from Ravenclaw and Gryffindor - because their dormitories were in this direction.

So hundreds of people saw the petrified Seamus at the same time, and the strange wand in Seamus' hand.

"It's the Heir of Slytherin! He opened the Chamber of Secrets! He killed Seamus!"Malfoy shouted:"Those who are enemies of the Heir, beware! You are next, Mudbloods!"

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