Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 106 [Big Data in the Magical World (Part 1)]

Snape was obviously more concerned about two of them. These two were clones made by him, and the other two were made by the Dumbledore brothers. Dumbledore did not tell Snape the details, such as who the two children were cloned from.——In an administrative sense, human cloning is an act that is completely inconsistent with human ethics. Of course, isn't it natural for wizards to do illegal things?

Snape calculated the birth time. At the current rate, the two children will be born in two weeks at most. Snape suddenly felt very emotional. There had been no progress in ten years, but he succeeded because of the suggestion of a little wizard. At this moment, he finally had a feeling that"I am old too." Snape is the youngest professor at Hogwarts, and later became the youngest dean. In the future, he will become the youngest headmaster!

But looking at the deeds of younger generations such as Kerry and Hermione, he feels that he is aging very quickly. Perhaps in the future, his own...���Is it that Zi lives in seclusion in the mountains with his children?

"No! According to the potion I set, they should be born on the day they are born.……"Snape mumbled something to himself, but I couldn't hear what he said.


Kerry and Hermione did not have to wait too long. On Monday, they soon met two inspectors from the Ministry of Magic.

One man and one woman, both of them looked lazy and seemed to come from a remote department. It was indeed a bit unexpected to be suddenly sent out on a business trip.

Professor McGonagall found an empty classroom and moved the tables and chairs around, leaving only a long table in the middle with two chairs.

"Good afternoon, dear little wizards! My name is Ferdinand Belle, and next to me is my colleague, Nicole Lear. I am your special props use right auditor, and my colleague is the recorder and prosecutor of this assessment."The male auditor spoke first.

After a few people introduced themselves to each other briefly, Professor McGonagall sat aside, and Kerry and Hermione stood in front of the table.

"In fact, the time-turner has been used many times. It's not even the first time I've served as an examiner. Generally speaking, I never hesitate to give my authority to outstanding children. But the question is, how can you prove that you are the best?"Ferrinnan said directly.

Hermione and Kerry looked at each other and nodded. They looked at Professor McGonagall again, and Professor McGonagall waved to continue.

Hermione took a step forward and handed the two prepared booklets to the two auditors:"I heard from Professor McGonagall that in the past, students basically used test scores and papers to prove their point, and sometimes they would list what they did outside of class.

I think this is a great process! So I wrote my proof materials in the booklet for easy reference!

Please open the first page. This is my final grade last school year: my lowest grade was only E in the flying class, and all other courses, even including the History of Magic, a course that many students hate, were O!"

Hermione spoke eloquently. What she made could actually be called a PowerPoint presentation. If the wizarding world had monitors, it would be more appropriate to use it as a projection.

From the first page to the twenty-fifth page, she talked about everything from academic performance to interpersonal relationships, and even her own management of housework and hygiene. Hermione finally finished her presentation after fifteen minutes. At the end, Professor McGonagall and the two examiners all applauded.

"It's really wonderful! I can assure you that if your speech is true, I will approve your application immediately!" Mr. Fernando was very happy. His previous students had never presented such pictures and texts, so he had a refreshing feeling. The female examiner also nodded in agreement. She also liked Hermione very much and showed a sincere smile.

The two of them wrote some things on a piece of paper one after another. They were all some record texts. After they finished organizing, about ten minutes had passed. They looked up and decided to listen to Kerry's speech.

Hermione was already standing aside waiting, and Kerry was the only one left in the middle of the venue.

Kerry slowly said,"I didn't actually prepare any supporting materials."

"You're going to embarrass me, of course I need these things!" Fernan twisted his mouth to show helplessness. In fact, he was here to go through the procedures, because he had Professor McGonagall's recommendation, so they were more of a formality. But if you don't even prepare these formal materials, you will probably be rejected!

"Although I haven't prepared any materials, I can certainly prove that I am the best student in Hogwarts!" Kerry said, then pointed to his temple:"My proof materials are all here!"

"Please continue!" The male examiner was probably a little disappointed and said casually

"Your name is Ferdinand Bailer, right?" Kerry didn't wait for Ferdinand's answer and continued,"I once saw this name in a magazine in 1972. The name of the magazine was"Spring Spells Quarterly". The purpose of this magazine is to collect some spells that can 'create more beautiful' things, and flowers are common targets for casting spells.

If I remember correctly, this name appeared in the spring version of 1972."

Ferdinand was obviously surprised, and he asked,"What a coincidence, if we are not mistaken, there is an article in that book that is indeed my work."

"《Tears of azalea》:【Waterfall】——A very simple but very beautiful spell! The main function is to make the color of the azalea no longer uniform, but become like the splashing and washing of rain. The flowers formed in this way can be more gorgeous and more eye-catching, and other spells can be used in conjunction to make the leaves of the azalea produce a similar effect, like a pot of bright flowers blooming in a rainstorm!"

Chris took out his wand and waved it at the stool by the wall.

The stool flew in front of Chris.

Then Chris used the Transfiguration Spell to turn the stool into a pot of beautiful and blooming azalea - and then waved the wand again, and the azalea shed tears: [Waterfall]!

The bright azalea was instantly like being drenched by a rainstorm, and then different colored clouds emerged.

Suddenly, the azalea was no longer so pure and warm, and instantly had a kind of morbid beauty of [Sick Xishi], which was particularly lovable.

"This spell is really beautiful!"Kerry said,"Isn't it?"

Fernan was stunned.……

"Oh my God!"Felix walked over from behind the table, holding the flower pot and looking left and right. The female examiner couldn't help but look closer.

After the two of them looked at each other for several minutes, Felix put down the flower pot and asked Kerry in disbelief:"How did you know me? Did you learn the spell I invented in advance? Or is this just a coincidence?"

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