Hogwarts' Little Superman - Chapter 010 [The Ultimate Licking King Snape]

The Licking King Snape is madly killing Harry Potter, he has already killed two people

"Don't you even know this, Mr. Potter?" Snape seemed to have a strong sense of sarcasm on his face:"I guess you didn't even turn over a book before the term started, right, Potter?"

Harry had already fully realized Snape's malice. He raised his head and looked at Snape's hooked nose, looking at Snape fearlessly.

"I'm here to ask a simple question - what's the difference between Aconitum naviculatum and Aconitum chamaejasme?" Snape ignored Hermione who had stood up and was about to poke her arm through the ceiling.

"I don't know." Harry whispered,"But I think Hermione knows the answer, why don't you ask her?"

""Your IQ is even lower than I thought. I'm not belittling you, I'm just stating some facts." The old bat said in a bad tone.

Kerry could even see the blue veins on Harry's hands.

Fight, fight! Kerry was the kind of person who enjoyed watching the excitement...

However, Snape disappointed Kerry. He walked back to the podium and scanned the audience. Although he didn't say anything, Kerry felt that he could voice Snape.——"A bunch of scum!"

"Sit down!" Snape yelled at Hermione, who sat down with a wronged look on her face.

Kerry whispered,"It's okay, don't take the words of a mental patient to heart."

Hermione said,"Snape is such a disgusting teacher."

Kerry patted Hermione's hand gently, signaling Hermione to be at ease.

"Mr. Feynman! What are you whispering about?!"Snape's fire unfortunately burned Kree's body.

"I think you must like Mr. Potter very much, so you deliberately attracted his attention."Kerry said calmly.

Snape showed a bad look on his face, and Kerry suddenly felt the pleasure of revealing a secret.

"Because of Potter, Gryffindor will be deducted three points for disrespecting the professor! Because of Christian Feynman...disrespecting the professor, Gryffindor will be deducted 20 points!"The old bat said fiercely.

Malfoy from Slytherin and his followers were so happy that they almost slammed the table.

"hehe……"Kerry said: Who cares! Who the hell cares about the college points! Just deduct them!

Kerry glanced at Snape with contempt, and his eyes clearly said: [If you have the guts, deduct another 20 points! ]

Snape frowned deeply, and Kerry's expression was clearly seen in his eyes

"Kerry - stand up!"Snape roared.

Kerry shrugged and stood casually.

"It seems that you think you are very smart, so please answer the three questions just now!" Snape said,"For every wrong word you say, I will deduct one point from you!"

"Grind the roots of narcissus into powder and add it to the juice of wormwood. After stirring to a certain extent and heating it over a low fire for about a quarter of an hour, we can get some powerful sleeping pills. Its scientific name is: Water of Life and Death.

This paragraph comes from the fifth paragraph on page 97 of"A Thousand Magical Herbs and Mushrooms". At the end of this paragraph, the shortcomings of the water of life and death are explained, including that it cannot be used on lower animals, cannot avoid the interference of awakening spells, has a serious odor, and so on.

However, this paragraph ignores the most important defect. For this, we can refer to page 111 of"In-depth Research Theory of Alchemy". In this book, the supplementary shortcomings of the water of life and death are introduced in detail-the water of life and death, once used excessively, will cause real death to the human body! This is the fundamental reason why the water of life and death has become a dangerous potion!"

Kerry's super memory is not a common human camera. The super memory he formed is a 3D human camera. All his memories will automatically delete some useless components, but for all"active" memories, it is 100% complete memory, and can automatically associate related memories. It is almost like transplanting a super computer + automatic retrieval + 3D camera + full-frequency recorder in the brain.

"Coincidentally, bezoar can be made into a solution, which can just remove the toxicity of the water of life and death. We can of course get bezoar from the intestines and stomachs of cattle. It is a kind of gastric stone of cattle.

As for Aconitum naviculare and Aconitum wolfsbane, they are the same plant, collectively known as Aconitum. Both of them are very toxic, and although they are the same plant, the difference in planting conditions leads to significant differences in their medicinal properties. What is even more coincidental is that Aconitum naviculare can also be detoxified with bezoar.

However, if it is Aconitum wolfsbane, it cannot be used. It must be combined with another auxiliary medicine - you guessed it - the water of life and death! Large doses of the water of life and death can cause death. However, after being poisoned by Aconitum wolfsbane, it is necessary to use a large amount of the water of life and death to remove the toxicity of Aconitum wolfsbane, and then use bezoar to completely remove the residual toxicity of the two."Kerry talked freely

"I think Professor Snape, you want to use these three potions to illustrate the mystery and greatness of potions, so that the young wizards will have admiration for potions. But - just as you said, none of these young wizards can appreciate the mystery and greatness of potions. Obviously, you will be disappointed.

But - forget it, let's stop here."

After Kerry finished speaking, Snape even showed a slightly surprised expression. Being able to answer those three questions is nothing, but being able to connect the three together after answering the questions and guessing Snape's thoughts, this level is very high.

""What are you looking at! Why don't you write it down!" Snape yelled at all the young wizards. Snape looked at Kerry deeply, pretended that what happened just now had not happened, and continued to teach.

The second half of Kerry's unfinished speech was a bit embarrassing. Although he had offended Snape, he didn't want to offend him too much.

Snape was actually using these three potions to represent the relationship between Harry's parents and Snape...

Love is poison - Aconitum - James Potter

Love is also an antidote - Bezoar - Lily Evans

Only acted as a catalyst - Water of Life and Death - Severus Snape Kerry really sympathized with Professor Snape. He was cold on the outside but warm on the inside. He was a truly good person. Unfortunately, he just couldn't get over his heart knot. In the end, Snape's tragic ending was inevitable. I can only say that as the ultimate bootlicker, the ultimate bootlicker, Snape died a worthy death in the end...

The first half of the Potions class was boring as hell. Snape's lectures were old-fashioned and there was no fun at all. In the second half, the practical class almost became Kerry's personal show.

Hermione and Kerry made scabies potion together.

Hermione's hands-on ability is still relatively strong, but compared to Kerry, it can be ignored...

The slug with tentacles, the lightning Once the slug is processed, it is like lightning on paper. With a flash of light, the entrails and dirty parts of the slug are processed and ready to be cooked. The snake's fangs, in one second - Kerry turned the fangs into powder with his own strength. Hermione swore that it was definitely the most crushed teeth she had ever seen.

Weighing the dried nettles, Kerry gently broke them with his hands, and it was exactly the required three-quarters of an ounce.

There is no need to say more about the control of the heat. If the temperature is low, Kerry will use heat rays to heat it up, and if the temperature is high, Kerry will use refrigerated gas to cool it down.

The crucible in front of Kerry and Hermione is always maintained at 99.5 degrees Celsius.

"After turning off the heat, add porcupine quills……"Hermione repeated softly, putting the weighed porcupine quills in. A disgusting smell came, not a foul smell, but a corrosive smell similar to sulfuric acid.

The color soon turned into a warm green, which meant that the scabies potion was successfully made.

"Unbelievable! It only took us 25 minutes!" Hermione exclaimed. Looking at the students around her, they were just getting to the step of grinding the snake's teeth. The fastest student was Malfoy, who had just started to make soup.

"Professor Snape, it's done!"Hermione raised her hand with a smug smile on her face.

Snape looked at the finished product with a gloomy face, quite surprised, but didn't say anything, just made a small tick on a booklet. In this way, Superman Klee's first week of study at Hogwarts ended.

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