Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 895: You ask God, but dare to be against me

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He watched Ye Feng come from the blood, and no one could catch him.

Even the twelve constellations with different abilities eventually died in Ye Feng's hands.

What saints and geniuses look so ridiculous in front of Ye Feng is simply a fragile existence. All the glory added to these geniuses is like a joke.

"Cow is a devil."

The elders of the law enforcement hall stared at Ye Feng, his face pale and terrified, because there was a corpse on the ground, all the Danwang Pavilion who rushed over to catch Lin Yiyao and Ye Feng were now dead.

Here is red with blood.

The plank floated on the blood.

Ye Feng walked on the blood surface as if walking on the water, while Lin Yiyao was dragged by the dragon in his hand.

"You can't change your face even after killing so many people, you are no longer human!"

The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall shouted: "If you kill so many people, one day you will be retaliated against the cause and effect of reincarnation, and you will die without corpses!"

Ye Feng looked at the elders of Law Enforcement Hall indifferently and said, "What am I? It's not your turn to evaluate."

There are fewer people killing today.

Among those immortals in the fairy world, he killed tens of thousands.

He said indifferently: "I have given you the opportunity to wait, but it is a pity that you think highly of yourself and do not listen to the advice."

The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall had a pale face. Before he recalled, it was indeed the case. As soon as he came here, he showed domineering, suppressed the whole process, and then directly asked Guilin Lin Yiyao, too proud.

"But you shouldn't kill so many people!"

He shouted: "You have too much blood on your hands, and one day it will attract condemnation."

"I have no intention of killing, but some people always want to die." Ye Feng said indifferently: "Moreover, you said God?"

He said: "You ask Cangtian, but dare to be an enemy with me."

The elder of the Law Enforcement Hall was stunned, as if suddenly he saw an incomparable Wei An figure from Ye Feng's body. It was like the master of the universe, holding the sun and the moon to pick the stars.

His face suddenly turned white.

A touch of red, suddenly flowed from his mouth and eyes.

The elder of the law enforcement hall exclaimed: "What did you just see...?"

"That's the answer."

Ye Feng said, and then shot with a palm.


Suddenly, the head of the Law Enforcement Hall exploded, and the corpse fell to the ground and fell into the pool of blood.

Only Ye Feng, Lin Yiyao, and the horrified elder are standing here.

Ye Feng looked at the elder and said, "You helped Yiyao, so I will not kill you today, and I will give you this Danwang Pavilion."

Leaving this sentence, Ye Feng turned and left.

If it weren't for Lin Yiyao's face, the Danwang Pavilion will disappear into this mountain today, and there will be no ruins here.

"Ye Feng, are you okay?"

Ye Feng just walked to the front of the Shenlong, Lin Yiyao anxiously jumped from the dragon's claws and plunged into Ye Feng's arms.

He didn't care how many people Ye Feng killed.

Anyway, Ye Feng is still her Ye Feng.

She cared about whether Ye Feng was injured. Suddenly using such a powerful thing, there must be side effects?

"I'm fine."

Ye Feng smiled and gently embraced the girl in her arms.

The use of Baidi City has no side effects.

Immortal Emperor's means, perfection and perfection, have transcended the scope of Heaven and Dao, only in life and death.


The dragon roared, turned into a ray of light, and returned to the ground again, changing back to its spiritual veins.

"Okay, let's go home."

Ye Feng said with a smile: "Yiyi has been waiting for us for a while."

"Okay, go home." Lin Yiyao nodded, she smiled in Ye Feng's arms, full of happiness.

Ps: The new book "Super Recharge System in the City" is already 300,000 words, you can take a look if you are interested.

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