Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 892: The sky changes because of him

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"What stupid words are you talking about? I came to pick you up today, and I'm already planning to take you away. No one can stop you."

Ye Feng walked in front of her in one step.

He turned his back to Lin Yiyao, and the shadow fell on Lin Yiyao all at once.

Lin Yiyao raised his head, and vaguely felt that Ye Feng was a little different, as if something asleep had awakened from the eternal silence.

She suddenly felt at ease.

Ye Feng looked at the rapidly rushing figures, his expression was indifferent, and his voice was cold, saying, "If someone wants to stop us, then kill it."

As his voice fell, the huge Danwang Pavilion suddenly shook.

Suddenly, the figure of the familiar Dao suddenly froze in the air, and the figure stopped in the air, looking around for unknown reasons.

Even the elders and elders of the Law Enforcement Hall stopped fighting and looked around with dignity.

The young talents on the ground do not know what is happening now. They just feel that the atmosphere at the scene suddenly becomes a little strange, as if the air has become much heavier.

The elder looked dignified and said, "Just now the spirit pulse trembles, what is it afraid of?"

"This is not possible," said the elder of the Law Enforcement Hall. "The spirit is strong, and the weapon has great power. Who among the people present can make it afraid?"

He looked at Ye Feng and Lin Yiyao and ordered: "Capture the two of them."

The figures looked at each other, and then continued to flick towards Ye Feng and Lin Yiyao, the speed reached the extreme.

Looking at the figures, Ye Feng looked indifferent.


The hall of Danwang Pavilion suddenly exploded.

A terrifying gust of wind raged out of that hall, with a broken hall, filled with smoke, and everyone glared their eyes, because they clearly saw the spirit vein turned into a dragon, tearing the thick smoke, hitting the thunder, and taking off .


A dragon yin, shaking the earth and the earth, the original clear sky suddenly became overcast with clouds, and the dazzling electro-optical walked in the darkness, uncommonly.

"It's changing!"

Several elders could not help screaming.

Everyone stopped their bodies, and even the elders of the law enforcement hall and the elders looked so serious, because they didn’t know what was going on here.

The old monk looked at the gloomy sky and quickly lowered his head to chant the Buddhist scriptures, and his body radiated a burst of Buddha light.

Ye Feng looked at the people who finally became quiet and said, "I wanted to kill only one person."

As his words fell.

The White Emperor City covering the sky and the sun suddenly appeared above the Danwang Pavilion, and the dragon, transformed by the spirit vein, also returned from outside the sky and fell behind Ye Feng and Lin Yiyao.


The dragon roared at the Danwang Pavilion, as if the thunderstorm's voice contained the supreme dragon power, shocked everyone in the sky, and even the old monk staggered, and his body was scattered.

It is not an emperor who cannot control the emperor city.

Diwei emanated from Shangdi, Baidi City, and all the people turned pale, their legs shivering, and they dared not look at the huge city in the sky.

"what is that?"

They don't know, the only thing is that the giant city will kill them.

"Who else wants to stop me now?"

Ye Feng stepped into the void one step at a time, and stepped into the sky step by step, and asked indifferently, "Stand up."

The elders of the Law Enforcement Hall turned pale, and the legs of the figure were shaking, and the Heavenly Son was cold and raining...

No one dared to speak.

Ye Feng asked again: "Who else wants to stop me from killing?"

The answer to him was also silent.

Ye Feng asked again: "Who wants to kill me?"

The elders of the law enforcement hall suddenly lowered their heads, and the figures shivered.

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