Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 834: The gradually collapsed Wang family

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His fists were squeezed tightly, and they were all dead.

Suddenly, Wang Lin felt a flame beating in his chest. None of the things he encountered today went smoothly.

Ye Feng suddenly appeared in control of the Great Array, Wang Xin’s tragic death, a group of elders and disciples were beheaded in front of himself, etc. These are all forgotten, as long as Eri Yi was caught back, he could become the most powerful existence of Demon , When the time comes, you can get everything.

But now that the news came back, even the gangsters were dead.

He looked at Xuan Tian suddenly, and his voice grew colder. At this moment, it seemed that the temperature of the whole demon had dropped, the snowflakes were flying, and the wind was cold.

Uninformed people in the magic city looked at the frost and snow that suddenly came up, and they looked puzzled.

At the same time, they felt that the air seemed to be heavy, and their chests seemed to be crushed by stones, almost unable to breathe.

what happened?

They were puzzled and looked at the gradually gloomy sky, feeling that something terrible had happened.

"You killed them all?"

Wang Lin looked at Xuan Tian and squeezed out this sentence from his mouth.

These hundreds of gangsters are a group of people carefully cultivated by his royal family. If anyone dares to disobey them, these gangsters will destroy everything like locusts.

But now, they are all dead.

He spent a lot of money and energy, but now it is such a result, and more importantly, they have not brought the painted pear clothes back.

"A bunch of waste."

He scolded in his heart.


Xuan Tianlen took a look, and then looked at Wang Lin's iron-green and extremely ugly complexion, and suddenly realized that all the gangsters sent to kill Xuan Xiao were all dead.

"Ha ha ha... good death, good death!"

He laughed extremely wildly, looking at Wang Lin with a sad look.

"What else does your royal family have?"

"Guarding the Great Array is out of control, the Rogues are dead, the elders are dead, and the disciples are dead. You, the master of your royal family, are really good at doing this." Xuan Tian ridiculed unkindly, and his voice was still Incomparably huge.

"The Wang family has been hiding many treasures for thousands of years since ancient times."

Xuan Tian said with a smile: "Now that your Wang family has lost its ability to protect itself, it is like a piece of cake. I am afraid that from now on, your Wang family will disappear from this demon city."

Hearing these words, Wang Lin's face was extremely green.

He did know the truth.

"You can try it." He gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, and at the same time, his whole hand was shaken, and the guardian's large array started.

He can also control the large guardianship of the Wang family.

However...his manipulation requires Ye Feng not to be present, because now Ye Feng is the real master of this large guard, and he only controls the fur of this big battle.

After Xuantian saw the start of the Wang Family Guardian Great Array, the smile on his face also calmed down a little.

But he continued.

"Fighting beast battle, I'm going to see what else you can do next, whether the family that is connected with you will help you or harm you." After all, Xuantian turned and left, with a smile on his face meaning.

But before he left, he shouted to a few Xuan family members: "Don't go in a hurry first, give the Wang family a few coffins."

Then he did not forget to look back at Wang Lin, who was so angry that his nose was crooked.

"Don't thank me."

Leaving this sentence, Xuan Tian laughed away.

Wang Linqi's fists were clenched tightly, and the blood on it was dripping continuously.

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