Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 817: Surprise for the Wang family

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"Who is it?"

Wang Lin's voice was extremely cold. A group of people stood here, feeling that he was standing in the doorway of hell.

"We have investigated the nearby video, but it seems to have been disturbed, and nothing was filmed."

They dare not report.

Fear of being slapped to death by Wang Lin.

"Who the **** is secretly shooting!"

It felt as if there was an invisible hand in control behind it, a mysterious power that even he didn't know what it was.

"Buried them."

Wang Lin wanted to be angry, but could not find the object, so he could only wave his hand.

This matter must be carefully investigated, in the end who is the hand, who is secretly controlling everything, once known, he must be paid the heaviest price.

But his thoughts just fell.

The Lin family vibrated suddenly, and immediately afterwards, the ground at the foot of Wang Lin exploded suddenly. At this moment, his scalp tingled, without thinking, flashed away immediately.

In the next moment.


A golden light rushed out of the ground.

This golden light is brighter than the sun, and at the same time, the temperature is also extremely high, then the land is completely turned into magma, Wang Lin’s clothes are burned into rags by the hot air waves, if he is not the key when he uses spiritual power To protect yourself, it is not just clothes that are burned.

Wang Lin stood not far away, looking at the burnt lava hole, frowning.

"what happened?"

He whispered: "Why the guardian team burst out suddenly?"

The only person who can control the guard is the owner who holds the clan seal, otherwise there is no way to turn on the guard, but now... why there will be a sudden eruption, if he is not dodge in time, even he, must be injured.

He shook his hand and left.

The important thing now is not the person behind the investigation, but to see what is wrong with the guardian team.

This large array can be said to be one of the lifebloods of the Wang family.

If there is a problem with this large formation, the Wang family will not be able to calm down.

Wang Lin's face was dark at the moment.

Things that didn't go well, one after another, his head was big.


Ye Feng returned to the Xuan family.

He found Xuan Tian and said to him: "Over half of the elders of the Wang family fell, and there was a problem guarding the Great Array. You can do something about it."


Xuan Tian froze for a moment.

How does Ye Feng know?

He did not believe it for the first time, but waited for Ye Feng to send someone to investigate. The result was exactly the same as Ye Feng said. The elders died more than half. Then, not long ago, the guardian team suddenly broke out and just died. An elder is sleeping.

Hearing this news, Xuan Tian froze.

He remembered the calmness of Ye Feng's face when he said these words, and then an idea gradually emerged, which shocked him, that is, Ye Feng personally shot and killed more than half of the Wang's elders, and then damaged the Lin's guardian array.

What terrifying power does this need?

He swallowed hard.

Xuan Tian thought for a while and thought that he is now in the realm of God, but he doesn’t even see Ye Feng’s cultivation behavior. I won’t mention this for the time being. I will say that the Wang family’s guardian is in great formation. He has no clue, let alone destroy it. He I feel like I can't get that big formation even if I make a breakthrough.

But Ye Feng was destroyed.


Xuan Tian secretly rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he didn't offend Ye Feng, otherwise the ghost knew if that day, the Xuan family would suddenly die more than half of the elders, and the guardian Dazhen was suddenly destroyed.

He didn't want to be hit by the big guard while he was sleeping.

Don't mess with it, don't mess with it.

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