Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 1176: I'll kill it

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Jin Feng fell to the ground and turned into a girl again.

At this point, her cheeks were pale, apparently just affected.


She said: "The other party has absorbed the power of the blood pool, we are not opponents at all, hurry to leave."

"How can it be!"

I heard Jinfeng girl say this.

Many people have a pale complexion, if there is no way for a peerless genius.

What other ways can these ordinary geniuses have?

"go away."

The rest of the peerless arrogance can also feel the coercion from the black dragon body.

If you still had a chance before, then I saw Qingteng being suppressed by a blow, and then saw the Golden Phoenix girl embarrassed and fled.

They acted decisively and chose to leave.

"If I can beat this thing, I will definitely be eligible to enter the blood pool."

One person said so.

Then everyone saw that the man strode toward the black dragon.

He was confident in his heart that he could defeat this black dragon.

Because there is some means.

"Sinners die!"

The man walked in front of Black Jiao.

He immediately shot, squeezed the tactics, hit a green light.

This turquoise green is deep and subtle, as if composed of countless tiny ox hairs.

This is his secret method, specializing in dealing with snakes and the like. This black dragon is also related to snakes, so it can be restrained.

These green rays hit the black dragon, and even saw a string of Mars splashing out.

The body that was hit actually had a face-sized position, and even the scales were fleshed out and corroded off.

Sure enough it worked.

Everyone was shocked, this is the first time Black Jiao has been injured since his appearance.

It seems that this black dragon is not a monster that cannot be killed.

"Come on!"

Everyone seemed to see hope.

Only this man had a chill in his heart, just that trick, he had to urge his body's blood to start.

But this also broke a scale.

If you want to kill the black jellyfish, you can't use all your blood.

At this time, the black Jiao opened his mouth and exhaled a gray yin.

As soon as this yin gas came out, the audience seemed to fall into the ice cellar.

This person was even more alarmed, and his body moved out immediately.

The two cultivators behind him had no time to evade. They were sprayed with yin, and their bodies stiffened on the spot, and they died.

The audience is dead!

The black jiao saw another miss, changed direction, and sprayed again.

This time, even the man could not escape.

A sudden jump in his heart, at this moment, only to feel like the vast bottom of the Arctic ice sea, from his hair to his soul was frozen.

But he was also a cultivator, so he took a breath and protected his mind and internal organs before he died on the spot.

I saw that he was covered with gray mist outside his body, and there was a light green light in his body that was protecting him from the invasion of Yinsha.

But the light green light is getting weaker and weaker, like a flame in the wind, it seems to go out as soon as it blows.

"not good!"

Everyone saw that the last hope stone was frozen into an ice man, and they were so scared that the seven souls were out of their minds and the six souls were ascended to heaven.

How dare he dare to hesitate and flee desperately.

Only Ye Feng, upstream.

When he saw Ye Feng walking towards the black dragon alone, Tianjiao looked sideways.

"Are you going to die?"

In their eyes, Ye Feng is a leapfrog clown like Qing Teng.

This walked towards the black dragon.

Isn't it just to die?

"What are you going to do?" Yun Zizhu asked him.

Ye Feng looked at the black dragon and said slowly, "Ask him a question, then kill it."

Kill it?

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