Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 1151: This is not fair

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They don't want to join in, just kill Ye Feng by these people, there is no need to go to muddy water.

The perception here is more important.

"Without them, the four of us are enough."

"Kill you like a dog."

A strong man said indifferently.

Ye Feng looked indifferently, glanced at everyone present, and then asked, "Does anyone want to help them?"

Everyone glanced at Ye Feng.


This young man is too arrogant.

They don't even take their eyes on them.

Does he really think that a person who transforms into the realm of God can beat the strong man in the four-hole virtual realm?

"It's really arrogant, looking for your own way."

They sneered.

Seems to have seen the ending.

Only Yun Zizhu looked at Ye Feng's eyes with a hint of curiosity.

Why is Ye Feng not afraid at all?

She could see that Ye Feng was just a person who turned the realm of God.

The opponent is a four-hole virtual powerhouse.

The gap is too big.

It's impossible to beat.

"What the **** is he thinking?"

Yun Zizhu was curious in his heart, and finally did not shoot, but stood and looked at Ye Feng.

"Get ready to lead."

The people in the fairy hall said coldly.

And this time.

Ye Feng said slowly, "Is it enough?"

"If I don't do it again, I will take it down for you."

When Ye Feng's words fell.

Everyone was a little stunned.

Who is this Ye Feng talking to?


Some people sneered like this.

Pretend to be a ghost.

"No one can save you."

A man from the immortal palace laughed.

But the next moment, the most striking light broke out in this place.

Extremely dazzling, the whole palace rumbling and shaking, all the runes in the giant palace were restored and guarded.

This change was too sudden and shocked everyone.

Even the dongqiang opened their eyes and looked here in surprise.

However, at this moment, a majestic voice rang and shook the holy mountain.

Like thunder.

"All disputes in the inheritance are going on in the ring, according to the rules of the fairy."

The sound was very loud, and the shaking people's ears were buzzing.

"Is this some kind of ruthless rule, or is a spirit presiding over the inheritance?"

Someone whispered.

With a hum, Ye Feng was transported away, came into the air, and landed on a huge stone platform. It was vast and vast.

At the same time, the strongmen of several fairy palaces also disappeared.

Appeared in the same place as Ye Feng.

This is a battlefield, to be exact, a grand ring that hangs in the sky.

Standing on the holy mountain, you can clearly see everything here, you can watch the battle, everyone is surprised.

"No, how did my realm fall into the realm of God?".

Suddenly, someone exclaimed.

The rest of the people were horrified, and then fluttered for a while.

"What's wrong?"

They were uneasy and stood together.

"The fairy chooses the inheritors, not by reference to cultivation, but by talent, strength of the same rank, perseverance, etc."

The cold voice sounded again.

"It's not fair!"

Several people yelled, feeling that something was wrong.

"The response is fairly quick."

Ye Feng smiled lightly.

Then he looked at the four people who had fallen to the realm of God.

Tao: "I said, what you have to worry about is how to survive."

At this moment, Ye Feng moved and turned into a human-shaped lightning.

He rushed forward, spreading the six wings of the **** bird.

One person was imprisoned on the spot, and a punch threw out a thunder.


This man exploded on the spot and turned into a blood rain!

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