Superior Immortal was Reborn in the City

Chapter 1105: The strongest existence in fairyland

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The last remaining means of the Yuanxiao fairy is the Zizhu Forest.

Those bamboos are the nemesis of these nine bugs.

It is a pity that the growth time of Zizhu needs to be too long and too long.

It takes only three hundred years for a section to grow.

The fairy of Yuan Xiao failed to wait until the day when Zizhu grew up, and was hit by the poisonous hand of a demon outside the domain.

The extraterrestrial demons want to rescue the nine demons.

But in the end, the fairy of Yuanxiao put the fairyland here in the fairy city.

The fairy guards the fairy city.

Extraterrestrial demons dare not wanton.

Moreover, the fairy of Yuanxiao also left the rule to not allow the cavemen and those with bone age over one hundred to enter.

As a result, Yuanxiao fairy did not expect.

In the end, it was not the extraterrestrial demon he had guarded against day and night that unlocked those monster seals.

But the young arrogance of the fairyland.

Ye Feng returned to the Zizhu Forest.

The sound of nature sounded.

"How come you are back."

"As I said, you are not welcome here."

Ye Feng smiled lightly and said, "The nine demons are born."


The voice was silent for a few seconds.

Ye Feng calmly continued: "Behead them, this is the only mission of your life."

No sound came from the purple bamboo forest.

However, in this bamboo forest, a violent purple light is blooming, and the sky has become purple.

A purple crystal sword.

Condensed in the purple light, slowly flew to Ye Feng's eyes.

"Ziyun Sword."

"Gift to you, kill them for me."

The voice came out again, but this time, there was fatigue in the voice.

Ye Feng took the long sword.

He asked: "Why don't you go in person?"

"I'm not interested in these, well, you go."

The voice left this sentence, and then there was no sound.

Ye Feng smiled, put away Ziyun Sword, and turned away.


Xiao Qi looked at the piece of purple bamboo on Ye Feng's shoulder.

"Don't look at it, she can be transformed, and it is still very powerful." Ye Feng said.

"You have to say that she is the daughter of Yuanxiao Fairy."

"She was bred from all the real blood of Yuanxiao fairy."

Hear the beginning of this purple bamboo forest.

Xiaoqi's neck shrank and he dared not look at it again.

How terrible should it be to be bred from the blood of a true fairy?

I'm afraid it's a fairy now!

"Is Yueyiyan in Xianchi."

He sensed the position of the ring and finally determined that Yue Yiyan was in that fairy pond.

Ye Feng knows what is in this fairyland.

Because I had been there.

But Yue Yiyan has not been here, this is the first time to come to this fairyland.

Fairy pond.

Every time the secret realm opens, there will be many people rushing there.

Because of rumors, the fairy of Yuanxiao failed in Nirvana in the fairy pond, leaving real blood and waiting for someone.

Ye Feng is really skeptical now.

Was the person who spread the news sent by extraterrestrial demons?

There is fairy blood in the fairy pond.

That was when the Yuanxian fairy was injured and scattered, but it was not real blood.

Because before he finally died.

All the real blood was given to the purple bamboo forest.


Since ancient times, there have been very few people who have been given the chance of fairy blood in the fairy pond.

Although not real blood.

But it is also a treasure medicine.

It contains a kind of insight, if it can be refined, it is also a great fortune.

At the same time, the Yuanxiao fairy has a palace in this fairyland.

It contains his life's efforts and inheritance.

If you want to open the gate of this fairy's palace, you must go to the fairy pond, which is the only way.

But others don’t know.

Does not mean that Ye Feng does not know.

Whatever is necessary is false.

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