Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2417: Great Power Standard

The significance of the development of the western region is quite significant. Many people may not realize that in the future, the entire country will gain great strategic significance from it. Qin Guan inspected here for three days and finally returned with satisfaction.

After returning, he continued to take his own special train. Qin Guan looked at the blue sky and white clouds that were gradually far away. There was a holy snow-covered plateau with the cleanest sky. Qin Guan was also very moved.

"Xiu Cai, we are now going to see the anti-stealth aircraft experiment. Should we pass through the capital? If I pass through the capital, I want to go in and around."

"Mr Qin, our anti-stealth aircraft experiment was carried out in the capital." Xiucai replied simply: "But, what do you want to transfer in?"

What to transfer? Qin Guan looked at Xiucai and said, "Xiu Cai, how do you feel when you go to the plateau this time?"

feel? Is this Mr. Qin trying to compare himself? Xiucai said: "Our mechanization and industrialization are progressing smoothly. In many fields, we have reached the world's advanced level."

"What about the environment, do you see anything?"

surroundings? Well, it seems to be very cold there. I have relaxed and exercised over the past few years. I don’t have the same quality as before. In the past, I didn’t care when I rubbed my body with snow and took a bath.

"Xiucai, have you noticed that the air there is quite good?" Qin Guan said to the Xiucai.

air? The Xiucai shook his head, this is really not found.

Qin Guan turned his head and looked out the window. At this time, it was already farmland outside. It was the harvest season. The straw in the farmland was burning vigorously. Thick black smoke was continuously released into the sky, blowing in the wind. Under the move, it turned in one direction.

"With the continuous development of the country's industrialization, pollution will become more and more serious." Qin Guan said: "Water pollution, air pollution, in the future, you will find that these most common resources will become especially precious."

Think about the smog in the parallel time and space, you can have a clearer understanding. In the future, maybe clean air will become a commodity. In fact, all kinds of air purifiers are a commodity.

Xiucai frowned. Is Qin always worrying about it? If ordinary people said it, the talent would definitely laugh at each other. What is this? I can drink the water in the well, and I have never had a diarrhea. Air is still expensive?

But it is President Qin who is speaking, and Qin will never be wrong. If President Qin is wrong, please refer to the first article.

"Now, our industry is developing very fast, but this kind of development must not be extensive, and we must not follow the old path of first pollution and then governance in developed countries."

Now encourage private companies to set up factories, some small paper mills, chemical plants, etc. The pollution is quite serious. They directly discharge harmful waste water, polluting the precious groundwater source, and then they make a fortune or even emigrate. This situation also exists, and even said it is very common now.

Because no one pays attention to it, when the environmental protection is started later, it will become extraordinarily severe. Even the common people will say that they pollute the air and go to extremes.

I saw the blue sky and white clouds in the plateau area, and then I looked at the east. As the train went east, the air began to become turbid. Now, it is time to control it.

Special departments must be established, strict rules and regulations, and the discharge of waste water and waste gas must meet national standards. Our environment must be green and green, and we must return a blue sky to future generations!

"In addition to factories, car exhaust should also be paid attention to." Qin Guan said: "We are a populous country. As our country's economy develops, more and more vehicles will enter thousands of households. With the increase in the number, the exhaust pollution of automobiles will become more and more serious. We have to formulate exhaust emission standards. This is a major event for the benefit of future generations."

The Xiucai shook his head: "Mr. Qin, I don't quite understand."

The reason why the scholar did not understand was that the scholar considered more. There were no outsiders on his special train anyway, so Qin Guan did not hesitate to say his true vision.

"Our country is a rising industrial country. In the industrial field, various standards are monopolized by the Western world. If our country wants to truly become a big country, then we should develop our own standards and expand them. Go all over the world and become a standard for colleagues all over the world, so that we can demonstrate our status as a major country."

Han is developing into a major industrial country, so how to show its status as a major country? National standards can be issued. If Han's national standards become the world's standards at the same time, and even the whole world is catching up with Han's standards, then it can naturally be a big country.

The Xiucai shook his head: "I still don't understand."

"Take automobile exhaust as an example. Now, no country is aware of this problem, but soon they will find that the problem of automobile exhaust emissions is coming, and they will set standards. If we make it a few years earlier than them, Then, they will definitely follow our standards, and, at this time, we already have a full set of technologies to deal with, so we can rely on this exhaust emission standard to completely monopolize the high-end of the entire automobile manufacturing market. industry."

This is Qin Guan's real purpose!

The plans formulated by Qin Guan have always counted the birds with one stone. With Qin Guan's promotion, China has already reached the world's advanced level in certain industries and has a say in it. For example, in the microelectronics industry, Han is definitely the leader. , But this industry alone is absolutely not enough, there must be more industries, such as the automobile industry.

Han's automobile industry has just started, and there is no way to compare it with those established powers. Then, how can we play the lame old powers?

Qin Guan planned it a long time ago, and this is the exhaust emission standard.

Internal combustion engine vehicles burn chemical dyes. In the chemical dyes, there will be a lot of impurities, which will form harmful substances after burning, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, solid particles, sulfides, etc. After these enter the air, It will pollute the air, there is no doubt.

And this exhaust emission standard is to reduce the content of these harmful substances. Although Western countries have studied automobiles for hundreds of years, there is really no technical reserve for this exhaust emission. The country is on the starting line with them. Even, the country has already started.

Exhaust emissions are divided into different levels. As time goes by, exhaust emission standards are becoming stricter and stricter. For automobile manufacturers, the difficulty is getting bigger and bigger.

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