Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2214: financial support

"Currently, the civil aviation system has a large number of aircraft that need to be grounded for maintenance. This is a blank. At the same time, the civil aviation system also consumes a lot of money. In this way, buying new civil aviation aircraft will face the problem of insufficient funds." Qin Guan Said: "So, I personally propose a plan. If the civil aviation system purchases our MPC-75 passenger aircraft, we will guarantee it and provide an interest-free loan."

If the company wants to develop and has no funds, it is the best way to go to the bank for a loan. Now, civil aviation is definitely short of money and needs loans. The problem is that banks are not for charity, and banks have profit requirements. So, Qin Guan said that he would provide them with interest-free loans, which is a good support.

Otherwise, if you purchase a large number of airliners, the interest will also be a heavy burden. Look at many companies. They went bankrupt because they couldn't pay the interest, let alone the principal.

Now, Qin Guan provides them with the funds they need most, and there is no need to pay interest. Of course, Qin Guan also has a lot of requirements. These funds will not go to the civil aviation company's account at all, and go directly to the aircraft manufacturing from the bank. The company is established, so that it can avoid being embezzled by some people. Qin Guan must beware of this.

For Qin Guan, this is also left-handed and right-handed. As long as this first step is taken, MPC-75 will blossom everywhere in China, and it will also become an important regional airliner in the world. If it is not equipped in China, how can it be? Sell ​​it?

Qin Guan must continue to push forward. After all, he still has his final killer. If you still don’t plan to purchase, then we have to set up our own airline. Qin Guan just doesn’t want more and more companies under his control. Otherwise, if Qin Guan makes his airline bigger and stronger, he will definitely crush the current airlines. He will use first-class modern management concepts to reduce costs and labor redundancy as much as possible, let alone There will be all kinds of nepotism.

Qin Guan’s words have already talked about this. Even after the loan, how many years it takes to pay off is secondary. After all, to Qin Guan, money is not money at all. It is a big deal to open a currency cemetery and exchange some. Eagle yuan is enough to make up for the vacancy.

It can be said that this is equivalent to Qin Guan spending money to buy planes for the civil aviation system. If he has money, he will pay it back. If there is no money, he will even disappear. It has reached this level. Can they continue to decline?

"In this case, we can purchase a batch first." The other party said, "Now, we have a lot of demand. The production of this aircraft needs a cycle. Can we catch up?"

"Of course there is no problem." Qin Guan said: "We can negotiate with Hans State. The first production is for Hans State's passenger plane. We can use it first. I believe they will not refuse."

Back then, Hans State was catching up with this project. I hope Hans State can also purchase some, otherwise Hans State will only use it, and the quantity will not be large enough to share the cost of R&D evenly, even after the storm. Hans State did not give up either. They still hoped to sign a secret agreement to jointly produce 30-50 airplanes. After the storm passed, the cooperation was realized, but in the end it was shattered because of the deliberate delay of some leaders.

They think that now that there is a McDonnell Douglas 82 project, it can no longer be wasted repeatedly. The result? McDonnell Douglas went bankrupt, and the project was completely defeated. However, it was not completely useless. The team that developed the C919 later had a lot of cooperation from the original MPC-75 aircraft.

This meeting was finally over. Qin Guan, relying on his own strong pressure and various favorable conditions, finally allowed the civil aviation department to make concessions and purchase the MPC-75 passenger plane. Qin Guan's mood is also very good. Those backward passenger planes, Just get rid of them. The domestic development is booming. A large number of regional airliners will also fly in the blue sky of the motherland and become another symbol of the great country!

Now that the talks have been concluded, Qin Guan is also excited and came to the MPC-75 production plant.

Almost all domestic passenger planes are produced in Huating. Huating’s aircraft factory is unable to produce orders for the shipment of ten. Therefore, a new plant has been established in the Pudong New Area of ​​Huating. Now, MPC-75 , Production is going on here.

The motherland is developing. A small fishing village in the south has now developed into a metropolis. Correspondingly, Huating is naturally unwilling to lag behind. They have established a new district in the suburbs, which is Pudong.

Here, after several years of development, the roads are wide and there are many tall buildings, reflecting the speed of Han.

"Mr. Qin, thank you very much. Now, our orders for MPC-75 passenger planes have been expanded to hundreds. For us, this is simply a gift from God." said Gerhard, the head of Hans State: " Oh, no, you don’t believe in God here. Well, you are our God."

With a smile on Qin Guan's face: "Now that the order is available, the main reason is that the production progress must be fast. To convert the order into profit, don't forget how Douglas died.

The Douglas Company of that year originally had a large number of orders on hand and the company was also booming. However, the company's cash flow was cut off and it died.

This is the most regrettable thing about Douglas. Now, with hundreds of orders in one's hand, if it can't be produced as soon as possible, there will be problems.

"Of course there is no problem. As long as the engine can be supplied adequately, we are not afraid." Gerhard said to Qin Guan, taking Qin Guan into the workshop, and you can see that there are ten passenger planes in the large workshop. Assemble on!

This scale is definitely not small. When the pulsating production line is not popular, the assembly of passenger aircraft depends on the scale of the station.

"We use a large number of industrial robots in the production of various parts and components." Lao Wu, the person in charge of Han Guo, introduced to Qin Guan: "So, in terms of production capacity, we can definitely grasp it. At the same time, quality There is also a guarantee."

There are a large number of robots on the entire production line. Every process is supervised by a computer. This is the inspiration from the production line of the Northern Heavy Truck Factory. If the screw is not tightened, people can be held accountable. Whoever is not serious can be Will be laid off, and even pursued responsibility. If there is an accident, it will be jailed, so no one dares not take it seriously.

Qin looked up and looked at the passenger plane being assembled. The engines on both sides have not been installed yet, and there are gaps. Workers are coming in and out, installing various parts. Unknowingly, the civil aviation fleet also needs them. Realization of independent production, this project, Qin Guan spent the most energy, now, finally see the results!

Qin Guan's heart was full of beauty.

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