Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1398: can not imagine

One of the major reasons why it is not available in China is that there is no reference, and it is not known how it is constructed. For example, the most representative one is pulse Doppler radar, which is a simple monopulse radar in China. After doing it for many years, there were countless technical problems that could not be solved. Later, after contacting the West, I realized that the direction was simply wrong. The country has been working on analog circuits, while the West has long entered the era of digital circuits. .

The same is true on navigation satellites. If there are comparisons and references, it is much easier. Although there are certainly many chips in it, you can also analyze the functions of these chips and then imitate them yourself.

Now, when Qin Guan talked about reference, everyone present was bright, and Lao Sun was trembling: "Really? If there are samples for reference, we will be more confident. No, I can write military orders!"

Aerospace now belongs to the paramilitary sector.

It is now called the Ministry of Aerospace Industry, formerly the Fifth Research Institute of the Ministry of National Defense. In 1988, the Ministry of Aviation Industry merged with the Ministry of Aerospace Industry to form the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. The National Space Administration, established in 1993, can be regarded as a non-military organization.

Although everyone doesn't wear military uniforms very much, they also have the temperament of a soldier in their affairs.

If you have a reference and you still can’t figure it out, do you still have the right to stand here?

Qin nodded his opinion: "This reference model has very high accuracy. Everyone has studied it thoroughly. Its accuracy can reach the meter level or even the decimeter level. Of course, we will try our best to find some information so that everyone can study it. Easier."

When Qin Guan talked about this accuracy, everyone was stunned, at the meter level, decimeter level, is this possible?

In their eyes, there is no essential difference between this and the actor president who said he wants to start the Star Wars project, right?

Even at the 100-meter level, it is no longer low, this is their imagination.

"Why? Don't you believe it?" Qin Guan said, "This system will rewrite the pattern of our entire country and the world. Everyone knows that we are promoting mobile phones. This system will work with mobile phones. To become a landmark project for future generations, everyone here will become heroes, and the times will remember you."

"President Qin, we don't have those thoughts. If we can achieve this accuracy, it would be considered our contribution to the entire human race." Sun Lao said.

This is simply unimaginable.

Qin Guan knows that in later generations, it is so high. You must know that GPS is divided into military and civilian signals. The civilian signal is a lower level, which is the ten-meter level. The military one is definitely the meter level. Meter level.

Even Beidou has reached this level in later generations. GPS navigation can only navigate to the road, while Beidou can navigate a certain lane and know whether you are going straight and occupying the left-turn lane. This is ten. The gap between the meter level and the meter level.

The satellite cemetery has been activated, but it has never been used. Now, use it once. Qin Guan is already gearing up.

In this way, the direction of the navigation satellite project has been determined, and it is what Qin Guan wants to do to contract the launch business externally. As long as Qin Guan can get the business, they can launch it. Now, there is another important thing left, manned aerospace.

All the people present are looking forward to manned spaceflight. It can be said that their lifelong dream is to send people to space. Now, Qin Guan has taken the first step for them to contact and train astronauts. Up.

"President Qin, regarding our manned spaceflight, we believe that we need to pre-research a new generation of high-thrust rockets to meet future space station construction needs."

It was Tu Lao, one of the four elders of Han Guo Aerospace.

Although not as well-known as Qian Lao, Tu Lao is also one of the pioneers and founders of the aerospace industry, the "Two Bombs and One Star" Meritorious Medal winner, and a well-known missile and rocket expert.

In addition to his contributions to various missiles, he is also the chief designer of the Long March 2 launch vehicle, the main force in exploring the universe.

In November 1975, under his leadership, the Long March 2 carrier rocket, which was improved from the Dongfeng-5 missile, successfully launched my country's first returnable remote sensing satellite, making my country's carrier rocket enter the practical stage.

Later, the most famous Long March 2 E rocket was studied, and the carrying capacity was greatly improved by bundling boosters.

Now, in fact, he has gradually retreated to the second line, giving important positions to younger newcomers. However, he is currently studying a topic that is the future of spaceflight. Therefore, he must attend this meeting. of.

Relying on the Long March II, Han State achieved the launch of the Shenzhou spacecraft in later generations. However, in the construction of the space station, its thrust was insufficient, and a new generation of rockets with greater thrust must be developed.

Now, with Qin Guan's crossing, this process can naturally be advanced.

Qin nodded his head. This coincided with his idea, and his own launch vehicle must go further. This requires a large-thrust rocket. Qin Guan has already formulated this plan. Of course, he still uses his own system to bring the advanced large-thrust liquid oxygen kerosene engine!

What we are doing now is pre-research. Once these are done, the launch of new projects will be easy.

In order to land on the moon that year, Eagle Country launched more than a dozen Saturn Vs in one go, with a near-Earth carrying capacity of more than 100 tons. How about you? Long March 2 has a near-ground carrying capacity of only six tons, which is a huge gap.

In order to land on the moon first, Xiong Guo was also working hard. They also did not have large thrust engines. As a result, they had to surround 30 NK-15 engines in a circle to form a first-class rocket. As a result, when launching, several consecutive This time failed, the last time, more than a hundred scientists were killed, and finally failed.

Research on high-thrust rocket engines is a must, and Qin Guan has already figured out how to start.

At this moment, Xiucai walked in from outside and said to Qin Guan: "Mr. Qin, your meeting here needs to be temporarily stopped. People are coming outside."

Someone here? Qin Guan scanned it and knew who it was.

"Just let them in together." Qin Guan said: "We are discussing it. The president of their Eagle nation has published a sci-fi-like plan impassionedly. The result? Make the whole world nervous with them. Now come. It’s good, just to protest against them."

The eagle nation is here. They came here, it must be one thing, that is, they negotiated a deal with Xiong country, and asked Xiong country to train their own astronauts. I don’t know what to do. This news was soon leaked. Now, the people of Eagle country are here to protest. .

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