Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1345: Metallurgical technology is advanced

The momentum that Qin Guan exudes also put a lot of pressure on Tanimura Hiraki. Obviously, the other party has the technology. At first, Han Guo wanted to import its own machine tools, but then it stopped. Now, is it possible for our side to reopen this negotiation? Will the other party already have more advanced technology?

Tanimura Hiromi secretly guessed in his heart, and at the same time, he had realized that Qin Guan was the most difficult one to deal with among all the people he encountered.

In the evening, Qin Guan stayed in a luxury hotel in the capital of the island country. From the hotel, you can see the lights outside. In the 1980s, the island country’s economy was already quite developed, especially cars and cars produced in the island country. , In the Eagle Country, they suppressed their local manufacturers too hard to breathe.

If you come to an island country yourself, what can you introduce from an island country? What is to your advantage? Qin Guan kept asking himself this question in his heart.

Automotive Technology?

The domestic market has already begun to introduce the Volkswagen series. According to the layout of later generations, various cars from the island countries, Toyota, Honda, and Daihatsu should also be introduced.

However, Qin Guan has never planned to do this. The domestic automobile industry needs to develop on its own. Qin Guan would rather support a few more private enterprises to develop and grow rapidly, rather than those who only know how to make money through joint ventures, and have never thought about it. State-owned enterprises of technology use the market for technology, and finally the market is given to others, and the technology is not obtained.

Moreover, the islanders are shrewd. If they must be allowed to export technology after a few years, they may not necessarily agree. They will not cultivate a competitor.

In later generations, a major shortcoming of domestic cars is the automatic gearbox, which is monopolized by Aisin and ZF. Domestic manufacturers have to engage in tasteless dual-clutch, even the public are doing it, but now, they still don’t use it. worried.

The current Aisin did not develop their six-speed automatic transmission. They did not have those technical patents. As long as you find out by yourself and hand it over to Heribala, then you can produce it in the northern heavy truck factory. In this way, the technology The patents are owned by one's own side, so there is no need to worry about these **** technical patent issues. In addition, it is enough to strictly control the processing quality and reduce the rejection rate and failure rate.

For automobile technology, Qin Guan believes that the northern heavy truck factory has gradually expanded from a commercial vehicle factory to a domestic automobile giant.

The automobile industry will become a pillar industry of the country, and this industry will not involve islanders.

Another advanced thing in the island country is the electronics industry. But, to put it bluntly, where in the world is there any more advanced electronics industry? They are incomparable.

What about the rest?

Qin Guan had already thought of something.

Metallurgical industry, material industry.

After several industrial revolutions, the island countries have caught up. After the end of the world war, the island countries’ economies have begun to take off again. Their metallurgical technology and material industries are also among the most advanced in the world. Although there are some incidents of steel fraud in later generations, That was after two thousand years.

It is still in the 1980s, and the metallurgical technology of the island countries is in a leading position in the entire world.

A large number of domestic steelmaking equipment is actually backward. There are very few advanced steels that can be smelted. These steels are usually used for building buildings and the like, but they won’t work if they are used for special equipment, such as building submarines. In need of high yield steel, the technology of the island country is far ahead of the domestic. Not only is it leading now, it is still leading in future generations.

For example, the most advanced diesel-electric submarine in the later generation, 039 class, uses 907A steel with a yield of only 390MPa. Not comparable to the HY80 steel commonly found in the West.

Later, for the new 094 nuclear submarine, 980 steel was developed in China, with a yield of 785MPa, which is the best high-strength, high-toughness, weldable pressure-resistant shell steel in China.

This is already the highest level in the country.

But what about island nations? The island country developed NS110 steel in the 1990s, with a yield of 1000MPa! (Don’t say falsification of island country data, we must face up to reality and gaps. The Oyashio class built in the island country can dive to a depth of 550 meters. Even if the island country’s fake data, it’s impossible to fake it with their own weapons, right? Submarine, the diving depth is first-rate, surpassing many types of nuclear submarines.)

Yes, Qin Guan can get these materials from the database of weapons cemeteries of later generations. However, if the islanders can take the initiative to hand over their metallurgical technology to themselves, it would be the best. Let some people realize that there is a reason for their own technological progress, not taught by aliens.

Even if you don’t get the technology, you can do some damage and hinder their development? Qin Guan thought secretly in his heart, since he has come here, why is he polite!

As long as you scan, you can scan everyone in all the factories here. When their technical experts check the blast furnace, they can simply reap the spirit point and let him fall in and make molten steel. .

Qin Guan even had such malicious thoughts.

"Boom." There was a knock on the door outside.

"Xiucai, what's the matter?" Qin Guan asked through the door. He had also scanned everything outside. Outside this suite, a girl came here.

"A woman came outside and said she was here to take care of you." Xiucai said. When he said this, the expression on his face was strange.

Everyone lives in the suite, and Andrew is still in Yangbei Country to continue the contract advancement. Xiang Jing is afraid of what happens to Qin Guan in the island country, so he follows.

In this way, Xiang Jing and Xiao Lu live together, and Qin Guan and Xiucai live together. Although Xiucai is watching TV outside, he is actually paying attention to every move around him.

A girl came outside, a girl who looked very beautiful. The girl volunteered to take care of Qin Guan's life and was willing to be Qin Guan's life secretary and accompany Qin Guan's life these days.

Qin Guan naturally knew what was going on. This was here to warm himself up, the people of the island nation, just like this. The island nation had just been defeated and their eagle father came, because they always went out to act recklessly. So, the people of the island nation have specifically found some women to meet the physiological needs of the people of the Eagle nation.

Qin Guan originally wanted to say no. It is enough to have Yutong. When Yutong is not around, she can use the fifth girl and can't do things that are sorry for Yutong. However, he thought about it and said, "Xiu Cai , Let her in."

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