Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1120: Takeoff game

"In order to make the record of this confrontation more real, we will have an early warning aircraft to track it all the way." At this moment, a senior officer on the side Robert spoke.

He is not a representative of the Air Force of the Hans State, but a common defense organization from the Western world. Just this month, the E-3 early warning aircraft they ordered from the Eagle State has just been delivered.

It seemed that it was confirming his words. At this time, there was a rumbling voice in the sky. The Boeing 707 passenger plane with a mushroom disk flew over the airport and then hovered in the airspace around the airport.

Everyone raised their heads, looking at the early warning aircraft, Chen Rui's eyes were full of expectation.

Early warning aircraft, a multiplier of air combat power.

In the 1950s, Eagle Country developed the EC121 early warning aircraft, but the performance of this early warning aircraft was limited and could not meet the increasingly complex air combat requirements. Therefore, they began the development of new projects.

From the 1960s to the 1970s, the first production-type early warning aircraft was finally delivered in 1977. The cost of this early warning aircraft was high. Each aircraft exceeded 100 million yuan, which was definitely a sky-high price. The growth makes it worthwhile.

Even Europa also joined together and purchased a batch. The one flying in the sky was the first they had just obtained.

Qin Guan also looked at the sky eagerly, an early warning aircraft, we also need it!

Qin Guan knows that even if he speaks, the other party will not let him go up and visit. Besides, he is also developing an early warning aircraft. When he has developed it, let the whole world envy it. Don’t think that Han is still backward. Today It can be sold to Europa fighter jets, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, they can also sell AWACS!

Qin Guan's heart was full of yearning.

"Okay, we can start." Huber said.

The two fighters slid to the tarmac slowly. Boileau fixedly looked at the Mirage 2000 fighter plane, and then at the F-14 fighter plane of Han State. Suddenly, he frowned: "Your fighter plane. What is mounted under the belly of the plane?"

The F-14 is a light fighter. The basic model now has only five pylons, two on each side of the wing, and a pylon under the belly.

At this moment, the pylons on both sides of the wing happen to be close to each other, but under the belly, there seems to be something still mounted?

"Secret." Qin Guan said with a smile, "Isn't this illegal? We don't want to cheer less."

Boileau doesn't know what medicine Qin Guan sells in the gourd, so he can only acquiesce, huh, wait for us to teach you in the air!

Chen Rui sat in the cockpit and looked at the advanced cockpit layout, very satisfied.

In accordance with the requirements of Hans State, the previous mechanical instrument cockpit has been eliminated. The batch produced by Hans introduced technology is a glass cockpit layout with three flats.

Although the Hans people introduced technology to produce themselves, many of the parts have to be purchased from Han, such as the above avionics system. The integration of Han’s products is even better than that of Eagle, and at the same time has the potential for upgrading For example, after the development of specialized electronic jamming machines, Han Guo also produced electronic jamming pods specifically for stand-alone use. Under the modern war, the development of electronic technology is inseparable!

Phantom 2000 pilot Bill is also looking at the side fighter.

In fact, the Mirage 2000 was a model that only flew for the first time in 1978, and the country of Ji did not have a system like Qin Guan to help. Their fighter plane had to overcome various technical problems during the test flight. It was only in 1983 that all flight test subjects were officially completed and the troops were equipped for service.

For now, this kind of fighter is still imperfect, but if the chicken country does not come up with the Phantom 2000, there will be no other fighters to use. The previous generation of Phantom F1 is definitely not good, and the super banner is even more old-fashioned. Of the goods.

Although all the test flight projects have not been completed yet, this fighter has already started to show up frequently in front of the air show. Now it is absolutely no problem to say that it will be confronted in actual combat.

Especially Bill. He is a veteran test pilot of Dassault. He has flown 700 hours on the Mirage 2000. He has already mastered this fighter well. Such an aircraft can't fly the other one. Improved aircraft based on seven?

Joke, if that's the case, then don't confuse Dassault.

The command to take off came from the headset, and with the command, both fighters turned on afterburner.

The runways of the two planes are next to each other, and now even if they take off, the two fighter planes have to compete.

Although the engine performance of the Mirage 2000 is not good enough, as the only single-rotor engine in the third-generation aircraft, its thrust-to-weight ratio and thrust are not good, but its tailless large delta wing mechanism is originally low-load and natural It has the advantages of high lift-to-drag ratio and small aspect ratio.

Now, his takeoff must be very smooth.

Soon, he pulled up, as if two people were racing. When pulling up, he turned his head to look, but only saw the exhaust smoke of the F-14 fighter, and the people had already climbed up at a high angle of attack. .

How is this possible?

Of course it is possible. The J-14 can win the favor of the Hans people. One of the big advantages is the short takeoff.

Although the thrust of the F404 engine is not as good as that of the M53, the F-14 is also light enough. Coupled with the advantages of the fly-by-wire system, this one failed to take off.

Bill's face is ugly. He pulls the lever and climbs up. This is the most important factor in the West. Because they face the invasion of the bear country, the war will start suddenly at any time. The slower the climb, the easier it is for them to lose their fighters.

At this time, the F-14 fighter was climbing, turning swiftly and heading in the opposite direction. If the two fighters wanted to fight in the air, they had to separate first.

The E-3 early warning aircraft in the sky recorded all the data of the two aircraft from the time of take-off, and the two trajectories continued to appear on the screen.

In this large early warning aircraft, there are only three personnel operating it, and there is no need to command so many fighters. Other people, some stay in the lounge, and some people watch the battle behind them.

"It is said that the pilot from the Chinese side is the ghost, this person is very difficult to deal with." Someone said.

People used the MiG 21 to fight Tomcat fighters all over the floor, and now they are driving the F-14 against the Mirage 2000. Do you have any questions?

Suddenly, there was a snowflake on the radar screen, and the operator suddenly became anxious: "No, electromagnetic interference, where does electromagnetic interference come from?"

This is the front line. Could it be that Xiong people took advantage of this opportunity to attack?

"Start anti-jamming measures." They were in a hurry.

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