Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 1036: Flying fish missed the target

The guidance method of anti-ship missiles is very different from that of air-to-air missiles.

Short-range air-to-air missiles mostly use infrared guidance, while medium-range air-to-air missiles are almost all guided by semi-active radar.

The so-called semi-active means that the seeker of the air-to-air missile only has the ability to receive radar waves, but does not have the ability to launch. At this time, the radar irradiation of the carrier aircraft is required. In other words, the carrier aircraft is equivalent to a large flashlight to illuminate To the target, so that the missile can see the target.

The anti-ship missile is different. After all, the size of the anti-ship missile is much larger than that of the air-to-air missile, so its head is equipped with an active radar seeker, which can launch radar waves by itself, without the need for a carrier to provide guidance. It can be said that the missile carrier can leave after the launch.

This is also related to the range of the current missile. If it is a missile with a range of more than 100 kilometers, due to the long flight time of the missile, during this time, the target warship may sail a long area, and the carrier must Carry out relay guidance to prevent the missile from flying past and finding nothing.

But now it's different. The missile has a range of less than 50 kilometers, flying at a speed of Mach 0.8, and more than 200 meters per second, which is four to five minutes. During this time, the target ship cannot go far.

After launching the missile, Francois flew away, leaving only the missile still flying. Now it flies at a height of about eight meters above sea level, which is lower than that of the carrier. If the target ship has radar, it is also I would never find it, and when I found it, it was too late.

Now, it is flying steadily with its own inertial navigation device and radio altimeter. This period of time passed quickly. When it was expected to be five kilometers away from the target, it suddenly jumped from the sea level. It jumped for several tens of meters and then descended. At the moment of this descent, its missile-borne radar was turned on, scanning the sea in front, and according to the input data of the carrier, the target was right in front of it.

However, there is a vast expanse of whiteness in front of it, and nothing can be seen.

If compared with the performance of the radar, the airborne radar is definitely much higher than the missile-borne radar. The airborne radar can easily distinguish the target and launch the missile, but the missile-borne radar does not have this ability. What's more, this electromagnetic interference device It is specially designed to interfere with the seeker of the Flying Fish missile.

It couldn't see anything, and it was at a loss.

According to the preset procedure, after it jumps up, determines the target, it will continue to fly to the surface of the sea, and if the waves are not high, it will even fly to a terrifying altitude of 2.5 meters, hiding in the waves.

But now, it can't see anything, so it can only continue to fly forward at an altitude of 30 meters, while flying, while looking for the target.

"Hey, the missile is coming, the missile is coming, come on, video, video!" On the lifeboat, the captain shouted to his subordinates.

The missile has flown over, but it is totally different from the other party’s propaganda. The people of Ji Guo said that in the final flight stage of their missile, the flight altitude is above the wave. Is the wave tens of meters now?

The video recorder faithfully recorded the data, and saw the first flying fish missile flying over from a height of tens of meters, a full half kilometer away from the target ship, and flew out. Everyone was stunned. This Is it the high-performance missile claimed by the people of the country? It can't be hit at all!

"Report to the superior that the Flying Fish missile missed the target and the target ship is intact." the captain shouted.

There is a frequency hopping radio on the lifeboat, which can still transmit communication in electromagnetic interference. It is the most advanced equipment imported from Eagle Country.

Missile missed the target!

You can also see this scene from the business jet in the sky. The attacking super ensign fighter has flown away from the sea. You can see the thick smoke trailing the tail of the flying fish missile, the missile launch, everything is in front of your eyes. .

Then, the missile hit nothing, and flew by the target ship far away!

When he heard the news, Boileau immediately yelled: "Impossible, impossible, there must be a problem, someone must be doing tricks!"

Boileau absolutely did not believe that his flying fish missile had a hit rate as high as 85 percent during the test. Now, if he hit a target ship without any weapons, it would miss the target?

"Who did you tricks?" Qin Guan asked, "Your Super Military Standard fighters and Flying Fish missiles are all at the Grand Base. We didn't see them, but you just talked about them? And, at most, the electromagnetic interference equipment above, that is to say, your Flying Fish missile immediately lost its combat effectiveness under electromagnetic interference."

Boileau's face was ugly. Now, their missile missed the target. He didn't believe it. At this time, he wanted to deny it and blamed the people of Han for the missed target.

However, Rasoul stopped him: "Mr. Boileau, miss the target when you miss the target. Everyone has seen it. Now it's just a shooting close to the actual combat. If it is really in the war, we can still be here. Is this to blame?"

What are you calling now? If in the war, we repeatedly miss the target while fighting the enemy, this would be a crime against our silver country!

"Let's continue to watch the target shooting of the Han country." General Galtieri also said, setting Bovallo to the side.

Boileau's heart was very upset and his face was ugly. Now, he can only hope that Han's missiles will also fail to target, so that he can save face, otherwise, the trouble will be serious.

There was a smile on Qin Guan’s face. Just now, the guy below had really strong perseverance. He had recovered his energy twice. He was struggling to get up. Seeing the electromagnetic interference device close at hand, he couldn’t do anything. He also reaps at any time, and as soon as the other's spirit point comes up, he reaps it.

Now, it's time to wake him up.

This hapless guy didn't know why he was always dizzy. When he woke up again, he didn't know how long it had passed, but he still remembered his mission.

Turn off that **** electromagnetic interference device!

He crawled forward from the floor, down and down to the front, then stretched out his hand to reach the power supply, and pulled the power cord with a sudden force.

My task is finally completed! He leaned his back against the side wall, gasping for breath. After taking a break, he needs to go back to the bow, where there is a set of diving equipment hidden there. He wants to leave here. If the ship is sunk, he has to find a way to go back.

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