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“Really fun!”

“Such a strong breath of the rules of sword dao, didn’t expect that in the mysterious wind domain controlled by my sword clan, there is a terrifying Sword God who has been cultivating for many years?”

“The old man, as the Seven Stars Sword God, nearly swept the entire Human World Sword God, didn’t expect missed you!”

Among the two portals, an extremely frantic laughter came from one of the portals.


The entire portal exploded.

The terrifying Wu God’s Force, burning with the red sun divine fire, descended here on Heaven and Earth! This person, impressively, is a very strong, can be called the Seven Stars Sword God who overlooks the world!

This one Seven Stars Sword God, holding a giant sword burning with the red sun divine fire, walked out of the broken void portal, full of terrifying power!

As soon as this person came, the a side World, which had been flooded by heavy rain and almost tragically frozen in ice, quickly melted away.

Half of Heaven and Earth, turned into a billowing red fire Divine Kingdom!

In the ancient territory world, the Martial God realm, it is actually qualified to create the Divine Kingdom on the ground! But this Divine Kingdom cannot mention on equal terms with the Divine Kingdom on the ground of the true Spiritual God.

At best, it can only be counted as a false god’s domain that’s all.

However, even so, the Martial God powerhouse that created the false gods realm, the battle strength will still rise to an extremely terrifying level.

Even, it can be invincible in Martial God of the same rank, and a higher rank challenge the Martial God realm of higher rank!

When this one Scarlet Fire Sword God came, Blizzard Battle General was obviously suppressed. He was also in the Seven Star Martial God Realm. He was not an opponent of this one Scarlet Fire Sword God at all.

Just when the Divine Kingdom of Red Fire was about to swallow the remaining half of Heaven and Earth.

The coldly snorted sound rang.


“Your Excellency is too impudent!”

“It seems that it is not your turn to have a seven-star Martial God come to the wild!”

Youfeng coldly shouted.

In an instant, a billowing wind raged across Heaven and Earth, and half of the snow and ice appeared in Heaven and Earth, engulfed in the sky full of wind and snow, and turned into a violent ice tornado, fiercely moved towards Divine Kingdom, hitting away.

In an instant.

The Scarlet Fire Sword God of the sword clan changed his face and his eyes were full of deep jealousy.

“Cold wind! Ice and snow!”

“Why are you guys who restrained the old man Martial God Rule Power?”

Red Fire Sword God, fiercely screamed.

At this moment.

Among Heaven and Earth, the Divine Kingdom, the red fire that followed him, is about to be wiped out by the wind and snow.

If Divine Kingdom is destroyed!

That Martial God realm is not far from death!

Red Fire Sword God, at first, I mistakenly thought that this place of ice and snow Heaven and Earth was the Divine Kingdom on the ground of the Blizzard fighters, the false god realm! So he was not polite, and drove his Divine Kingdom fiercely into the past.

Who ever thought of it.

Blizzard fighter, simply did not open up his own Divine Kingdom on the ground!

As a result, as soon as Youfeng made another move, he teamed up to suppress this one Sword God! If no one is rescued, he will definitely fall here today.

Youfeng, the eight-star Martial God!

Blizzard, Martial God of Seven Stars!

Anyone among them, perhaps not the opponent of Chihuo Sword God, can only tie him at best! But when two statues work together, it’s different.

They killed Sword God with no difficulty!

Because the wind and snow rules are mixed together, covering the rules of fire fighting, with no difficulty! Unless, Chihuo Sword God cultivation base breakthrough, this fire will be even more majestic, and naturally cannot be easily extinguished.

Unfortunately, Red Fire Sword God opened up his Divine Kingdom of Fire ahead of time! It is already extremely difficult to want to break through the eight-star Martial God environment.

“Xuanjian Martial God! Are you still not making a move?”

“If you don’t take action anymore, the old man will be killed by them! When the time comes, Old Ancestor is to blame, you will be subjected to torture rules, imprisoned forever, and there is no possibility of coming out.” p>

In the face of Warlord Youfeng and the teamwork of Warlord Blizzard, Sword God was surprised and angry to the extreme, and didn’t even dare to do anything against them, turning his head towards another portal and roaring.

At this time.

The ten thousand zhang portal was also exploded!

The terrifying prestige, raging across Heaven and Earth, and the fierce sword breath, almost expelled the land of fire and the rules of wind and snow.

This is a nine-star Martial God realm!


The sword clan, as the top three forces in the ancient territory Human World, is really terrifying to the extreme! The strongest Old Ancestor in the clan, and the sword clan patriarch have not yet arrived.

Among the top ten old Ancestors in Martial God, there is a terrifying powerhouse in the nine-star Martial God!

“How is it possible!”

“He turned out to be stronger again!”

Red Fire Sword God, also in front of the silhouette that slowly walked out of the portal, felt that his own Martial God’s Force was suppressed, and suddenly this made his face crazy.

This one Xuanjian Martial God, who rebelled against the Jian clan in the past, is amazing and brilliant, and he has grown into the Martial God realm without relying on the resources of the Jian clan!

Then, for some reason, he returned to the Sword Clan and betrayed the Sword Clan again, causing great damage to the Sword Clan at that time!

If it hadn’t been for Old Ancestor to go out of the gates, to overcome public opinion, and turn his death penalty into eternal imprisonment, I am afraid this one mysterious sword Martial God would have fallen.

100,000 years, dead years, separated cultivation in the dark abyss, without the slightest resource supply, this one mysterious sword Martial God has grown again, breaking through the eight-star Martial God realm Zhihao!

Become a sword clan, except for Old Ancestor, the second nine-star Martial God realm!

The portal exploded.

ten thousand zhang In the cracked void.

A silhouette of a man, dressed in azure clothes, with long black and white hair, hollow eyes, and an ordinary iron sword on his back, came slowly.

The Sword Clan!

Nine-star Martial God, Xuanjian Martial God!

When this person completely descended from the portal and came into this a side World, the breath of horror sword suddenly hiding the sky and covering the earth, suppressing all the rules and the kingdom.

This person is very strong! It is enough to crush all Martial God realms except Thunderbolt War.

“Fang Yu, the lower bound cultivator!”

“God Slaughter Sword Inheritor!”

“Old Ancestor of the sword clan, I want you to go to the sword clan! Come with me!”

Xuanjian Martial God, the voice slowly, the hollow eyes fixed on Fang Yu’s body, and after speaking, he will come and take Fang Yu away.

At this time.

After hearing the words of Xuanjian Martial God, Scarlet Fire Sword God, I noticed Fang Yu, who had been huddling behind Thunderbolt War, and he was the one they Old Ancestor wanted them to find!

“God Slaughter Inheritor!”


“didn’t expect, travel far and wide looking for something, only to return and find it easily!”


“hundreds of thousands years have passed, and it is time for me to wait for the rise of the sword clan and dominate the Three Realms!”

Red Fire Sword God, a burst of laughter.

In his opinion.

Fang Yu and the others must die!

After all, Martial God is here! He is the sword clan, the strongest Martial God besides Old Ancestor.

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