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Faced with Xiao Wuxuan, who had long been stunned by greed, and the terrifying sword energy that Xiao Wuxuan had just cut out after putting together his own possessions.

Fang Yu stopped!

He showed a mocking smile, and his face was full of contempt and disdain for Xiao Wuxuan’s sword dao attainments.


“Such a sword technique is extremely ridiculous!”

“Is this also worthy of the sword technique? Your sword, compared to the sword technique that the one can cut, is a vast distance difference!”

Fang Yu smiled contemptuously and said mockingly.

The one in Fang Yu’s mouth obviously said that 1.2 million years ago, soldiers raged across the Three Realms, enslaving the entire ancient territory, and finally became the Martial Emperor, the lower realm sword that God World ruled.

That sword Martial Emperor, the sword dao in his lifetime is amazing and brilliant, and it can be said to have reached the highest peak realm in the ancient territory world! Even above the original sword dao rules.

How terrifying the sword technique of the Martial Emperor is, it is unimaginable by all the gods! Even the Supreme God at the time was the same.

Fang Yu was previously immersed in the memory of the ancient territory of the sword Martial Emperor in the abnormal movement of the God Slaughter Sword. After experiencing everything he has experienced, he naturally got a great luck!

At least, regarding that sword Martial Emperor, the terrifying sword dao attainments of the invincible Three Realms, Fang Yu can be considered to have inherited 1/10000th!

But after inheriting the thousand 1/10000th, Fang Yu can look down on all the sword dao powerhouses in Human World, even if it is Martial God Realm Sword Repair.

At this moment, Fang Yu is a genuine Sword God!

“My lord, do you need me to wait for the shot!”

“With this sword, he tried everything, even the seven-star powerhouse, he must avoid the edge of this sword temporarily, otherwise he will be injured…”

General Thunderbolt War, walked out slowly and came to Fang Yu, waiting for Fang Yu’s order.

Just Fang Yu’s action.

Thunderbolt War, with one finger, he can easily wipe Xiao Wuxuan into ashes! Don’t say it is comparable to the seven-star emperor, even if it is a nine-star emperor here.

In front of the nine-star Martial God in Thunderbolt War, everyone is still ants, and the soul flew away and scattered ants easily!

“No need!”

“This person, I will kill myself!”

Fang Yu faintly rejected Thunderbolt War.

At the same time.

The Divine Sword of the Red Fire, showing off the edge of swallowing the sky, in this brief moment was slowly lifted by Fang Yu! Judging from its appearance, the sword technique Fang Yu wanted to use was the sword that Xiao Wuxuan had cut in front of him.

Not long ago.

The scenes of the Great Cold King’s Capital appeared in Fang Yu’s mind.

The sword clan, the Nether Palace, and the Martial Emperor powerhouse of the two camps have come, and Fang Yu, like a mouse crossing the street, flees frantically, without much power to protect himself.

Especially this Xiao Wuxuan, Fang Yu fell once in his hands. If it weren’t for the death doll in his hand, I’m afraid Fang Yu would have been the soul flew away and scattered.

At that time, Xiao Wuxuan, who was so powerful and terrified Fang Yu, stood in front of Fang Yu at the moment, and Fang Yu had no more fear.

Because at this moment, Fang Yu can clearly perceive it.

This Xiao Wuxuan, even the five-star emperor, is still weak and pitiful in front of him! Just like, between backhands, he can suppress and kill this one five-star emperor.

“They are both sword dao and the same sword technique. Didn’t you Xiao Wuxuan call yourself the Emperor of Spirit Sword? Then keep your eyes open and take a good look. How about my sword?”

Fang Yu also slowly cut out a sword in the face of that golden sword energy.

This sword can slash Heaven and Earth and slash the gods!

The same sword technique can be displayed in Fang Yu’s hands, but it has two completely different appearances! With this sword, Fang Yu swallowed the mountains and rivers with anger, cutting away the terrifying imposing manner of the gods.


“This is absolutely impossible!”

“My sword, why are you? Why are you also might of a single sword, your sword level, overwhelming my vast distance!”

“I don’t believe it, how could you be so enchanting!”

Xiao Wuxuan roared.

His eyes are slowly full of madness, and the crazy expression is infinite panic, the fear of Fang Yu, the fear of this Sword God!

Under this sword, he is not an opponent at all. If he does not escape at this time, he is simply the soul flew away and scattered, and he will definitely end in death!

Finally, Xiao Wuxuan showed an expression of fear.

As a sword repairman, he couldn’t be more clear about the terrifying accomplishments of Fang Yu’s sword! Compared with Gen Fangyu, he is not even a scum.

At this moment.

The fear of Fang Yu and the fear of death finally defeated Xiao Wuxuan’s greed for Fang Yu’s secrets, and he was about to escape!


The power of cultivation base, the power of qi and blood, and even the life essence, all the power that can burn, in this brief moment are all burning crazily in the hands of Xiao Wuxuan.

He wants to escape madly!

Even if he is a powerhouse of the emperor realm!

A cultivator in the lower realm who has just stepped into the Emperor realm cultivation base is able to make a terrifying sword emperor who has been famous for many years in the mysterious wind realm, so fearful that he forced him to escape frantically.

If this matter is spread out, it will inevitably trigger a major earthquake in the entire nine realms of the world! I am afraid that many overlord Martial God divine force will also face Fang Yu this one terrifying evildoer.

One man one sword, face to face, across Five Great Realms, suppress and kill the five-star sword emperor!

These impressive achievements, looking at the entire ancient territory Human World, this million years of history, few people can achieve it! Fang Yu is now one of them.

The last person with this record is a Supreme God only! Upward, it is the king of the slaughter, and 1.2 million years ago, the terrifying king who made all three realms tremble with the soldier’s front, the Martial Emperor, the sword of the lower realm……

“Can you escape?”

Fang Yu said quietly.

At this moment, in Fang Yu’s hands, Divine Sword has long been disappeared! Under the common witness of the three great generals of Thunderbolt, Youfeng and Blizzard.

The sword cut by Fang Yu came, with no difficulty, he cut the terrifying golden sword energy that Xiao Wuxuan had cut into pieces.

Then this sword came quickly and landed on Xiao Wuxuan’s body!

“no! ”

“Spare me!”

“The Sword Clan, you Martial God Realm Old Ancestor, break the barrier together, all looking for your whereabouts in the southern boundary of this mysterious wind region! You kill me, you will inevitably expose your trace, and the Sword Clan will not let you go!

“As long as you forgive me, I am willing to recognize you as the master, run among the sword clan, cover your tracks for you! Let me go!”

“As long as you spare me! Then I will be your loyal dog!”

Xiao Wuxuan has no powerhouse prestige.

At this moment.

If he kneeled on the ground and prayed, Fang Yu would be able to forgive him. I’m afraid this one, the eminent Spirit Sword emperor, would have already knelt down!


Faced with Xiao Wuxuan’s begging for mercy, Fang Yu never made any sense. It was just that Xiao Wuxuan’s remarks made Fang Yu frightened.

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