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As the Divine Grade illusion killing array burst into pieces, the Array Space naturally shattered, and its inner god Mingzun, Fang Yu, and Yufeng warrior were all expelled.

The space of ancient palace, there is a ripple of nothingness!

After that, three more silhouettes appeared!

At this moment.

Shen Mingzun, keep retreating until he retreats into the corner! At this moment, he still has a dull face and roared in panic.

“no! ”

“This is impossible!”

“The king of the slaughter has fallen for millions of years! He is absolutely impossible to leave behind this success! Where did this one Martial God realm Dharmakaya come from?”

“The Eight-Star Martial God Realm Dharma Body! Even when the God Worlds still existed, there are not many! You kid is not born in the lower realms, where is this Supreme Treasure…”

Shen Mingzun, staring straight at Warlord Youfeng, his eyes are full of fear! For the first time, he felt that Fang Yu was not under his control at all.

With the emergence of Warlord Youfeng, things are getting tricky!

After all, although he was once one of the nine Supreme Gods in the God World, he has fallen and is nothing.

At this moment.

He who stands here is just 100,000 years ago, Su Family Martial God Realm ancestor, a Martial God Realm Remnant Soul that’s all!

Even when he was Peak in his lifetime, he was in the nine realms of the world, but it was only a five-star Martial God that’s all.

This is an eight-star Martial God realm! How can he be an opponent!

Even if it is placed in the nine realms of the world, an eight-star Martial God realm, it is enough to sweep all the Martial God forces except for the Chudifu, the sword clan, and the temple.


“You are also considered a good ability!”

“I would not hesitate to wait for hundreds of thousands of years here, and I will kill me. Even the descendants of the blood you have left behind, you can do it!”

“However, if it wasn’t for me to be special, I’m afraid you really got it right! Almost let me fall in the sewer, tell me how you want to die!”

There is a Yufeng warlord here, facing a Martial God Realm Remnant Soul, Fang Yu is not afraid, showing a cold smile, and constantly moved towards him.

Beside him, Warlord Youfeng is steady, following closely!


“No matter how depressed I am, I was one of the nine Supreme Gods that dominated the God World in the past. Don’t be too impudent, you kid!”

“Let me go. You can take this piece of the Slaughter Sword at will. I can tell you where the third piece of Slaughter Sword lies. What do you think?”

Shen Mingzun, complexion is gloomy, like water, yelling at Fang Yu, but the feeling of stubbornness is very obvious.

However, Fang Yu still stopped.

“The third fragment of the Slaughter Sword? You said, shouldn’t it be the fragment of the Slaughter Sword in Heavenly Palace!”

Fang Yu showed some interest.

Slightly beckon!

Warlord Youfeng suddenly stopped, and his body was slightly restrained from the violent killing intent of God Mingzun.

Before Shen Mingzun took a breath, he seemed to perceive something, looking in a certain direction in amazement, his eyes full of disbelief.

“Among the nine Supreme Gods, the only ones, Haoyang and Hanyue, who have not fallen and whose true soul is still alive, have one of them escaped from the Netherworld Hell?”

This statement came out.

Fang Yu’s heart rolled up the stormy sea, and even the so-called third slaughter sword fragment in the mouth of the god Mingzun was ignored.

Haoyang Hanyue, there are only two Supreme Gods, he has only seen one, that is the Haoyang god, and fiercely offended him!

From the attitude of the god Haoyang and the god Mingzun in front of him, the defense is not difficult to see, even if they are salivating over the fragments of the god slaughter sword, they want to kill themselves on the spot and replace their inherited slaughter sword authority .

Hao Yang is like this, Shen Mingzun is like this.

Then this cold moon god, I’m afraid it’s not much better!

In particular, Fang Yu also learned from the god Mingzun that this cold moon deity is exactly similar to the Haoyang deity, both of which are real souls still in fear.

“Tell me!”

“Where is the third piece of the Slaughter Sword!”

Hearing that the cold moon god came out of the ghost ghost and descended on the ancient territory Human World, Fang Yu suddenly became anxious, and led the wind warlord and moved towards him and rushed over.


“The deity has changed his mind!”

“As long as you delay time, the aura of the deity is here, and it will surely attract the cold moon god, when the time comes is your death date!”

Shen Mingzun suddenly changed his attitude, and even moved towards Fang Yu with a grinning smile.

With his mind, how could he fail to see that Fang Yu heard the panic of Hanyue getting out of trouble at the moment, he naturally guessed that Fang Yu had dealt with the two guys Hanyue Haoyang!


There is also a feud between them!

As long as you delay the time and attract the cold moon gods, even if they are only true souls, suppress and kill an eight-star Martial God realm dharma body, which is more than enough.

As long as he can delay enough time, it is enough!

Shen Mingzun, thinking about this, a ruthless expression appeared in his eyes! It’s not that he doesn’t have hole cards. Now, in order to kill Fang Yu, he decided to fight.


A breath of horror burst out.

At this moment, Shen Mingzun stepped out! His original illusory silhouette, put on a robe full of Death Aura, immediately solidified!

And, more than that.

The body of the god Mingzun has been condensed into substance, just like a normal Martial God realm, after the cultivation base breath, unexpectedly began to rise again.

Samsung Peak Martial God!

Seven-star Peak Martial God!

After rushing all the way to the seven-star Peak Martial God realm, a fierce expression appeared in the eyes of the god Mingzun, and he roared crazily.


“Netherworld Tabard!”

“All the power that stored the deity in your place will be returned to me! At least the nine-star Martial God realm is required.”

With the roar of God Mingzun, his original aura of cultivation base that has gradually stagnated, has risen again.

Eight-star Peak Martial God!


Nine-star Martial God realm!

At this moment, Fang Yu’s scalp was numb, and there seemed to be an expression of panic in his eyes. He also noticed the intention of God Mingzun.


“If this is the case, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Fang Yu roared and saw that God Mingzun suddenly changed from the Remnant Soul of Martial God to a super powerhouse comparable to the nine-star Martial God!

He finally couldn’t restrain the killing intent in his heart and went crazy.

Since I want to play! Then play bigger!

Fang Yu gritted his teeth bitterly.

Call the system panel, and look at the system space, the other two Martial God realm dharmakayas! Seven-star Martial God realm, Blizzard fighter!

And, in the nine-star Martial God realm, Thunderbolt War will be!

Fang Yu didn’t believe it. Three high-quality Martial God scenes were shot together in a row. In a short time, could he still kill a little Remnant Soul?

“Shen Mingzun, this is what you want to kill me if you don’t give a way to survive! Don’t blame me for fighting my life like crazy…”

Fang Yu’s eyes were red, like a fierce beast being forced into death.

The cold moon god descends! He really will die!

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