
You can search for “Super Slaughter System Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

At this moment, Fang Yu’s thoughts were flying, and he thought of a lot. At the same time, the surprised and angry and killing intent in his heart became even more intense.

Damn the one who left the arrangement!

Afterwards, on this beheading platform, facing the two vitality giant palms, troubled Fang Yu slowly stood up, and his own Peak Great Saint realm cultivation base emerged.

At the same time.

Fang Yu angrily took out Divine Sword from the system space!

“damned bastard!”

“If you let me know who left the arrangement, I will count on me here! My Fang Yu will definitely not let him go!”

On the beheading stage, Fang Yu roar.

Peak Great Saint cultivation base recovery!

In this brief moment, Fang Yu also slashed out with his sword, and the Divine Sword burst into an incomparable sword light.

This a sword light is extremely dazzling, almost the entire Daxuan Dynasty, the land of imperial city!

“How is it possible?”

“Peak Great Saint!”

Two Imperial Family Great Saints, surprised and angry crossed, and then wanted to escape, but it was too late!

Because the long sword in Fang Yu’s hand has already come!


Under this sword, the two Great Saints of the Imperial Family fell, and even the two Avatars of the evil Puppet Sect powerhouse in the imperial realm were blown to pieces.

More than that.

This Illusory World, the deduced Daxuan Dynasty, also in this brief moment, is shattered like a mirror.

Illusory Killing Array!

These extremely high-level fantasy killing formations are almost comparable to the obsessive world left by the king of slaughter, and they are like a world that has truly evolved from a party.

Fang Yu believes in such Formation, even as high as Divine Grade!


What Fang Yu needs to do is to find the weak spot of this big array, and then find ways to break the array and go out!

It’s a pity.

This is difficult!

After all, this square formation, in the years of hundreds of thousands, killed a Su Family imperial powerhouse with one statue.

Let the birth of Martial God Realm God Slaughter Envoy, Peak was the Su Family of Martial God Realm Overlord Influence, and has since fallen into the 2nd Rate Influence in Aolong Martial City!

“Divine Grade Fantasy Killing Array!”

“This can all be regarded as a world!”


“It seems that the powerhouse in the realm of is a Martial God is left behind! Even above the realm of Martial God, it is possible…”

In the Array Space, Fang Yu is holding the Divine Sword of Red Fire and wearing a Red Flame armor, standing on Heaven and Earth.

Beside him, there are horrible formations of Dao spirit patterns that are as huge as stars, blooming with dazzling aura.

If you change to a Martial God powerhouse here, I’m afraid it’s easy to erase a Formation star and escape from this Divine Grade illusion!

It’s a pity.

Fang Yu only has the Great Saint Realm!

“Not bad!”

“God Slaughter Inheritor, really good!”

“I asked myself, I also observed the experience of the King of Slaughter at the beginning! The Divine Grade illusion killer array set up is absolutely the same as the simulation of the obsession world!”

“Unexpectedly, I found it at the end! Can you tell me, where did the Divine Sword in your hand come from?”

In this Array Space, there was a burst of illusory, but the vicissitudes of ancient voice.

The master of this ancient voice actually admitted on the spot that Fang Yu was the secret mastermind who set up this illusion killing formation.


In response, Fang Yu sneered, and secretly opened the system space. Three silver treasure chests, or twelve bronze treasure chests, were all ready.

Seeing Fang Yu ignore him for half a minute, that mysterious old voice, slightly silent, finally appeared slowly.

Array Space, a burst of stars, ripples…

“Divine Sword! Chiyan Battle Armor! This god within the realm a hundred 10,000 years ago, 108 gods, the suit of Chihuo War God!”

“Why did it appear in your hands?”

“The deity vaguely remembers that the Red Fire War God this one righteous god fell into the hands of this Majesty’s, and even his Divine Sword and God Armor were crushed by this seat!”

“At this moment, it appears in your hands intact! This is incomprehensible to this seat. Are you the reincarnation of the Scarlet Fire War God?”

The voice is slow.

A silhouette of a man, dressed in a blue robe, with a third eye on the center of his eyebrows, blooming with a terrifying cold light, seems to be examining Fang Yu!

“Who are you!”

“I have no hatred with you. Are you an old friend of God World, one of the nine Supreme Gods who escaped from the hands of the King of Slaughter in the past?”

“Tell me who you are!”

Fang Yu roared, looking at the man who was trying to deal with him, only the ghostly looming villain was left, his face full of killing intent.

It’s just a little bit short.

He fell in the sewer and died here!

On the beheading stand.

If Fang Yu was really beheaded, or if the two Imperial Family Great Saints had their souls wiped out, that would be a real fall!

In the Divine Grade illusion killing array, everything that happens is real! When the time comes, the fall is the real fall.

hearing this, a man in a blue robe, with a mocking expression on his face, condescending, looking down at Fang Yu’s little lower bound cultivator.


“You ant, trifling Great Saint, deserve to know my name?”


“Since you are the Inheritor of the Slayer, then let you understand it! This seat is the Slayer’s messenger who takes care of this Slayer Sword fragment! Or, you can call this seat For, one of the nine gods! God Mingzun!”

When the name of this one god was reported, Fang Yu’s expression turned weird.

Slaying messenger?

Does that mean that he is the ancestor of Su Family! But if it were the ancestor of Su Family, how could this guy kill so many Su Family imperial powerhouses in this Divine Grade illusion killing array.

There is also one of the nine extremely high gods!

Shen Mingzun?

Why did the spirit of this one god Mingxing appear in front of him, he couldn’t perceive the oppression that the ancestor of Heavenly Palace faced to the god Haoyang!

So far.

Fang Yu can also clearly recall the feeling of being like an ant and being as small as dust in the ancestral land of Heavenly Palace, facing Haoyang god!

“Are you really one of the nine Supreme Gods?”

Fang Yu has some doubts.

The guy in front of him who claims to be a god, and also claims to be a messenger of the gods, in his view, is really no different from the ordinary realm of Martial God!


The god Mingzun, furious, gave a cold smile.

“Ant that’s all, dare you to look down upon the deity? If it were not the deity Divine Spark, but also the authority, the Supreme Rule, were all broken by the King of Slaughter in that battle!”

“How could this deity be like this!”

“Boy, you should take care of yourself! Since the deity 10,000 years ago, after the memory was awakened, he has specially arranged this Divine Grade illusion killing array to deal with you. Enjoy!

Shen Mingzun, with a grinning smile, after he finished speaking, his figure was quickly introduced into the burst space and disappeared.

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