
You can search for “Super Slaughter System Miaobi Pavilion (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

From the place of City Lord Mansion, set foot on the void portal, and soon Fang Yu appeared in an ancient palace.

It’s extremely vast and full of the breath of vicissitudes of life!

A mutilated Divine Weapon blade, scattered all over this great hall, was covered with dust, and it was obviously very old.

Even so.

When Fang Yu came to this great hall, he could tell at first glance that this is the place where the King of Slaughter died during meditation!

In the very center of this temple ground, there is a blade fragment full of sharp aura, suspended in the air.

In the courtyard of the Heavenly Palace Inheritance Palace, Fang Yu got the slaughter sword fragment, which is a broken sword edge!

The one in front of me is the 1/4 point of the sword!

“You don’t need to set foot on the obsessive world, just walk over, can you get this piece of the Slaughter Sword?”

Fang Yu’s eyes flickered.

However, such thoughts passed quickly in his mind! After all, if this fragment of the God Slaughter Sword was really so easy to take away.

In the past few years, all those Su Family imperial powerhouses who want to reproduce the glory of Su Family Peak will die so unclearly?

Missed for a long time.

Fang Yu stayed in place all the time, and did not go to the fragments of the Slayer Sword!

On the arm, the imprint of the god slaughter shines brightly, hot and hot, constantly urging Fang Yu to leave!

“that’s all!”

“This step, I still have to step out after all!”

Fang Yu shook his head for a while.


At this moment, he stepped forward, his figure was like electricity, wrapped in a billowing gust of wind, and his black robe rose automatically without any wind.

On the outside, Fang Yu is away from this step, and can cross several hundred zhang distances, and in a flash, he can come to the fragments of the Slaughter Sword!

However, in this lofty temple.

Fang Yu stepped out of this step, but he felt the heavy pressure, which fell on him, making him unable to move his body at all.

And also in this brief moment.

Fang Yu saw clearly, the true face of this temple!


Full of cracks!

a path of dry corpses, even withered bones, spread all over the temple floor, and the costumes they wore were all Su Family clansman costumes!

In this temple, the fallen Su Family imperial powerhouses, in fact, have always been here, but Fang Yu couldn’t see that’s all.


Fang Yu took a step and finally saw all this clearly.


An incomparable horrible suction force acts on Fang Yu’s soul! In an instant, Fang Yu collapsed to the ground and lost consciousness.

And his soul, he swayed, moved towards the center of the ancient palace, the top of the tower above the fragments of the Slaughter Sword.

“Sure enough!”

“I want to inherit the fragments of the Slaughter Sword!”

“It’s not that easy!”

“Look at the world! I’m afraid I will continue to experience the life of the king of slaughter, but I don’t know that what I will experience is the first stage in his life…”

Before the soul was pulled out, Fang Yu had many thoughts in his mind, but he quickly fell into a coma.

At this moment.

In the place of ancient palace, Fang Yu collapsed to the ground, but the top of this temple’s tower burst out with unparalleled brilliance.

For Fang Yu, a false world is slowly taking shape!



Daxuan Dynasty, the land of imperial city.

In front of the gate of the Forbidden City.

On the beheading platform drenched with blood, a young man’s cultivation base was brutally banned, tied up with five flowers, and tragically pressed to the ground.

On both sides of him, there are two Imperial Family powerhouses whose cultivation base has reached the status of the Great Lord, holding weapons and acting as execution officers!

“Yun Prefecture Chu Family’s son-in-law Fang Yu has a tyrannical temperament, cruel and innocent! Massacred Chu Family whole family for more than one thousand three hundred lives, and sect Ye Wang Mansion in public!”

“This kind of behavior treats the iron law of the Great Profound Dynasty as nothingness, and today is on this beheading platform to ask the beheading! warn others from following bad examples!”

In the depths of the Imperial Palace, an armored man in a crimson robe, holding an utterance from the lord of today, came here, reading this order.

Below the beheading stage, vast crowd, a Martial Dao powerhouse looks in awe at these cultivators representing the imperial power.

“A young man of Martial Sect realm, the arrogant giant of Martial Sect realm, said he would kill him! This military leader of the country is also extremely proud.”


“Tianjiao giants of non-Imperial Family bloodlines, but if they can’t be taken under his command, this country lord Your Majesty will do everything possible to kill him! It’s no wonder that the Great Profound Dynasty is only a small dynasty for so many years.”

In the crowd, an eccentric word sounded.

Such remarks.

Suddenly let the beheading stand, the Law Enforcer of the Great Profound Dynasty, and the armored man that represents the emperor’s majesty, the complexion ashen is at its extreme!


“Get out!”

“I criticize the Imperial Family, you know, this is a capital crime?!”

The armored man who represented the emperor’s will stepped out, his sharp eyes glanced at the crowd coldly.

There are two Great Saints of the Imperial Family here, here you are!

This man in armor does not feel that his life will be threatened! You must know that the Great Venerable Realm is looking down on the entire Great Profound Dynasty.

In the entire territory of the Great Profound Dynasty, the only person who can give birth to the Great Saint Realm is the controller of this land!

Da Xuan Imperial Family is here!


next moment.

This one man in armor, his body exploded into blood mist! In addition, guarding at the side of Fang Yu, the two Imperial Family Great Saint Old Ancestors suddenly became extremely angry.


“Dare to fight against my Imperial Family!”

“You can’t die if you want!”

The roar has just fallen.

Among the crowd, there are two silhouettes of men full of evil spirits. The more crowd walked out of the crowd and looked at the two Great Saints with a smile.

These two wicked men have exactly the same faces! Had it not been for the two of them to be primaries here at the same time, I am afraid no one would believe that there would be two people who are so similar in the world.

“You ant, you want to commit the following crimes and kill me?”

Two evil men uttered at the same time, and they were exactly the same. The voices were superimposed on each other, and suddenly there was an inexplicable feeling of heart palpitations that enveloped everyone here.

These two are the cultivators of the evil Puppet Sect!

Evil Puppet Sect!

It is the upper sect of the Daxuan Dynasty!

Nine realms in the world, the evil Puppet Sect, although not Martial God Overlord Influence, it is also the ultimate emperor power that was born in Martial God realm.

The Daxuan Dynasty, along with thousands of dynasties in this area, are all vassal forces of this powerful Ancient Sect.

Even if these two men are just the cultivation base of the Great Lord, they can reveal the identity of the evil Puppet Sect.

On the beheading stand.

The two Great Saints, the strongest Imperial Family, fell to the ground in panic.

“Meet the messenger of upper sect!”

“I don’t know if the upper sect messenger will come, and I’m not greeted, I’m terrified! I’m terribly terrified! I hope I will forgive the adults!”

Two Great Saints, kneeling in fear.

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