Compare the two.

Even if it is the Netherworld Palace Lord, the deity is personally present, Im afraid Ive heard of the sword clan Martial God Realm patriarch and you Old Ancestor who are interested in each other, Im afraid Ill be somewhat afraid, hesitating how to save my face, It can also satisfy the Jian clan.

Netherworld Palace Lord here, we must avoid! Even more how, he is a little Elder who is far less powerful than the Palace Lord!

At this moment.

He can only let it! Otherwise, he cannot afford the consequences!

“Xiao Wuxuan!”

“You Ancient Race Xiao Family are rebellious!”

“Don’t think that with the help of the sword clan, you can continue to be proud Go down! When the Ancient Race Xiao Family Old Ancestor exits, I am afraid that the sword clan may not protect you…”

Elder of the Nether Palace Prison, stepping on the void, left the place again! Before leaving, the entire Great Cold King resounded through his voice.

Xiao Wuxuan’s smile converged, and his eyes were a little gloomy!

Obviously, Elder’s last words in the Nether Palace Prison attacked his mind! This is what he is worried about!


“That’s all in the future!”

“Boy! You are very unlucky, I feel very depre ed now Originally, you could be brought back to the patriarch by this seat half-dead, but now you die for me!”

Xiao Wuxuan, his gloomy eyes looked at Fang Yu, it turned out to be unfathomable mystery at this moment. The burst of murderous intention.

Xiao Wuxuan, who was dre ed in a white robe, gray hair, and extremely young, turned out to be a tyrannical temper!

This is totally unexpected by Fang Yu!


“What a madman!”

“You are Xiao Family rebellious, Xiao Family Old Ancestor is about to break through, to clean up the Sect! The sword clan doesnt protect you! Why are you angry with me?”

Under Fang Yus sleeves, he tightly held that sides replacement doll, can he be in this one sword clan imperial realm? Escape alive in the hands of powerhouse, it depends on this time.

Sure enough.

This Xiao Wuxuan is furious, and his murderous intention is even worse!


“Dare to yell with me?”

“You also deserve it!”



punched out, Xiao Wuxuan made a tyrannical shot, and half of Fang Yu’s body in front of him was beaten into powder by him, completely turned into a dead body!

Fang Yu is cut off!


This Xiao Wuxuan did not see that in Fang Yu’s sleeves, that side’s replacement doll was burning, and instantly replaced all the injuries on Fang Yu’s body!

At this moment.

Fang Yu, who looks dead, is actually alive! As for why it was still a bit of a tragic corpse whose body was shattered, it was Fang Yu deliberately doing it.

“trifling Great Saint cultivation base that’s all.”

“I really dont understand, how did you get the authority of Heavenly Palace! You know, back then, our sword clan patriarch, Setting foot in the Lingyun Heaven and Earth, using Martial God Realm cultivation base, and rushing through the road of trial in the Heavenly Palace ancestral land, almost fell home!”

“Haha! But take your corpse with you Go back and let Lord Patriarch refine the authority of Heavenly Palace! This is also a great achievement!”

“Presumably when the time comes, our sword clan attacked the No. 1 Overlord Influence and challenged the majesty of the underworld. We have enough confidence. ! At that time, even if Xiao Family Old Ancestor leaves the customs, what will happen? As long as the patriarch protects me, no one in this ancient territory Human World can move me…”

Xiao Wuxuan, sneered, His eyes were extremely cruel.


At this moment, something happened.

A slender, white palm held onto the ancient Transmission Scroll held in Xiao Wuxuans right hand at some point, and the power of the cultivation base poured into it.


“The corpse is cheated!”

“This kid was obviously beaten by me the soul flew away and scattered, and his life was cut off! How could it be po ible that there would still be a chance to cheat the corpse?”

Xiao Wuxuan frowned, eyes cold and severe, and instantly moved towards Fang Yu, but Fang Yu’s mocking eyes met him.

Fang Yu is still alive!

Relying on the death of the doll, Xiao Wuxuan couldn’t kill Fang Yu at all with that blow!

What about the powerhouse in the imperial realm?

It’s not that Fang Yu finally played around!


“Xiao Wuxuan is it!”

“You and I are lacking hatred and enmity, but you are unfathomable mystery and anger me, I want to kill me! When I meet again in the future, I will definitely let you taste this way too…”

Fang Yu spoke extremely fast, after finishing speaking.

The Transmission Scroll on that side also bloomed with a bright light, and in an instant began a random Transmission in the territory of five million li……

For this, Xiao Wuxuan looked like a fool. Looking at Fang Yu, his eyes were full of mocking expre ions.

“You idiot!”

“The scroll, you and I hold it in your hands!”

“Even if you send it, you will also take this seat with you ! When the time comes, its just to let this seat kill you again thats all.”

“You little ant, your cultivation base is not strong, but you have a lot of methods! You deserve to inherit the authority of Heavenly Palace. The lower realm cultivator is quite capable!”


Xiao Wuxuan was still joking and laughing.


Next, Fang Yu disappear without a trace, he is the only one left here, and he remains in the Great Cold King Capital!

This immediately made him unable to laugh anymore!

“How is it po ible?”

“The little bastard was actually teleported away, but my seat is still here! This shouldn’t be!”

“What kind of scroll is his Transmission Scroll? How many miles can it transmit, 30,000 li, or hundreds of thousand li?”

Xiao Wuxuan was dull.

The scene before him really exceeded his expectations!

He was slapped in the face!

Its just that Xiao Wuxuan, who quickly reacted, didnt worry about anything. He quickly let go of Divine Consciousne , hiding the sky and covering the earth, all directions of the past.

With the cultivation base of his five-star emperor realm, let go of perception, not to mention hundreds of thousands li, even the territory of millions li can be easily covered!

That little ant in Great Saint Realm still can’t escape his palm!

“Want to escape?”

“You are also worthy! Little ants are only, and they are trying to shake the sky. It is extremely funny.”

Xiao Wuxuan, keep on Sneered.

At the same time.

His Divine Consciousne , hiding the sky and covering the earth, with Great Cold Country as the center, moved towards all directions, covering thousands of countries in an instant, and half a mysterious wind in the north It’s all covered.

hundred thousand li territory!

No trace of Fang Yu!

million li territory!

Fang Yu still disappeared!

A little bit of time pa ed, and within the coverage of Divine Consciousne , let alone Fang Yu, not even a lower bound cultivator was found.

This time, this aloof and remote, the arrogant and arrogant sword clan imperial powerhouse, finally panicked.


“This is absolutely impossible!”

“Even if it was 100,000 years ago, the ancient Heavenly Palaces hidden treasures, its absolutely impossible Teleporting the scroll of the million li territory!”

“This kid must still be here, he must have used some tricks to deceive my perception! He must still be hidden in this Great Cold King Capital… “

Xiao Wuxuan was incoherent and panicked.

The words are even full of self-deception!

For such an easy and simple task, to capture a big Saint Realm, you will be able to get a tremendous amount of credit among the sword clan!

As a result, this matter was me ed up by him!

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