
Fang Yu left the trial road!

The warning from the oldest Martial God soul kept echoing in Fang Yu’s ears, making Fang Yu’s mind tense.

Since getting the authority of Heavenly Palace, Fang Yu can clearly perceive that Heaven and Earth is constantly having a dark and negative curse, pouring into his body!

The curse of the Lingyun Heaven and Earth is infiltrating Fang Yu every moment, and wants to keep Fang Yu in this cage.

After taking away the authority of the complete Heavenly Palace, this cursed breath has not only slowed down, but has accelerated a lot!

This made Fang Yu a little anxious.

“According to this level, in the past three days, I am afraid I will also stay in this Lingyun Heaven and Earth, unable to escape!”

“Now, I Stepping into the Great Saint realm, I am afraid that this curse will be soaked in breath, and it will speed up a lot!”

When speaking, Fang Yu’s eyes were full of expre ions of fear.

If he is left in this Lingyun Heaven and Earth, then it is simply a dead end! If you want to break the curse, you must release the last cold moon god…

The ghost knows what will happen when the time comes!

“Sir Sect Master!”

“Congratulations to Sir Sect Master for thoroughly refining the authority of Heavenly Palace, and the cultivation base has set foot in Saint Realm! It is even more promising to revive Heavenly Palace in the future !”

Outside the trial road, Fang Yu’s figure just appeared, and Heavenly Venerate Martial God, as well as Guixuan and Heisheng were impatients rushing over.

Among them, Gui Xuan and Hei Sage are looking forward to it, but they want to say nothing, their eyes are always on Fang Yu!

Fang Yu naturally knows what they are looking forward to!

The law to crack the curse!

They are the survivors of Heavenly Palace, the long-cherished wish of generations is to leave the prison-like Lingyun Heaven and Earth!

Unfortunately, although Fang Yu knows the cracking method, he can’t use it!

“The method of cracking the curse!”

“There is indeed!”

“However, this method can only be the Lord of Heavenly Palace, stepping into the emperor realm to Only by using the cultivation base of the Emperor Realm can we be sure to eliminate the curse!”

Fang Yu was slightly hesitated, and decided to give hope to the survivors of Heavenly Palace!

After all, he is the lord of Heavenly Palace anyway!

These survivors of Heavenly Palace are all his cultivators! This force cannot be abandoned in any way, because they represent the orthodoxy of the Human World 100,000 years ago!

The Lord of Heaven Realm, the human Overlord Influence who personally canonized, let Heavenly Palace dominate the Human World rightly! Also granted authority to Heavenly Palace!

After Fang Yu set foot in the emperor realm, even if he faced the cold moon god who was the Xeon Martial God, he would have enough power to protect himself if he wanted to rely on the cultivation of the system!

When the time comes, he can naturally try to crack the curse and release the remains of Heavenly Palace! And, you can enslav Xuanyue Martial God just like enslaving Heavenly Venerate Martial God!

As for enslaving a God, Fang Yu can’t even think about it!

Even if he climbs to the cultivation base of the imperial realm, facing a God, his cultivation base is still too low-minded, it is the ant among the ants.

“Hope to crack the curse!”


“Heavenly Palace survivors, 100,000 years have been waiting! Can’t wait for this trifling More than ten years? Sir Sect Master, even if I leave, I will wait for the Heavenly Palace ministries to wait for your return!”

Black Sage and Gui Xuan were breathing quickly, kneeling to the ground, Knocking his head repeatedly, he respectfully sent Fang Yu’s departure.

Obviously they are also very aware that after setting foot in Saint Realm, Fang Yu’s speed of being soaked with cursed breath has risen rapidly!

“It won’t take more than ten years!”

“It’s just to set foot in the imperial realm. At most three years, I can return, expel the curse, and lead the Heavenly Palace to return to the Human World. !”

Fang Yu said slowly.


Three years, still too conservative!

If everything goes well, plunder enough profound crystals and collect the five-star treasure, Fang Yu can almost set foot in the emperor realm in three months!

Moreover, it doesnt have to be just the Emperor!

The Three Realms of the Great Emperor!

Emperor! Emperor! Emperor Zun!

At that time, it was po ible for Fang Yu to be an emperor!

“Wait for me!”

“It wont be long before I will return! During this period, Fang XVII, you will a ist Black Saint and Gui Xuan to bring the whole Lingyun Heaven and Earth creatures are all integrated together!”

“I want all the creatures of this Lingyun Heaven and Earth to be for me to use, to be used by Heavenly Palace! At that time, the world will be shocked!”

“At that time, Human World is orthodox, Heavenly Palace will return completely!”

Fang Yu said in a deep voice, and said an inspiring word to make the thousand-year-old black Sheng, there was a burst of enthusiasm for Guixuan.

“As you bid!”

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, respectfully lead your orders.

On the side, Black Sage and Gui Xuan are also full of arrogance, watching their Sir Sect Master, touching the bottom with their heads, respectfully opened the mouth and said.

“I will definitely live up to the trust of Sect Master!”

Heavenly Palace authority is indeed a good thing.

This Heavenly Palace system, for Fang Yu, is also in his arms!

All rights belong to Sect Master alone! The ownership is owned by the Lord of Heavenly Palace, and the Heavenly Palace cultivator cannot be disobeyed or resisted in front of Sect Master!

Like Heisheng and Guixuan, they have only one destined path to follow, and that is Fang Yu’s loyalty!


Fang Yu’s eyebrows burst out with authority and authority, behind him, a deep portal slowly solidified, connecting the door of the ancient territory world!

Previously, when Fang Yu set foot on Lingyun Heaven and Earth, he relied on the Heavenly Palace key to enter it! Now, the complete Heavenly Palace authority is in hand, as long as Fang Yu is in the territory of the Great Cold King’s Capital, Fang Yu can set foot in Lingyun Heaven and Earth at any time.

“Let’s go!”

“However, it is still a pity.”

“Heavenly Venerate Martial God, the battle strength of Martial God level Peak , Cant be brought into the ancient territory world!”

“Otherwise, it wont be nece ary to set foot in the imperial realm for three months! In half a month, I can let Heavenly Venerate Martial God sweep Martial God Overlord Influence, and The resources I need, and Xuan Jing brought me…”

Fang Yu couldn’t help shaking his head for a while.

After that, his whole figure was swallowed by that dark portal! When he reappeared, Fang Yu would be in the Great Cold King Capital.

However, it is not the square where you came in, but the capital of the Great Cold, another remote street!


Before Fang Yu’s mind stabilized, he noticed that the rising one after another Qi machine lineup in this Great Cold King Capital became more and more terrifying!

“What’s going on?”

“I am waiting to set foot in Lingyun Secret Realm, and I am full of calculations. It has been half a month that’s all! Why are there so many terrifying powerhouses in the Great Cold King! “

“Previously, the five upper sect elders came, and there came a powerhouse with a large Venerable Level, and a powerhouse with a peak Venerable Level!”

“Now, the capital of the Great Cold King Among them, the Great Lord of the Peak has become a nobody! There are so many three-star Great Saint realm, seven-star Great Saint realm, and even the Great Saint Great Saint!’

At this moment, I just returned. At the ancient territory world, Fang Yu was shocked to the extreme.

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