After setting foot in the Great Saint Realm, Fang Yu followed the memory in the authority of the Heavenly Palace and moved towards the great hall of the treasure house. He was going to empty the treasure house of the Heavenly Palace!

Seven Divine Grade legacy!

There are also three holy treasures!

100,000 years ago, Heavenly Palace! The background of Number One Influence in this world is so huge that Fang Yu can’t imagine it!

For Fang Yu.

Even if you can’t take Heavenly Venerate Martial God, the tribe of the remains of Heavenly Palace, and the 57 ominous beasts away! This trip to Heaven and Earth, Fang Yu can also be regarded as a worthwhile trip.

“100,000 years ago, during the Heavenly Palace civil strife, the two Great Sect powerhouses fought each other alive and dead, and all the other six Divine Grade rare treasures that had eliminated the Qi Luck Glass Crystal were taken out!”

“Afterwards, these Divine Grade treasures were lost in the ancestral land of Heavenly Palace and everywhere in the battlefield of Martial God!”

With that, Fang Yu opened the first one. Treasure great hall!

It’s empty here!


This is supposed to be the place where the seven Divine Grade rare treasures are stored!

It’s a pity.

Except for the lucky Glass crystal, the remaining Divine Grade treasures have been lost!

If Fang Yu bothered to find in the Martial God battlefield, it would seem a bit more than a lo ! After all, every quarter of an hour delay, he will be immersed in the breath of curse! Until he was completely immersed in the curse, Fang Yu could not leave this Small World of Lingyun Secret Realm!

“But fortunately, the treasures of the Holy Land Sanwei are still in the treasure house!”

After speaking, Fang Yu came to the second treasure hall, the great hall, after pushing away , What greeted Fang Yu’s eyes were three treasures suspended in mid-air, shining brightly!

Heavenly Palace!

Three Great Saint Boundaries Kui Bao!

Among them, the formation of the Sealing Heaven Locking Earth formation is in it!

Obtaining this formation, the Great Saint Realm cultivation base can stimulate a great formation power, enough to suppress the peak Great Saint and even the Peak Emperor in the formation, unable to break free!


If you want to stimulate this formation, it is not the cultivation base of the Great Saint Realm that consumes, but the profound crystal!

Extremely ma ive Xuan Jing!

Only the lord of the previous generation of Heavenly Palace, took out this Formation. When he suppre ed Fang Yu, it took a short time and consumed more than hundreds of profound crystals!

For other cultivators, the value of Xuanjing is also used by cultivation!

For Fang Yu.

Xuan Jing, but it represents the small realm of his cultivation base!

“This array is a bit tastele !”

“It’s tastele , it’s a shame to discard it!”

“If it can be used as a cultivation base Its fine to spur it! I dont have enough to support my own cultivation profound crystal. Where is the extra profound crystal, to urge it to suppress and kill the powerful enemy?”

Shaking his head, Fang Yu He threw this array into the system space.

One of the three treasures of the Heavenly Palace sacred realm is so worthless in Fang Yu’s mouth! If this spreads out, I dont know how much it can be maddened by the overlord of this treasure, Martial God force cultivator!

“The second of the three treasures of the holy realm!”

“The Chronicle of Heaven!”

“Activate this treasure, you can briefly glimpse some secrets and deduct the chance Good fortune, and can also seek luck and avoid calamity! On the way to escape, it is extremely easy to use. Many Heavenly Palace great cultivators have used this treasure to avoid the desperate situation!”

This thing is also needed The Profound Crystal urged, but it’s not as terrifying that the square array was consumed.

For this thing, Fang Yu is not very interested.

However, since it is the sacred treasure of Heavenly Palace, you can still look at the secrets of heaven, seek luck and avoid calamity, and with his Fang Yu’s ability to cause trouble, you will definitely be able to use it on your escape in the future!

The effect of this thing is worth looking forward to Fang Yu!

“The last piece of treasure!”

“Life Pill of the Emperor Realm!”

“The Great Saint, after devouring, find the complete The Five Elements treasure medicine, together with the refining, can force the cultivator to break through the difficulty of Life and Death Tribulation and enter the emperor’s realm…”

Looking at a Life Pill, Fang Yu was short of breath Get up, make no secret of the desire expre ion in the eyes.

refining the tree of years!

He has set foot on Saint Realm from the top of the Great Lord!

And this Life Pill is also a miraculous effect! It can add 3000 years of cultivation base, and it can make people ignore the extremely dangerous life and death tribulation of the imperial realm.

These treasures are placed outside, not to mention the powerhouse of the imperial realm, even Martial God Realm will looting! Because the refinement method of this Life Pill has long been lost.

Things are precious!

This only Heaven Realm cultivator, within the realm, can refine the Life Pill! As Heaven Realm no longer walks in the lower realms, its value has risen thousands of times!

The Life Pill in front of me was given 100,000 years ago after Heavenly Palace was selected as the spokesperson by the Lord of Heaven Realm!

Fang Yu cautiously held the Life Pill in his palm, feeling the Source Aura contained within it, and couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

“It’s done!”

“Next, increasing cultivation base, you only need to keep plundering profound crystals, and then collect all the Five Elements treasure medicine.”

< p>Heavenly Palace treasure house, there is still the last treasure, the great hall. The treasure hidden in it is far inferior to the value of the Holy Land Sanwei Treasure and Qi Luck Glass Crystal.

They are all treasures of holy land, and rare treasures!

After pushing open the third great hall of treasures, Fang Yu glanced slightly to see if the number differed from the memory.

“Thirty-seven Soul Pills in the Holy Land! Twenty-one Demon Pills in the Holy Land! And 17 Weapon Blades in the Holy Land! Various Heavenly Palace Secret Art ancient book…”

After the liquidation was correct, Fang Yu flung his sleeves and threw all these things into the system space, turned and left the great hall, moved towards Land of Trial.

Land of Trial.

Before the void channel, seventeen Martial God Realm true souls, Guardians of this trial road, stood guard here, whispering.

“You guys! Can that kid get out of here alive? The old man guarding the treasure house is so fierce and hard to speak at all…”

“This 100,000 Over the years, there are also Lingyun Heaven and Earth creatures. They were lucky enough to find loopholes in the rules of the Heavenly Palace ancestral land, avoiding the road of trials, and wanting to take po e ion of the treasures in the Heavenly Palace treasury, but without exception, even the survivors of Heavenly Palace. The identity has also been slaughtered thoroughly.”

“After so many years, no one can come out alive from here yet! This kid is afraid that he will be bode ill rather than well!”

” p>

There is Martial God Realm true soul, slowly talking.


When he finished.

In front of the void portal, there was a wave of ripples, and Fang Yu walked out calmly with a black robe cloak.


“I came out alive!”

“That old spirit is indeed very fierce! Unfortunately, I am more than him To be fierce, conspiracy to commit crimes, he is already punishable!”

“After all, now I am the real new Lord of Heavenly Palace! That old spirit can’t recognize reality, so naturally he died!”

The words were over, Fang Yu set foot on this Land of Trial again, his temperament became more lonely and cold, and the power of Heavenly Palace between his brows bloomed like a small sun.

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