In Baipao old spiritual eyes, Fang Yu’s young age, the cultivation base of the pinnacle, can only be regarded as barely good in this ancient territory world!

In the ancient territory world, the overlord Martial God forces, at Fang Yus age, there are many in the Great Saint and even the Emperor Realm!

What really valued this old spirit is the speciality of the Throne of Sin! And Fang Yu has not been completely immersed in the curse.

Po e ed Fang Yu, not only can his authority be complete, he can also leave the ghost place of Heaven and Earth in Lingyun, and re-appear in the cultivation of the nine realms of the world to Martial God Realm!

Furthermore, this life has won Fang Yu’s fleshy body, and maybe he will return to Martial God Realm. By virtue of the special rules contained in the Throne of Sin, he can be stronger than his original peak state!

“You old bastard, want to take po e ion of me?”

“Are you sure you are right?”

However, at this moment, Fang Yu Under the pre ure of Martial God Realm, his body was immobile, but his face became weird.

With the ble ing of the system, he is probably the least afraid of being po e ed by others.

After Fang Yu got the system, among the new features of the Slaughter Treasure Chest, the Legendary enslavement card from the Scarlet Treasure Chest was barely a problem.

After all, the object to be enslaved is a terrifying deity standing near the top of the God World! The gap is too big.

The rest of the system is very reliable without exception!

Wanting to spare Fang Yu from system body po e ion is fundamentally impossible, and to face Fang Yu from system body po e ion, it is an act of courting death!

With the ble ing of the system, it can be said that Fang Yu is the least afraid of being po e ed!

Originally, this old spirit suddenly po e ed a power comparable to a Martial God Realm soul, and Fang Yu was so scared that Fang Yu was almost the soul flew away and scattered, ready to open all three silver treasure chests.

Who knows.

Finally, this old spirit turned out to have such a plan!

It’s a fool!

“Not bad!”

“Your Martial King Realm, the throne that is condensed, contains a lot of special Rule Strength!”

“old The man likes it! Although your fleshy body cultivation base is too low, but with the Rule Strength, it is barely qualified to let the old man po e ed!”

The old spirit slowly speaks, like a cat Looking at Fang Yu like a mouse, he seemed to be waiting for Fang Yuliu to show a frightened expre ion.

Unfortunately, Fang Yu couldn’t help not being scared at all. Instead, his eyes were full of inexplicable meaning.

That meaning is called mercy!

“Body po e ion me?”


“I can’t ask for it!”

“Come on! I won’t There is a little resistance!”

Fang Yu said slowly, and then he did it too. He didn’t see any defense at all, just waiting for the old spirit’s body po e ion.


At this moment, Old Ling felt that he had been humiliated and his face turned blue in anger.

“You actually thought that the old man is in the state of Martial God Realm, and the body po e ion can’t help you a small peak and big sage?”

“It was you who lost your heart Crazy, or is the old man mad?”

The old man is very angry.


For this, Fang Yu ignored him for a while, just waiting quietly for this old spirit, within the body disappeared.

Or, this old spirit changed his mind, and then he took out three silver treasure chests and repaired this old spirit fiercely!

At critical moments, system has always been very reliable!

even more how.

At that point, if the three silver treasure chests didn’t produce any good things, there is still a scroll in the Fang Yu system space.

Then Transmission Scroll!

As long as you tear it up, you can instantly send it to a place five million li away!

Five million li away!

Being in Lingyun Secret Realm, it should be able to teleport to a remote place in the Nine Realms of the Earth.

“The old man is so angry!”

“Let you, the ant boy, take a look at the methods of the old man!”

“No one can So humiliating the old man!”

“The old man will not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death today! I want you to be here for the old man never seen the daylight !”

The old spirit roared.

After that, his three-1000 zhang high soul body, wrapped in the terrifying aura of Martial God Realm, turned into streamer, and moved towards Fang Yu within the body and charged.


Fang Yu can still see that within this old spirits soul, there seems to be an amber stone shining!

Obviously, the reason why this old spirit suddenly burst out of the power of the Martial God Realm spirit was relying on the thing that shone like amber stone!

Divine Grade legacy!

Heavenly Palace is one of the seven Divine Grade relics.


Fang Yu took a deep breath and calmly put the old spirit into the body, and then he felt a wave of action on the soul The pain above.

It seems that the old spirit is biting his soul!

“ha ha ha!”

“The old man is so miserable~!”

“Your body is so good! It’s a pinnacle! For the top grade among the venerables, I wont say that the nine-star emperors realm will be the realm in the future. It is qualified to attack the Martial God Realm!”

In Fang Yus ears, the voice of the old man who was extremely ecstatic was heard .


This old voice, heard in Fang Yus ears, but it made Fang Yus complexion greatly changed.

“Is the system not aware of this old spirit’s invasion? Or did the system have a problem with the previous confrontation with the god of Haoyang?”

Fang Yu’s scalp numb, Without the slightest hesitation, he immediately clicked on and got the latest silver treasure chest.

“ding dong!”

“Captured a soul in a special state! Whether to dismantle! After dismantling is completed, get a Divine Soul Pill! Heavenly Palace has 90 mutilated authority %! An ancient treasure of the years!”

The system response is so slow!

Fang Yu shouted immediately.


“Quickly dismantling this old bastard!”

As Fang Yu’s voice fell, the system slowly started to operate , And at this moment, that old spirit was still exploring every corner of Fang Yu’s body.


“I thought you had something to protect you from being po e ed by the body! Now think about it, you are here to sing empty city strategy with the old man !”

“The old man was almost really fooled by you!”

“Wait! What is this?”

“Ah! Ahhh! What is this? The rules that only gods can control…No…This is a thing far above the rules…”

In Fang Yus ears, it resounded. With the scream of an old spirit, he seemed to be subjected to some terrifying torture.

After all, system is taking him apart, which is far more terrifying than any torture.

Above the rules?

Fang Yu’s eyes flickered.

This old spirit, the lord of the previous generation of Heavenly Palace, did the last sentence say that he within the body…slaughter system?

“ding dong!”

“Congratulations to the host, dismantling a special soul! Get the following item, Martial God Realm Soul Pill, Heavenly Palace has 90% incomplete authority, and There is an ancient treasure of the years!”

The system’s voice, slowly floating.

In Fang Yu’s hands, there is an extra vici itudes of ancient treasure like amber stone, Heavenly Palace authority like a small sun, and a Soul Pill blooming with divine light!

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