Now, under Fang Yu’s command, there are Heavenly Venerate Martial God, as well as the three tribes of the Heavenly Palace survivors of Heisheng and Guixuan!

If you count the 57 ominous beasts who previously sworn allegiance to him! At this moment, Fang Yu almost included the entire Great Saint powerhouse of Heaven and Earth in Lingyun.

If this force can break free from the curse, it will inevitably cause a major earthquake in the entire mysterious wind domain!

Even, even the nine realms in the world, the twelve overlord Martial God forces will be affected!

Because this means that 100,000 years ago, the first Overlord Influence, Heavenly Palace has returned from this sealed Cursed Land!

“Next, I will search for the profound crystals in Lingyun Heaven and Earth, and prepare for my a ault on the Great Saint Realm!”

“There is also this Martial God battlefield Find a way to lift the curse! Bring Heavenly Venerate Martial God and Heavenly Palace cultivator back to Human World!”

Let the Heavenly Palace, which was 100,000 years ago, come back to life!

This idea just circulated in Fang Yu’s mind, and Fang Yu’s blood boiled and he couldn’t help it.

If he can succeed, then he is the lord of Heavenly Palace, the lord of a Martial God Overlord Influence! The starting point for growth is completely surpa ed by other lower realms. Martial Emperor does not know how many times.

Heavenly Venerate Martial God robbed him of the resources of the great realm, and then he relied on the system to exchange the power of the cultivation base of the small realm!

When the time comes, Fang Yu can even grow to the peak of the Great Emperor Realm in the shortest time! Even the Martial God Realm world!

“I wait for the survivors of Heavenly Palace, can I really get rid of the curse and return to Human World? If that day, how good would it be to come soon…”

< p> Hearing what Fang Yu said, the Black Sage, who is eager to lift the curse, and Gui Xuan all murmured, and their eyes were full of glowing heat.

As the survivors of Heavenly Palace, if they can’t set foot in Lingyun Heaven and Earth, this life will be the achievement of the Seven-Star Great Saint!

This achievement is not a shit at all in the vast Human World!

As the creatures of Lingyun Heaven and Earth, they have the strong inheritance of Heavenly Palace, and they all yearn for the real Heaven and Earth!

They are even willing to go crazy for it, at the cost of their lives!

“Do you know how to find a way to break the curse?”

Fang Yu looked at Black Saint and Gui Xuan.

At first, Fang Yu didn’t hold much hope. After all, if they could find a way to break the curse, they would have gone out long ago.

Who ever thought that Heisheng and Guixuan are nodded, unable to hide the excitement in the tone.


“Among my memory inheritance, there is a memory of a tribal powerhouse that has been pa ed down from generation to generation, that is, after someone inherited the authority of Heavenly Palace, they re-tested Lu, in the treasure house of Heavenly Palace 100,000 years ago, you can find a way to crack the curse!”

Black Saint and Gui Xuan said together.

After that, they were afraid that Fang Yu, the lord of Heavenly Palace, would not be moved, hesitated for a moment, considered their words, and added.

“Regardless of the Lingyun Heaven and Earth, the battlefield of Martial God, or the ancestral land of Heavenly Palace, apart from the remains of Divine Grade, there are not many things that can withstand the erosion of 100,000 years…”

“It is estimated that even if there is something like Xuanjing, 100,000 years have pa ed, it will all turn into fly ash!”

“But the Heavenly Palace treasure house is different. It has Formation. , And the old guardian spirit of the legendary cultivation base Heavenspan! The things sealed there will never pass away the spirituality! If there is a mysterious crystal in the remains of the Heavenly Palace, the only po ible place is there! “

The old guard of the library!

Hearing this name, Fang Yu browses frowned and subconsciously thinks of the Inheritance Palace, the original Lord of Heavenly Palace who claims to be the celestial spirit!

How come there are so many old spirits in the remains of Heavenly Palace!

“Its just that, go against the road of trial, and go again! Even if you are in charge of the Heavenly Palace, Sir Sect Master, you may not be able to pass it easily.”

“Try The road to practice, the legendary Guardians, are not so easy to talk! For 100,000 years, every leader of our tribe, when the deadline is approaching, will force the road to trial, and want to enter the treasure house to find answers! “

“But in the end…without exception, all were bombarded and killed into scum, the soul flew away and scattered! Even among them, there was a Great Saint that broke Zhihao, the enchanting peak…”

Heisheng and Guixuan are both cautiously talking.

hearing this.

Fang Yu looked at Heavenly Venerate Martial God and frowned and asked.

“Fang Seventeen!”

“Can you set foot on the road of trial?”

When Fang Yu thought of the road of trial, the seventeen Zun Martial God Realm, it is a headache, and it is very difficult.

There is no second Martial God card in his hand!

If you really encounter those seventeen Martial God Realm real soul riots and murder, with Fang Yu’s minimal cultivation base, it is basically impossible to resist.

However, if Heavenly Venerate’s martial arts ability impacts the trial road, Fang Yu doesn’t have to worry! After all, this is one genuine Martial God Realm!


“The subordinates feel that they will be blocked from the rules! Walking against the road of trial, it seems that only the Heavenly Palace authority owner can do it! “

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, frowned and felt it, then answered slowly.

Now, all hope is cut off! To set foot in the treasure house of Heavenly Palace, Fang Yu could only get involved alone.


Void portal emerges!

Fang Yu and the other four, through the void portal, quickly descended to the exit of the previous trial road!

At this moment.

Above the sky above the head, that lonely cold moon occupies the entire sky, exuding an unparalleled cold breath.

On the trial road, those Martial God Realm true souls have once again wrapped up in a thick black mist and rose into the sky!

The body of each of them is ten thousand zhang!

Previously in Fang Yu’s hands, the extremely embarra ed blood killed Martial God, and the mysterious Martial God was also in it.

“ha ha ha!”

“I want to come in again with the breath of blood and food!”

“I met a person who could not afford to offend before! This Lets take a look at the Heavenly Palace survivors who are here to die. Were finally able to let us fight the tooth ritual!”

“ha ha ha! !”

Seventeen Martial God Realm true souls, all laughing wildly, with ridicule and mockery on their faces, turned their heads moved towards Heaven and Earth outside the trial and peeked over.


The body trembles!

Laughing wildly, disappeared!

All Martial God Realm true souls, after seeing the youngster in the lead, suddenly seemed to be strangling their necks, making no sound.

They recognized Fang Yu! After all, just now, they were chased by Fang Yu holding the sword of Martial God divine force, with no face, like wild dogs on the street!

“He…He’s here again!”

“The horror boy who invited Martial God to come! He’s here again!”

The soul flew away and scattered Xuanqing Martial God under Fang Yu’s hands, and the bloody Martial God, screamed in horror.

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