Heavenly Venerate Martial God!

Even if Heavenly Venerate Martial God, the main soul does not return, but a split soul that controls this peak Martial God level body is enough to sweep the Martial God Realm.

Martial God Realm can be swept!

even more how, this trifling emperor realm true soul!


A long sigh floats.

Fang Yu looked up at the Demon Emperor who had been attacked and killed. His eyes were full of look of pity.

“I’m both a cultivator in the lower realm, thinking about you. I didn’t intend to do anything to you, but why did you take the initiative to send it to find death!”

” Ah!”

Fang Yu sighed faintly, but there was still no resistance.

This made the Soul Refining Demon Emperor laugh more and more, and the expre ion of disdain on his face became even more intense.

“Pretend to be!”


Just then.

A body wearing a flame armor appeared, the fist wind roared, and the terrifying wind raged, and violently strikes on the head of the soul-refining Demon Emperor.


Blood splattered!

Strong as the five-star Great Saint, the soul-refining Demon Emperor was smashed to pieces with a punch!

And this fist has not diminished, and is still galloping, continuing to move towards the real key of the Demon Emperor, the emperor soul strikes away.


Emperor Soul was punched and punched!

At the same time, the body of the Soul Refining Demon Emperor, like a torn sack, flew out heavily.

The relic of Heavenly Palace Divine Grade in the hands of the Demon Emperor, which surprised Dragon Spear, was retained and incorporated into the hands of Heavenly Venerate Martial God.

100,000 years ago, this shocking Dragon Spear was originally the weapon of Heavenly Venerate Martial God, the first Martial God in the world!

Now, it can be regarded as the original owner!

All this is happening in a flash! The Soul Refining Demon Emperor, when he came, was aggre ive, fierce flames, and defeated too quickly.

Its almost too late for everyone in the powerhouse to react!

“Demon Emperor…defeated?”

“This is impossible!”

“That guy just joined forces with five people like me , Trembling for several hours, and still not letting go!” Gui Xuan, and the two seven-star Great Saints of the Black Sage, a little bit of amazement, there is still a lot of stuff on their faces. Incredible.

Not only the two of them, but also the three saints of the Kuxuan tribe.

I lost!

This is defeated?

The soul-refining Demon Emperor who carried their hope of killing Fang Yu, like a jumping clown, jumped twice on the field and then was crushed to death!

This guy’s name for soul-refining Demon Emperor, and the cultivation base of Martial Emperor Realm in the lower realm, are they probably fake? Is it so weak?


The Demon Emperor is not weak at all!

This scene happened because the armored man beside Fang Yu was too strong!

If Fang Yu knows that the three tribes of Heavenly Palace present in the minds of the powerhouse, they will surely ridicule them.

Heavenly Venerate Martial God!

This is 100,000 years ago, the first Martial God in Human World!

More than just stronger!

That is absolutely crushed, OK?

That punch just now, has not used half of God’s Force, it’s just the physical power of Heavenly Venerate Martial God that’s all.

If God’s Force is used, I’m afraid these guys in front of me can scare the soul flew away and scattered! After all, in their eyes, it is a living Martial God.

In Lingyun Heaven and Earth, the powerhouse of Saint Realm, the pinnacle cannot be born! The Great Emperor Realm exists in the legend.

even more how.

This Martial God Realm powerhouse is completely superior to the Great Emperor Realm!


“How could it be defeated!”

“How could this Martial Emperor of the lower realm be defeated!”

The Kuxuan tribe, headed by Kuxuan, includes the three Great Saints of Chuhe and Chulie, all of them are full of gray expre ions, and their expre ions are extremely dull.

Just now they were full of hope, looking at Fang Yu sarcastically, waiting to see the scene of Fang Yu’s fall!


next moment.

The reality gave them a slap in the face!

The Demon Emperor, like a weak chicken, was killed with a punch!

“Wait a minute!”

“You are…the ancestor of my Heavenly Palace?!”

“The old and dead, 100,000 years ago, Tianfeng Descendants of the emperor! Dare to ask Senior, which ancestor of Heavenly Palace are you?”

There was a glorious expre ion in the dry eyes, and his face was full of excited expre ions, looking at Heavenly Venerate Martial God, Even moved out of his ancestors, wanting to build relationships.

If his ancestors and this terrifying Heavenly Palace ancestor have old words, then he will survive! After all, Fang Yu must also give this horrible powerhouse face.

For what Ku Xuan said, Heavenly Venerate Martial God did not react at all.

Tianfeng Emperor?

This name seems to be familiar, it seems to be 100,000 years ago, in the Heavenly Palace faction, one of his subordinates!

However, he also remembers these.

In the memory of Heavenly Venerate Martial God, this so-called Heavenly Venerate Emperor is just a small character that’s all! Those who were able to have friendship with him 100,000 years ago, without exception, were all well-known figures in Martial God Realm.

An emperor, what is that!

Also worthy for him to remember?

“Fang Seventeen, tell them your name 100,000 years ago!”

Fang Yu faded out.

hearing this.

Heavenly Venerate Martial God, respectfully complied, then faintly revealed his name.

“100,000 years ago, Heavenly Venerate Martial God!”


This remark, like a thunder, came to the ears of all the powerhouses of Heavenly Palace The bank exploded and reverberated endle ly.

In the history of Heavenly Palace, the two strongest Martial God Realms.

That is Heavenly Venerate Martial God 100,000 years ago, and Xuantian Martial God! They are even the strongest Martial God level, and even the titles are given the name of heaven!

Among them, Heavenly Venerate Martial God is even more powerful and famous!

The first Martial God in the world!

In the hearts of all the survivors of Heavenly Palace, the ancestors of Heavenly Palace’s supreme Martial God Realm, who had fallen away, just appeared in front of them alive.

The sense of shock that this gives is unimaginable!

“How is it po ible!”

“I’m waiting for Heavenly Palace Xeon Martial God, Heavenly Venerate Martial God, I am still alive!”

” It’s incredible!”

The audience was shocked.

Hei Sheng, Gui Xuan, his heart is shaking!

At this moment, they finally remembered the face of Heavenly Venerate Martial God recorded in the ancient book of the tribe!

Exactly the same!

The appearance of this armored man in front of him is exactly the same as Heavenly Venerate Martial God, and even his breath is as hot as the sun and hot as fire, like a horrible oven burning Heaven and Earth!

“Heavenly Palace survivors, Black Saint pays homage to the Lord Heavenly Venerate Martial God!”

“Heavenly Palace survivors, Gui Xuan pays homage to the ancestors!”

This moment No need for Fang Yu to use authority, the Seven-Star Great Saint-level Black Saint, as well as Gui Xuan, moved towards Heavenly Venerate Martial God with excitement and bowed down.

This prostration is not only because of strength, but also because of humblene ! Because the armored man in front of him is the strongest Martial God who created the most brilliant era of their Heavenly Palace!

Compared with Black Saint, Guixuan’s excitement, the Three Great Saints of the Kuxuan tribe, the body is limp on the ground, and there is only despair on the face.

If you knew that this one was Heavenly Venerate Martial God, and listened to Fang Yus instructions, then whatever they said would be impossible to make such a move, betray Heavenly Palace on the spot, and collude with the soul of the Demon Emperor !

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