“If you still dont believe it, the old man can set foot on the ancestral space under the lake with you, but if you are afraid that the old man will follow you, you will think that the old man is plotting the authority of Heavenly Palace. I want to wait for an opportunity to plunder!”

Turtle Old Ghost Xuan, leaning on the peach stick, said lightly.

Near the lake.

As Fang Yu stopped, all the Great Saint powerhouses in the scarlet wilderness were all attracted, but they didn’t dare to approach much, just looking far away.

After all, during this time.

Scarlet in the wilderne .

Almost all the remains of the Heavenly Palace have been searched by them. There are indeed some good things, but compared to the name of the overlord of Heavenly Palace, it is indeed a little too inferior.

Moreover, there are not many good things.

There are still many Great Saints. At this moment, in the Martial God battlefield, they are still empty-handed and have nothing.

Fang Yu, is considered the most powerhouse recognized by all Great Saints!

Kill the five-star Great Saint first, Yunfeng Hall of Netherworld! Then, strikes sealed the soul orb of Emperor’s blow! I heard that even outside the Martial God battlefield, suppress and kill a demon comparable to the three-star Emperor Emperor…

Such achievements.

Let everyone know Fang Yus out of the ordinary!

At the same time, they also firmly believe that Fang Yu has come here to conspire! It definitely didn’t come for some Emperor Grade weapons, emperor-level treasures, which didn’t meet Fang Yu’s compelling standard comparable to the Emperor battle strength powerhouse.

As everyone knows.

Fang Yu is not a terrifying powerhouse, and nothing comparable to Emperor battle strength!

At first, Fang Yu wanted to set foot in Lingyun Heaven and Earth, but Fang Yu was forced by the terrifying Great Saint of Yunfeng Palace, Yunfeng, and there was really no way he could do it.

Thats why I want to escape here to hide!

In order to protect himself, Fang Yu used some means that’s all that was opened out of the killing treasure box.

As a result, it turned out to be considered a terrifying power!

Compared to the existence of the Emperor Realm!

Some people even think that Fang Yu is a ghost of Martial God in the lower realm. This time, Lingyun Secret Realm is here specifically for the seven Divine Grade treasures of Heavenly Palace that have never been born.

If Fang Yu were to know this, he would certainly didn’t know whether to cry or laugh!

He is weak, OK!

In this Martial God battlefield, I am afraid that he is the only one of the largest Venerable Realm. The rest of the people are all the Great Saint Realm, and the seven-star Great Saint has been born again.

“Sage Fang stopped!”

“Is this scarlet wilderne , the only lake land, actually has the traces of the seven Divine Grade treasures?”< /p>

“100,000 years ago, Heavenly Palace was the first Martial God power of genuine! Even the underworld, which also had the strongest Martial God, was unable to catch up with the first supremacy of Heavenly Palace!”

“Heavenly Palace is destroyed! The seven Divine Grade legacy treasures are all unknown with the fall of the two strongest Martial Gods! Martial God battlefield! These Divine Grade rare treasures are bound to be on the Martial God battlefield Among them, the Saint Fang must have come for this Divine Grade rare treasure…”

Near the lake, everyone, Great Saint discuss spiritedly.


Behind the many Great Saints, there is a silhouette which also slowly emerges.


Or to say.

This silhouette has always been hidden near this lake.

And this person is the first to set foot on the battlefield of Martial God, and blood sacrificed the cultivator of the 30,000 survivors of the Heavenly Palace tribe, and opened the Soul Refining Demon Emperor on the battlefield of Martial God!

“Fang Yu, this kid, he is just a Martial Venerable that’s all.”

“What a shit Martial God! It makes people laugh out loud!”

“This kid can be regarded as some means, and he can even coax these Great Saints around!”

Among the people present, I am afraid that only the soul refinement Demon Emperor is the only one who knows Fang Yu’s details. Up.

After all.

They all descended from the lower realm to the ancient territory.

Fang Yu’s details, the Demon Emperor’s soul refinement is clear! But the Demon Emperor who refines the soul does not know that Fang Yu today is no longer the Fang Yu he used to be.

There are still many special cards in the hand, as well as fragments of the Slaughter Sword and Heavenly Palace Key! In this Martial God battlefield, Fang Yu can say, like a fish back in water!

Even if the Demon Emperor wants to deal with Fang Yu, he still has to see if he can beat Fang Yu!

“You are waiting here!”

“After I go down, I inherit the authority of the ancestral land. When the time comes, I will definitely find ways for you to reach the survivors of Heavenly Palace within the body. Curse! Let you return to ancient territory Heaven and Earth!”

Fang Yu learned from Gui Xuans mouth the means to step into the small space under the lake, when even Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said .

After all, after inheriting the authority of Heavenly Palace.

These Heavenly Palace survivors must obey his Fang Yu’s instructions!

With such elite battle strength, how can Fang Yu let them be covered in dust when that happens?

“Let’s talk about it when you can come back alive!”

Gui Xuanpi smiled and did not smile, cursing viciously in his heart.

In his opinion.

Heavenly Palace’s authority should be inherited by these people of Heavenly Palace! Fang Yu is just an Outsider. He doesn’t even have the bloodline of Heavenly Palace’s ancestor powerhouse. He wants to steal the authority of Sect Master, which is absolutely hateful.

Along the way.

All his Gui Xuan said is the truth!

Its just that a lot of things are hidden!

In Heaven and Earth under the lake, there is a road that is the only way to the clan land! 100,000 years ago, this was called the road of trial of Sect Master inheritance.

Fang Yu has never cultivated Heavenly Palace Legacy Cultivation Art!

When the time comes, you will definitely be on the road of trial and be regarded as an Outsider!

At that time, the difficulty of the trial road will rise to a terrifying level!

Even if Fang Yu is tough, it is impossible to finish the trial alive!

“This trip, you will definitely die!”

“And this road of trial can only be set by one person! Even if you ask me to accompany, it is impossible! Because of me I dont have the Sect Master key in my hand…”

“It’s just a pity.”

“For 100,000 years, the Sect Master key has finally appeared in front of the survivors of Heavenly Palace. , Will be left in the trial road, and can’t be retrieved again.”

Gui Xuan sighed in his heart.

If you dont have a Sect Master key, if you want to force a trial, of course.

But that requires at least the cultivation base of Martial God Realm!

“I went in!”

Fang Yu stepped into the lake.

At the same time.

There was another person, quietly and silently, and his body sank into the lake. That person was a soul-refining Demon Emperor!


“That ancient book, the record is very clear.”

“The person who holds the Heavenly Palace key, set foot in Sect Masters trial road! And guys like me who only have ordinary ancestor-grade bone jade go directly to the ancestral land to participate in the trial of the seven Divine Grade legacy…”

Soul Demon Emperor was extremely excited.

That is the legacy of Divine Grade!

The real chance of Martial God Realm!

As long as he gets a piece of Divine Grade rare treasure, even if he cannot set foot in Martial God Realm in the end, he can still use the cultivation base of the peak imperial realm in this ancient territory world and have the battle strength to fight Martial God Realm. Up.

Fang Yu, and the Demon Emperor, the two figures are all disappeared!

From now on.

Old monster withered, finally willing to show up!

Beside him, Chu He and Chu Lie are two Great Saints!

In the hands of their three people, who has three bone jade of different luster shining! They were all ancestral bone jade like the Demon Emperor!

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