“Spare me!”

“I know I was wrong!”

“As long as you spare me, I can promise everything !”

Chu Qian’er, looking at Fang Yu, who was constantly walking, covered in murderous aura, begged in horror.

Fang Yu didn’t react at all to this, his expre ion became more and more cold, and he kept muttering to himself.

“I have been alone since I was a child! Clansman has died in the hands of the so-called righteous cultivator since I was young! During the long period of my cultivation succe , only the same sect plot against and continuous killing… “

“The irony is that in this city of Yunzhou, you have planted love for the past three years. It can even be said that this was the most cherished and happiest period of time in the first half of my life! “

“A long time ago, I knew that these loves may be false! With my Fang Yu’s pride, how could I fall in love with such a mean and venomous woman like you? “!”

“But I was willing to sink into it! I don’t want to wake up! But you ruined all this, ruined all my yearning for this relationship!”

< p>With the constant recounting, Fang Yu became a little mad, with crazy expre ions all over his face, moving towards Chu Qianer step by step.

“Lets go to death together!”

At this moment.

In this mirror of the world, Fang Yu in Yunzhou City has completely fallen! He was no longer like Fang Yu himself at all, but more like the slaughter sword master of the previous generation with extreme temperament.

Just when Fang Yu was about to raise his butcher knife and go to death with this Chu Qianer.

The voice of system rang!

“di di di!”

“Warning! Serious warning!”

“There is an unknown emotion, and I am using special means to infiltrate and a imilate the host! Start expelling , Start to peel…”


The voice fell off.

Fang Yu finally woke up, his expre ion full of horror! He forcibly broke free from the emotions of the previous generation of God Slaughter Sword Master!

At this time, Fang Yu was in cold sweat!

He was so depre ed?

How could it be po ible without the slightest notice!

Obviously his memory is in this mirror and the world is awakened! As a result, he didn’t even know when he was affected by the previous generation of God Slaughter Sword Master.

“If it werent for the system, Im afraid at this time, Ive lost myself, and the world has fallen in the mirror! Since then, my body has been controlled by the strong obse ion of the previous generation of Sword Masters left here… “

Thinking of this, Fang Yu became more surprised and angry.


No hesitation.

Fang Yu stepped out, pa ing cold light in his eyes, and walked to the side of Chu Qian’er, who was sitting paralyzed and frozen.

“Let it all be over!”

“In the second scene of Samsara World, I can bear it too! The fragments of the Slaughter Sword, dont they appear yet?”


Fang Yu punched Chu Qianer into a fan!


It is exactly this moment.

The world in this square mirror broke away from Shattered!

Among the fragments of the sky, only Fang Yus silhouette is left! And among the endless fragments, a terrifying weapon rising slowly!

This is a long spear blooming out of the ordinary divine light!

Divine Grade legacy!

Shock the dragon to grab!

Looking at its prestige, this shocking Dragon Spear is even stronger than the Scarlet Fire Sword in Fang Yu’s hand!

“What the hell! Divine Slaughter Sword fragments, haven’t they appeared yet?”

Looking at the startled Dragon Spear, Fang Yu frowned, only feeling a little tricky.

This is the world in the second scene, and they can’t support it!

Go on!

I am afraid he will sink for a longer time!

When the time comes, system may not be able to help him!

After all, in Fang Yus gue , the white-haired man in the Ten Directions Ma acre Space is extremely terrifying, and it may even be the legendary Lord of Divine World……

“Are you still alive?”

“And you haven’t been affected by the obse ion of the world in this mirror!”

“How is this po ible!”

< p> There is a voice that can hardly conceal panic, slowly appearing behind Fang Yu.

In this fragmented mirror world, the body of the original Lord of Heavenly Palace slowly emerged. He stared directly at Fang Yu as if looking at some terrifying monster.

A million years ago, he had not built Heavenly Palace.

At that time, he got the fragments of the Slaughter Sword for the first time. The Samsara World in the mirror that he stepped on at that time was this Daxuan Wang Chaoyun state city!

At that time, he was sinking!

But he is strong-willed, and he didn’t fall here!

That time, he was in the Samsara World for 30 years!

“At that time, I set foot on this mirrored world with the cultivation base of the Little Emperor Realm! Even so, I was still in Yunzhou City for 30 years! This fair was less than three years old. The sky broke out?”

“And, the Divine Grade rare treasure obtained is far superior to me! Surprised Dragon Spear! I am afraid it is the first War God in the God World in the past. Lets startle Dragon Spear!”

When the Lord of Heavenly Palace was still in shock.

Looking at the startled Dragon Spear, Fang Yu stepped forward, wanting to take away this Divine Grade legacy, and leave this Samsara World!

Shards of the Slaughter Sword, if you can get it, its the best!

But if you risk the mortal danger, you may not get it. As far as Fang Yu is concerned, it is not worth the gain!

For Fang Yu, his real capital is the super slaughter system! He didn’t want this slaughter sword.


“You are a little self-aware!”

“If you continue, no matter how many methods you use, it is impossible to hold on! You don’t even know that the world in this mirror is a fragment of obse ion from what a terrifying existence.”

Seeing this, the Lord of Heavenly Palace couldn’t help but sneer.


Fang Yu held the startled Dragon Spear. Not only did he not break away from the world in the mirror, but the world in the third-party mirror was slowly performed!

“This! If you don’t pass the level, won’t you let me go?”

Fang Yu complexion slightly changed.

There was a tingling pain in the arm, and the imprint of the god slaughter was shining brightly, as if telling Fang Yu that he had only two choices.

Either take away the fragments of the Slaughter Sword and leave alive, or just fail to take the fragments of the Slaughter Sword and sink here!

And sinking into this, basically equated with death!



“You have obviously given up! Why is the world in the last mirror still taking shape “

When the Lord of Heavenly Palace sees this, his eyes are almost staring, and then they are full of savage faces, roaring in anger.

More than that.

This Lord of Heavenly Palace even madly moved towards Fang Yu, trying to prevent Fang Yu from stepping into the world in the third mirror!

The world in the third mirror is the last world, and it is the last wisp of obse ion of the terrifying Sword Master!

After the three worlds in the mirror are all inherited by Fang Yu, Fang Yu will be the master of this piece of the Slaughter Sword fragment.

When the time comes, it’s time for him to flew away and scattered.

When Fang Yu entered the world in the mirror, the Lord of Heavenly Palace didn’t have any good intentions. He wanted Fang Yu to sink into this!

This way he will naturally sit back and relax!

However, the result was beyond his expectations!

He is scared!

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