The world in the mirror.

Chu Province.

Tianhe County.

In the majestic mountain range, there is a young silhouette, carrying a wild beast corpse weighing hundreds of kilograms on his shoulders, walking slowly.

Long time.

The young man appeared in a village carrying the corpse of the wild beast.

“Grandpa, Grandma!”

“I’m back!”

The teenager threw away the wild beast corpse, cheering excitedly, moved towards the village.

His name is Fang Yu.

Innate Divine Strength, freedom out of the ordinary, can read and write from birth.

If this Xiaxi village is too poor and remote, and does not have much financial resources, I am afraid the clansman in the village, the fried pot and the iron will send this young boy to the cultivation Martial Dao.

A young man who has shown out of the ordinary since he was a child is bound to be indulgent!

Once cultivation Martial Dao.

We must be able to be advanced by leaps and bounds, and we must be together to become a giant like Heaven’s Chosen.

If you dont die, you will surely lead the Martial Dao realm in one area!

“Grandpa! Grandma!”

Boy, shouted again.

However, in the village, there is still a deadly silence, and there is no movement.

This made the young boy a little alarmed.

What’s going on!

Usually, grandpa and grandma should have appeared with him long ago, and brought this beast carcass back to the clan to supply the clansman in the village as rations.

Today, there is a dead silence.

The young man quickly moved towards the village.

The pungent smell of blood!

In the eye, there are horrible corpses!

Clansman is dead!

All are dead!

In the whole village, not a single one is alive!

“Grandpa?! Grandma!”

When a teenager ran back to his home with a trembling body, and saw the two fragmented corpses in front of the door, Anger, sadne , hatred, all kinds of negative emotions finally broke out.


The young man sobbed blood, moved towards his dearest relatives.

The body is cold!

No life!

It has been half a day since I died!


“Grandpa and grandma are just the most ordinary people!”

“In this poor country, I just want to Eating food and worrying about food and clothing, I am a very satisfied ordinary person! Why does disaster come here…”

In my chest, there is a killing intent.

This moment.

Something broke in the heart of the young man.

“Who am I?”

“Fang Yu! I am Fang Yu!”

“This is the world in the mirror, and I am the lower realm cultivator Fang Yu , From the ancient territory world, Lingyun Heaven and Earth, Martial God battlefield, set foot on the world in the mirror, to find the traces of the fragments of the sword of God…”

Fang Yu, wake up in the mirror world .


Drops of tears continued to slide from Fang Yu’s face.

Fang Yu hold out hands to receive.

Tears ran across his palms and fell to the ground, unable to stop!

“This is fake!”

“This is the world in the mirror!”

“Everything is fake, deduced.”


“But…why…knowing all this…Looking at grandma…Grandpa’s body…I still feel so sad! I hate it! I seem to kill!”

< p>“Even if you know that this is the world in the mirror!”

At this moment, Fang Yu stood up with a sad smile on his face, tears unable to contain him.

da da da!

There was a sound of horseshoes.

I quickly approached, this village almost reduced to death!


A team of cultivators dre ed in white clothed and covered in the breath of Upright Sect appeared here.

They looked at the corpses all over the floor, and suddenly sighed.

“The evil disciplines of Soul Sect are really frantic. They are once again in order to capture the souls of mortals, control the evil spirits under their seats, and slaughter ordinary persons!”


“The evil disciplines are all madmen!”

“They should all be killed, none of them deserve sympathy!”

This team of white clothed disciple , The youngster headed, cursed viciously.


Soon, several white clothed disciple returned from patrolling here, and moved towards the head of the white clothed First Senior Brother reported.

“First Senior Brother!”

“There is a living here!”

“Is a 17-18 years old boy! It seems to be here I was so silly during the catastrophe, I asked him, and he didn’t answer anything! He just kept crying…”

white clothed disciple, reporting.

hearing this.

The head of the white clothed First Senior Brother, his face full of pity and pity stopped slightly, and there was a slight expre ion of astonishment and a touch of surprise in his eyes.

After that, he quickly covered the past and returned to his usual appearance.

“Where is that young boy?”

White clothed First Senior Brother, with a gentle voice, under the leadership of the Junior Brother, I quickly saw two corpses in his arms. Fang Yu who kept crying.

It turned out to be just an ordinary person!

White clothed First Senior Brother, his eyes flickered, relieved.


He walked forward quickly, speaking softly.


“Little baby!”

“oh! During this period of time, Soul Sect and other evil disciplines have become more and more I’m crazy, in order to kill people to practice and obtain a stronger cultivation base, even ordinary mortals are not let go.”

“Little baby, you can rest a ured! This matter, Xu Han, I am Tianyu It is incumbent to send Head Disciple! I will avenge you and kill this group of heretical path of the devils!”

Tianyu Head Disciple, Xu Han, said righteously.

On the side.

All of the Sky Feather School disciplines are all admired and subdued.

“Really worthy of our First Senior Brother!”

“Full of upright spine, there is no room for Soul Sect in your eyes. Heretical path of the devils!”< /p>

“That’s not it! We First Senior Brother, but at a young age, more than 30 people, we have reached the realm of the Great Martial Master, and we are not far from the realm of Innate Martial Spirit!”

“It won’t be long before Tianhe County. The Heaven’s Chosen giant of Chu Province should also have a place for us to promise First Senior Brother!”

The praise continued.

All of the disciples are full of admiration for expre ion.

Hearing these remarks, Tianyu Head Disciple and Xu Han are all humble expre ions.


Just then.

Fang Yu looked up, moved towards him, and his voice was faint, just like the ice of ten thousand years emerging in the Nine Nether.

“Since you are a decent person!”

“Then why did you kill my grandfather, kill my grandma, kill my dearest relatives all over the village! Why are you infected with my clansman? Blood energy! One by one heretical path of the devils, one by one heretical path of the devils!”

“But you! Why did you kill me clansman!”

Fang Yu was full of tears The eyes were full of chill, biting hatred, and extremely cold.


Tianyu Head Disciple, Xu Han, with a pitiful expre ion on his face, and full of righteous aura, in this brief moment there is no existence, he is cold His eyes looked at Fang Yu.

Look at this little mortal!

“When the village was refining souls, you were not here, how did you little ant know that I killed your clansman?”

“Bad my reputation!”

“You little mortal, let me make another murder!”

Fang Yu’s face changed drastically, but the disciples turned around together, pretending not to see it.

After all.

There is fierce competition among sect.

First Senior Brother, eliminate demons protect the dao everywhere in the day, brush prestige, incarnation demons at night, kill people everywhere and practice qigong! This matter is also tacitly approved by the head teacher.

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