“Tell me! Where is the Martial God battlefield?”

Fang Yu’s eyes sharpened.

At this moment.

Fang Yu is not the only one. Hearing about the Martial God battlefield, all the Great Saint powerhouses present, including the powerhouses of the three tribes of the Heavenly Palace survivors, all put their ears up and started to listen.

100,000 years ago, that infighting ended in the destruction of Heavenly Palace, the strongest force in the Human World! Hit the corner of the ancient territory world Heaven and Earth!

In the Martial God battlefield, there are the corpses of many peak imperial powerhouses at the top level of Heavenly Palace, and the inheritance of the treasures!

On the sky above the head.

The two Xeon Martial God inheritance secrets, these Great Saint Boundary probably don’t have much hope!


If the Martial God battlefield were born, they might still get a share!

“Martial God battlefield, Martial God battlefield is here…”

Two foreign evil spirits, full of fright and fear, and low voice, are about to tell where the Martial God battlefield is. when.


It’s like feeling something.

The words of these two extraterritorial evil spirits stopped, and they looked straight at Fang Yu, their faces full of astonishment and incredible expre ion.


“Why don’t you have the slightest red-fire Divine Seal aura on your body!”

“Damn! You nether boy, you are totally different God World has no origin at all! Red Fire War God did not give you his Divine Seal inheritance at all. You are not a descendant of God World at all!”

“That red fire sword, presumably it is You got it from other places! Good boy, you dare to cheat us!”

The two evil spirits outside the territory were furious.

There is no Red Fire Divine Seal, and it has no connection with the terrifying God World!

Just a red fire sword that’s all.

They are afraid of what Fang Yu will do!

Little Lower Realm Ants, even if they have the authority to suppress the Heavenly Palace key, if they become crazy and want this kid to die, there is nothing they can do!

Being so teased in the public, this made the two extraterritorial evil spirits extremely angry! I just want to kill!

“When did I say that I have a connection with the legendary Pantheon, and have I got the inheritance of the Red Fire War God?”

Fang Yu was indifferent to this. Responded slowly.


These words.

The anger of the two evil spirits outside the territory is even worse.

Above the sky, the rolling Scarlet Sun Divine Fire and Ten Thousand Cold Divine Ice all rioted, and in an instant, they descended on Path to Heaven, above the ninety-nine,999 Dao Altar level.

Such a shocking change, immediately made everyone present Great Saint surprised and angry to the extreme!

If it werent for Fang Yu, Im afraid all the Great Saints who were present would have swarmed up and killed Fang Yu.

Unfortunately, they dare not!

Five-star Great Saint, Yunfeng Palace of Netherworld, holds the soul orb that seals the powerhouse of the three-star powerhouse!

So Yun Feng was killed by Fang Yu!

If you change to them, I am afraid that you will die faster under Fang Yu’s hands!

They dare not speak up.

Faced with the rolling Scarlet Sun Divine Fire and the ice of the Ten Thousand Colds, they evaded in horror, and they turned into ashes when they touched the least bit of fear!

a fire in the city gates is also a calamity for the fish in the moat!

At this moment.

Even if they were better than Great Saint, they could not intervene in the dispute between Fang Yu and the two Cannian adults. They could only avoid them in fear, for fear of being affected by the slightest!

“With the Heavenly Palace key to protect me, can you kill me? If you can kill me, I’m afraid you two extraterritorial evil spirits would have already done it.”

” If you want to use the Scarlet Sun Divine Fire and the ice of the Ten Thousand Cold to kill others into scum, I dont have the slightest opinion! Anyway, they have nothing to do with me and they cant threaten me.”

Fang Yu’s indifferent voice is still stimulating these two extraterritorial evil spirits.

On the system panel.

The killing chest, the map page, slowly refreshed.

At this time, two Dao Void fantasy treasure chest patterns are emerging, and these two dao chart cases represent the two evil spirits outside the territory!

Its just that, its very strange that the treasure chest patterns of these two extraterritorial evil souls are not of any grade from tattered treasure chests to super-grade treasure chests!

The two of them are evil souls outside the territory, and the treasure chest pattern blooms with scarlet blood light!


“The bloody killing chest?”

Fang Yu’s eyes were bright and he was interested.

He wanted to take a look, after harvesting these two extraterritorial evil souls, what can this strange bloody killing treasure box be opened.


“Little ants, how dare you wait for me!”

Now till now.

These two extraterritorial evil souls were finally angered to the limit! Their faces are full of crazy killing intents like evil spirits.

“Finally angry enough to kill me?”

“I want to see, what means can you use to kill me!”

Fang Yu His eyes flickered, and he dared not be careless in the face of these two extraterritorial evil spirits, his mind was tense, and the special cards in his hand were already tightly held in his hands.


At this time.


In the direction of the three tribes of the distant Heavenly Palace survivors, there are roaring and loud sounds all around, and then you can see the bodies of countless Heavenly Palace survivors explode , Blood burst into the sky.

blood energy soars 30,000 feet!

In this Lingyun Heaven and Earth, this is the first time such a horrible situation has occurred. This at least represents the blood sacrifice of the 30,000 cultivation base of the Heavenly Palace survivors!

“Turn it on!”

“Martial God battlefield!”

Heavenly Palace survivors of the three tribes, there is a crazy voice sounding, just dont know The traced soul Demon Emperor.

All the people present are in the Great Saint Realm. Although this voice rang outside the several tens of thousands of li, they all heard it very clearly!


Heavenly Palace survivors, clansman of the three tribes, almost dead eight-nine!

It is also such a blood sacrifice of the cultivator for the cultivators of the 30,000 Heavenly Palace survivors, which blasted the gate of the Martial God battlefield!

Above the sky.

A towering portal emerged, exuding the breath of ancient vici itudes and the smell of fresh blood energy that cannot be washed away!

Nothing is wrong!

This is the rumored Martial God battlefield!

100,000 years ago, where the Heavenly Palace cultivator led by two Martial God factions fell! There are countless hidden opportunities inside!

“Martial God battlefield is born?”

Many Great Saints on the scene started to breathe.


The Great Saints of the three tribes all have red eyes, especially the leaders of the three tribes: Guixuan, Kuxuan, and Black Saint!

They led all the Great Saints in the clan to come here to capture the inheritance secrets of the ancestors of Martial God! Who ever thought that someone took advantage of the emptiness of this tribe to copy the nest!


“courting death!”

“damned bastard! I am waiting for the cultivator of the Heavenly Palace survivors, struggling on whilst at death’s door, Cant leave for 100,000 years! Just such a little bloodline clansman was blood sacrificed!”

“Kill him! My Black Saint must find him and kill him!!!”


A black saint with a pitch-black battle armour, full of madnessss and anger, is now roaring frantically, facing the killing intent of the Demon Emperor.

There is no hesitation.

this one is one of the most powerhouses of Lingyun Heaven and Earth, Black Saint! Riding the wind, abandoned the inheritance secret of the Martial God ancestors, and went straight to the Demon Emperor.

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