At this moment.

On the road of Heavenspan, there are countless horrified gazes, frozen on Fang Yu!

Even though these people are as strong as the Great Saint, they still have their faces full of horror at this time, looking at Fang Yu like an ant looking up at a giant!

There is no other reason!

At this time, Fang Yu’s demonstrated strength is really too strong!

“This sword cut through the sky!”

“With just a little sword light, he killed 29 Great Saints! What a terrifying strength this is! “

“The Scarlet Fire God Sword is in hand! Coupled with the Seven-Star Great Saint cultivation base, this kid from the lower realm can be said to be the strongest cultivation of Lingyun Heaven and Earth! Also, just two Martial Gods My lord, it seems to mention the God World, is it the legendary God World?”

“This kid is also related to the God World, how can it be…”

Exclaimed, more people fled out in panic.

The two strongest Martial Gods have fallen, and the inheritance secrets left behind are indeed extremely attractive!

No one can refuse this promise to kill Fang Yu! However, they have to live to enjoy it.

Be aware.

At this time, this nether boy is not repaired by the ant just now!

If they force their way, I am afraid that the more than 80 Great Saints and all the Great Saints of Lingyun Heaven and Earth who are still alive will fall here!

“Who else wants to be my enemy?”

“Are you?”

“Or you?”

The long sword in Fang Yu’s hand is lightly moved, pointing to Fangcai’s prestige, he is the red-horned tiger king of the ominous beast leaders in the holy realm!

This red-horned tiger king, with a body as high as thousands zhang, is extremely condensed in a monster qi, and has the most terrifying prestige of the saint!

It’s almost equivalent to Human Race, Seven Star Great Saint!

At this time, the ominous beast, the red-horned tiger king, the leader of the holy realm, saw Fang Yu’s long sword pointed at him, and his scalp was numb with fear, and he kept backing away.

“Don’t dare! Don’t dare!”

“Fang Sir Saint! You are so terrifying, the younger one dares to be your enemy?”

” Take it! Take it!”

“I waited for all the ominous beasts of the Lingyun Holy Realm! I am willing to make a poisonous oath, in this life, for you to drive…”

< p>The Red Horned Tiger King, knelt on the spot and kept kowtow, begging Fang Yu to let them go. He was obviously frightened by Fang Yu’s horrible sword that smashed the sky.

At this moment, it does not have the slightest majesty of Great Saint!

If it weren’t for the crowds here, I’m afraid it could do even more unlimited operations in order to survive!


“If this is the case, then you stand up! The 57 ominous beasts present all make an oath and serve me forever, otherwise they will all die!”< /p>

Fang Yu sneered for a while, it turned out to be the idea of these 57 ominous beasts!

At this time, Fang Yu is a seven-star Great Saint Boundary battle strength cultivation base and can only maintain ten breaths time! Since these ominous beasts are actively loyal, Fang Yu is naturally willing to push the boat along the way.


“Fang Yu is crazy!”

“He actually wants all the 57 ominous beasts to be loyal to him! He is already strong enough, and with 57 holy realm ominous beasts, then this Lingyun Heaven and Earth is no one to stop him!”

Yun Feng’s face changed wildly, exclaiming in shock.


“I’ll wait for this to be loyal to Sir Saint!”

The leader of the Red Horn Tiger King, gritted his teeth, and accepted it.


Under the leadership of its seven-star Monster Race Great Saint, all the ominous beasts present in the scene made an oath and invested in Fang Yumen.

However, it is a pity.

Fang Yu can only use such a powerful fighter in Lingyun Heaven and Earth! It is impossible to take them out of Lingyun Heaven and Earth.

As long as the creatures that grow up in Lingyun Heaven and Earth, they will be cursed for more than three years, and they will not be able to get out of Lingyun Heaven and Earth in this life!

Path to Heaven on.

Fang Yu is so fierce and powerful, behind him there are more monster qi soaring into the sky, the body is as high as 57 ominous beasts of thousands zhang!

Suddenly, all Great Saints felt a suffocation.

This lineup can sweep Lingyun Heaven and Earth!

Fang Yu is alone, his fierce power shocked the audience, no one can compare!

It can be said.

At this time, whoever Fang Yu wants to die must die! Because under the sky, Fang Yu is the strongest, Fang Yu said it!

“Many thanks Fang Sage’s grace not to kill!”

A loud cry sounded.

Afterwards, there was a constant kowtow of Luoze!

Everyone was looking for fame, and suddenly saw the Red Horn Tiger King, with a flattering expre ion, and led 57 horrible monsters, moving towards Fang Yu and kowtow.

This picture is indescribably strange!

On Path to Heaven, the division of factions is gradually becoming clearer.

Fang Yu and 57 ominous beasts are the most powerful camp! Later, there are the three tribes of the remains of Heavenly Palace!

At the end of the end, it is faintly headed by Nether Palace Yunfeng, deep in the alien Human Race Great Saint that cannot leave Lingyun Heaven and Earth!


“But if you dare to prestige?”

“Who do you think wants to kill you! Want to kill you, But aloof and remote, the second of the three strongest Martial Gods who once ruled the nine realms of the world!”

“You are just relying on the power of the sword in your hand that’s all! If I have in Yunfeng’s hands, there is also one A divine sword with a handle like yours will surely be able to cut you under the sword!”

Yun Feng was dre ed in a white robe without any wind, and his expre ion was sneered.

The words are very suggestive!


Sure enough.

Yun Fengs eyes were full of crazy expre ions. After speaking, he suddenly clenched the teeth, and went straight to the sky, the much dim Haoyang, and the cold moon cupped the hands, making a respectful voice Tao.


“Two Martial God Seniors!”

“You have also seen this Fang Yu thief, but the cultivation of the lower realm, but Its so rampant that it surpa es my ancient territory cultivator!”

“Please also two Martial God Seniors, and lend me a Divine Weapon from the Martial God Vault! Wait for Junior Yunfeng to pick this up After the beheading, the Divine Sword must be returned, and everything that the two Martial God Senior wants is presented in front of them…”

Yun Feng’s amazing behavior attracted all the people present. With Great Saint’s gaze, many people immediately took a breath.

How dare this Yunfeng anger Fang Yu!

Has Yun Feng forgotten the sword that cut through the sky? If Fang Yu wanted to kill him, it was really no different from pinching an ant to death.


It didn’t take long.

They woke up again!

This is actually a bet by Yun Feng. In order to get a Divine Weapon, he did not hesitate to take his own life!

And Yunfeng’s confidence backing is the real master of Lingyun Heaven and Earth above the sky above the sky, the remnant thoughts of the two strongest Martial Gods……

Fang Yu is so rampant!

The previous sword cut through the sky, and the sword edge pointed directly at the Haoyang and Hanyue transformed by the two strongest Martial God secrets!

So disrespectful! I am afraid that the two Martial Gods, Master Cannian, should have been so furious, I wish I could chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!

As long as you borrow Divine Weapon, you can kill Fang Yu! Even if the borrowed Divine Weapon was finally returned, after the word was received, the Scarlet Fire Divine Sword in Fang Yu’s hand was obviously out of the ordinary, wouldn’t it be Yunfeng’s?

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