
“Absolutely impossible!”

“The Martial Emperor, the red sky, divides the soul, unless it is crazy! Otherwise! , Absolutely impossible to do so! This is not in line with the interests of the Chixiao Martial Emperor…”

Fang Yu was taken aback by the conjecture in his heart.

If so.

Even if this Soul Refining Demon Emperor is promoted to Saint Realm!

Even if the three tribes such as Kuxuan are the most powerful house, they will come out!

Even outside of Lingyun Secret Realm, the terrifying Great Saint from the power of the overlord Martial God is here!

It is also impossible to beat this crazy Chi Xiao!

“Sacrifice all the cultivation base of the Great Venerable Realm of the pinnacle, burn a Martial Emperor to divide the soul, and use the Lingyun Secret Realm Small World as the base point to force the summon Martial Emperor to descend on Heaven and Earth. !”

Fang Yu spoke slowly.

Every word spoken seemed extremely difficult!

Chi Xiao, it should not be so crazy!

Set foot in the ancient territory world!

Two Great Factions, many Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses are fighting wildly! In the end, it was one of the top ten places that was finally won!

Is it such a waste?

Even if the Martial Emperor of Chixiao is drawn, what is the use of this Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse coming to this Lingyun Secret Realm?

The Martial Emperor of Chixiao cannot descend from Lingyun Secret Realm to the ancient territory world! In the end, you can only find ways to roll back to the original world with difficulty!

“Bronze treasure chest!”

“This treasure chest, should I take it or not?”

Fang Yu browses tightly knit.


Among Lingyun Heaven and Earth, apart from the silver treasure chests of the three Great Saints of the Withered Profound Realm, this bronze treasure chest in Chi Xiao’s body has the highest level.

Same as the pinnacle of the Great Venerable Realm! Fang Yu is sure to capture Chi Xiao!

Even if Chi Xiao is the part of is a Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, Fang Yu is not too bad! The Divine Grade suit in his hand is enough to make up for this gap.


Soon, Fang Yu knew.

No need to make this decision!

Because Chi Xiao is genuine crazy! In addition, a terrifying Great Saint that is a hundred times more powerful than him has come.

This one exists in the terrifying Great Saint Realm, and is also eyeing Chi Xiao!

At the same time.

The killing chest, on the system panel.

The bronze treasure chest on Chi Xiao’s body, once again transformed, in a flash, was stained with bright silver, and turned into a silver treasure chest!

Even, more than that.

The mutation continues.

The silver treasure chest is dazzling! The most eye-catching thing is the touch of dazzling gold stained on it, and there is a hint of wanting to become Gold Treasure Chest.

It’s terrifying!



“Chi Xiao is crazy!”

“He actually wanted Let the deity come and use a Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base to sweep all the enemies in this Lingyun Secret Realm!”

Fang Yu only felt a tingling scalp, and the whole body’s hairs were erected.

Such crazy behavior!

It is hard to imagine how Chi Xiao made up his mind!

After the arrival of the Martial Emperor of the Chixiao Martial Emperor, he knew that one of his own souls had pitted him! I wonder what Chixiao Martial Emperor thinks?


“Good come!”

“This Monarch knows, you damn fellow, it is impossible to let this Monarch go! Obviously this Monarch is the most innocent, being framed by the Demon Emperor! Even Fang Yu, Martial Venerable, dare to step on this Monarch’s head with his foot!”

“Today, let you The ancient territory powerhouse of aloof and remote, take a look at the anger of the repair of the lower realm!”

At this moment.

On the top of the mountain, Chi Xiaos voice is extremely hoarse and crazy, full of hysteria, like a lunatic who is blocking everything, stake all on one throw!


“Extremely ridiculous!”

“However, a repair of the lower realm of Venerable Ants that’s all! No matter how much you can jump Hey, this seat can easily kill you with one hand!”

“Say! Tell me where the Martial God battlefield is! I will give you all the information about Heavenly Palace. Speak out!”

The five-star Great Saint from the Nether Palace, Yun Feng, with his eyes hot at the moment, his face full of longing expre ion, moved towards Chi Xiao approaching road.

a trifling that’s all.

He doesn’t care about it at all!

But if Yun Feng, who was born in the Nether Palace, knows that he to disdain as contempt beneath the lower realm ants, the real deity is a terrifying Martial Emperor Realm!

I dont know what Yun Feng will think.

Even if it is only the Martial Emperor of the lower realm, he, the small five-star Great Saint, has a battle strength that differs by a vast distance from it.

Imperial Realm!

The Spiritual Qi is thin and the lower realm with very few resources, the Martial Emperor Realm born out of it can be called the Little Emperor Realm!

And like the ancient territory world, it is an extremely vast and extremely high-level world, and an imperial powerhouse can be born.

It can be called the Great Emperor Realm!

Even if it is in the Little Emperor Realm, it is also the Emperor Realm!

Strong and powerful!

Slay the Great Saint at the pinnacle with no difficulty!

“ha ha ha!”

“Fang Yu!”

“When will you hide? Want to escape! How can you escape! It just so happens that the two guys I hate the most, you are all here, and it is time for you to witness what despair is.”

Chi Xiao, this moment called Fang Yu’s whereabouts broken.

flicks with the finger.

In an instant.

In the mountain range jungle where Fang Yu was hiding, several dozen li’s faces suddenly turned into ashes, which just exposed Fang Yu’s figure!

No hesitation!

Fang Yu looked at the crazy Chi Xiao in horror, turned around and fled, how far he fleeed, and even temporarily left Lingyun Heaven and Earth, avoiding the Chixiao Martial Emperor, Fang Yu could accept it!

That is a Martial Emperor!


At this moment, the Formation Huaguang burst into the sky, and Chi Xiao sat in the array of ominous beasts written in blood, laughing fiercely.

“ha ha ha!”

“No lo !”

“This trip allows the deity to come, maybe you can find Martial God in the battlefield, It belongs to the inheritance opportunity left by the Heavenly Palace Martial God Realm!”

“If so, the deity will set foot in the stronger Martial Emperor Realm, or the Martial God Realm world! Fang Yu, and you This Great Saint, the deity might also thank you!” Chi Xiao smiled madly, but this smile was extremely cold and his expre ion was extremely hideous.


The power of the cultivation base burns out.

After that, Chixiao within the body, the Martial Emperor who occupies the Fleshy body of Wind Promise, divides the soul!

When this Martial Emperor’s soul-dividing aura emerged.

The Great Saint of the Nether Palace, Yun Feng, who was originally indifferent, finally changed his face.


“Are you crazy!”

Yunfeng instinctively wanted to stop Chi Xiao.

Let a lower realm Martial Emperor come!

He has ten lives, and he will all fall here!

At this moment, Yun Feng finally knew why the other Xiu from the lower realm named Fang Yu turned around and fled, with a horrified expre ion on his face.

It turned out that he had known for a long time.

Chi Xiao is crazy!

I want to let my deity of Martial Emperor Realm come!

“A lower realm Martial Emperor is here! Damn! If the Martial God battlefield is present, how can my cultivation base be able to win the opponent…”

Yun Feng made a crazy shot, wanting Prevent the arrangement of Chi Xiao.


Everything is too late!

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