“Who is talking?”

Fang Yu complexion greatly changed, his body shape jumped up from the bed, subconsciously summon out of the Throne of Sin, holding him in front of him .

In this loft.

I dont know when, there will be one more silhouette!

They were dre ed in white robes, all with piercing eyes and a friendly smile, looking straight at Fang Yu!

To be precise.

They are staring at the Heavenly Palace key in Fang Yu’s hand!

The one who just made the noise is the Old Feng!

This old man rushes into the sky with his breath, full of terrifying oppre ion! It is much stronger than the Great Saint that came to the Great Cold King’s Capital.

The Great Saint from the power of the overlord Martial God, but a five-star realm!

The old man in front of him is at least seven stars!

A Seven-Star Great Saint!


“Seven Stars Great Saint?”

Fang Yu has a tingling scalp.

I just feel that I just got out of the wolf den and entered the tiger’s mouth again!

His cultivation base of the Great Venerable Realm, even if he took out the Red Fire War God suit, it is basically impossible to be an opponent of the Seven-Star Great Saint!

For an ordinary one-star Great Saint, maybe Fang Yu has several points of grasp!


The old man deliberately showed a kind smile, as if he had seen Fang Yu’s alert and did not continue to move forward, instead he stopped and opened the mouth and said in a deep voice.

“The little old man is named Ku Xuan Xuan! Known as the old Ku Xuan Xuan! He is Fang Lingyun Heaven and Earth, one of the three strongest powerhouses of the three Heavenly Palace tribe leaders!”

< p>“100,000 years ago, the old ancestors were the Heavenly Palace forces, one of the two Martial Gods! For the Heavenly Palace Orthodoxy dispute, the heaven falls and earth rends that were fought, died here together!”

“As that battle pa ed, I waited for the clansman, the younger generation of Heavenly Palace, as if I had been cursed! No matter how strong the cultivation base is, I can’t leave Lingyun Heaven and Earth for the slightest.”

“My little friend! If you read it right, the jade talisman in your hand is the Sect Master key that I lost after the fall of the Martial God Realm ancestors!”

At this point, the old man Ku Xuan’s voice stopped. , Did not speak.

Just staring straight at this Heavenly Palace key, as if waiting for Fang Yu to learn about himself, take the initiative to return this thing to its owner!

“Heavenly Palace key! Sect Master key?”

“You waited 100,000 years ago, Martial God Overlord Influence’s Heavenly Palace survivor?”

< p> Fang Yu frowned.

not at all means returning to the original owner.

Instead, he took the Heavenly Palace key backhand into his arms.


He obtained this Heavenly Palace key from the slaughter chest!

The opportunity of the Martial God battlefield, you can count on this Heavenly Palace key! Hand it over, don’t even think about it!

This is his Fang Yu’s thing!

“Boy, what are you doing?”

“That’s what I am waiting for Heavenly Palace! Do you want to take it for yourself?”

< p>Beside the old man Ku Xuan, the two youngsters were furious when they saw this, and the coercion all over his body also rose to the sky, full of terrifying oppre ion.

Great Saint Realm!

These two youngsters are also two Great Saints! It’s just not that tyrannical that’s all that Old Man Kuxuan, only the level of an ordinary Great Saint.

“Is this going to forcibly plunder my Heavenly Palace key?”

Fang Yu’s eyes flickered.

One thing is strange.

Since this young man who claims to be a survivor of Heavenly Palace in front of him, he wants the Heavenly Palace key so much! Then why didn’t these three take away the Heavenly Palace key when he was in a coma?

On the contrary, he waited for him to wake up before talking about the leaving and leaving of the Heavenly Palace key!

Fang Yu was puzzled about this.

“What are you talking about?”

“What Heavenly Palace! What key! I can’t figure it out! This jade talisman is a treasure handed down from the ancestors, please forgive me. Can’t hand over…”

Fang Yu tentatively opened the mouth and said.

Heavenly Palace key!

This is his Fang Yu’s thing!

Can not hand it over! Never hand it over!

100,000 years ago, Heavenly Palace fought, and the two Martial God Realm powerhouses all died! Martial God Overlord Influence, Heavenly Palace is even more destroyed!

These people of Heavenly Palace, who were descendants of the Heavenly Palace cultivator, lost their Heavenly Palace keys. Why should they return their belongings to the original owner?

While speaking, Fang Yu habitually opens the interface of the killing treasure box, wanting to see where the five upper sect elders are!

These five upper sect Elders, full of malice towards their group of lower realms, were born as early as last night.

At this moment.

On the Slaughter Treasure Chest page, on that map, the traces of the five upper sect Elders can’t be covered up, and they are completely exposed!


The extremely horrifying scene caught Fang Yu’s eyes!

On the treasure chest map, in addition to the treasure chests on the upper sect Elder, there are also three solid killing treasure chest patterns that are close to his eyes, shining brightly.

The top five upper sect Elder!

Seven or eight pinnacles!

On the map, that’s all seven or eight black iron treasure chests! Moreover, it is extremely far away from him, a vast distance!

Yes, but there are three silver treasure chests, shining brightly, close to Fang Yu!

Looking at the condensed appearance of the treasure chest, it is obvious that this maliciousness surrounding the treasure chest lasted for three days and three nights.

“How is this po ible?”

“The three Great Saint powerhouses in front of me, actually wanted to kill me three days and three nights ago? But I didn’t just enter Lingyun Secret Realm!”

Fang Yu’s discoloration changed, and a stormy sea appeared in his heart.

The birth conditions of the killing chest!

Fang Yu has figured it out a long time ago!

Ancient territory world cultivator, the stronger the malicious hostility towards him, the longer the maliciousness lasts, the more likely a killing chest will be born!

Moreover, the stronger the malicious cultivator, the higher the grade of the killing chest produced!

“I don’t know the three Seniors, how long has Junior been in a coma in this loft?”

Fang Yuqiang suppre ed the shock in his heart, cupped the hands calmly, moved towards the three in front of me Asked the Heavenly Palace cultivator.

When Fang Yu was unwilling to hand over the Heavenly Palace key, the gloomy color on the old man’s face flashed by.


When Fang Yu asked, Old Man Ku Xuan still pretended to be kind and moved towards Fang Yu with a smile.

“Lingyun Heaven and Earth, the sky portal opened a hole! The Heavenly Palace key protects you dropping from the sky!”

“I will follow the Sect Master key Come and send you to this loft for recuperation! Now, if you calculate the time carefully, it has been almost three days and three nights.”

“If I didnt wait for the three to arrive, I would sit here In the Lingyun Heaven and Earth with endless ominous beasts, I am afraid that you have long been buried in the beast’s mouth.”

Old man Kuxuan, slowly said.

He is still pretending to be himself, wanting Fang Yu to be deeply grateful, and take the initiative to hand over the Heavenly Palace key to that party!


Fang Yu’s heart is cold!

This is really entering the tiger’s den!

Three days and three nights!

Just three days and three nights!

In that case, the three Heavenly Palace cultivators in front of you, when they first met him, wanted to kill him! Take the Heavenly Palace key!

But for some reason, I couldn’t deal with him!

That’s why he let him live to the present!

Fang Yu can be sure that the killing treasure chest is so solid that if he could kill him to get the treasure, I am afraid these three people would have done it long ago!

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