sacred sword tower!

It is known as the first cultivation secret of Great Cold Country!

This is the Great Grandmaster of Great Cold Country, the place of sword mystery and daily cultivation!

The tower is 99 Layers high!

Toggle Sun and Moon E ence, endless Spiritual Qi enters it, for people to cultivation! One day of cultivation in the tower, equivalent to ten days of hard work to the outside world!

“Its no wonder that the Soul Refining Demon Emperor, hidden behind the scenes, transformed itself into the Venerable Realm so quickly!”

“Its no wonder that the Soul Refining Demon Emperor descended on This great cold king capital, after seizing the identity of Jian Mingsheng, has not been out of the tower for ten consecutive days!”

“This sacred sword tower itself is a great treasure!”

Feeling the Spiritual Qi in the sacred sword tower, Fang Yu sighed lightly.

Cultivation here.

Even a mediocre teenager with aptitude can break the boundary as easily as eating and drinking! Ten-day Martial Master, Hundred-Day Great Martial Master!

One year innate martial arts realm!

“The Spiritual Qi in the sacred sword tower is particularly nourishing, even for the cultivation of the Great Venerable Realm!”

“If in the original world, this sacred The sword tower, I am afraid that many Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses will have to fight for it!”

“After all, this is the Supreme Treasure of the discipline in the training gate!”

That’s it, Fang Yu walked to the 98th floor of the sacred sword tower!


Fang Yu was stopped before the gate on the 99th floor! There is a man, with half black and half white hair, holding a sword in his arms, kneeling to the ground, guarding this portal.

Great Cold Country, protect the country Great Grandmaster!

Number One Powerhouse!

The pinnacle of Martial Sect!

Sword mystery!

“Here, no one can force it!”

“The offender!”

“Kill without mercy!”

Sword Mystery , Holding the long sword in her arms, her eyes opened, and her eyes were full of cold glow.

I don’t know if it is an illusion.

Fang Yu actually felt a trace of sorrow from the depths of Jian Xuanji’s eyes.

It seems that under the soul-refining mystery of the Demon Emperor, from mind to body, it should be reduced to the sword mystery of the soul-refining Demon Emperor slave, and it still retains a trace of sober mind.

But he was sober and conscious, but he couldn’t control his body! It can only be driven by the murderous enemy of Demon Emperor.

“Strong intruder! Kill without mercy?”

“But you are not my opponent, how to kill me!”

Fang Yu faded out .

The steps under my feet moved and disappeared instantly!

When the figure reappeared, he had already come behind Jian Wuji and pushed open the gate of the 99th floor of the sacred sword tower!

“The 99th floor of the sacred sword tower!”

“Strong intruder! kill without mercy!”

Sword Wuji roars, at this moment, it seems that he has fallen in Among the methods of the Soul Demon Emperor, the long sword in his arms rose in the air, blooming with dazzling golden light, as if he wanted a sword to cut Fang Yu into pieces!


Fang Yu punched!

this fist is in the chest of Jian Wuji!

In an instant.

Dignified Great Cold Country Number One Powerhouse, the sword Wuji of the peak Martial Sect realm, was pierced with a punch in the chest, drenched with blood, and fell to the ground.

“It’s much quieter now!”

Fang Yu shook his head for a while, looking at the sword mystery with pity.

Dignified Great Cold Country Number One Powerhouse, can be said to be under one person, ten thousand people above! As a result, he has now become someone else’s running dog.

The Demon Emperor disguised himself as Jian Mingsheng. It is conceivable that Jian Mingsheng, the son of Jian Xuanji, would have already died!

Also, the younger brother of Jian Xuanji, the head of the top ten frontier soldiers, Hou Jian Xuanyou of the Zhenbei Army also died in his hands!

The Great Grandmaster, who protects the country, is now a lonely man. He can’t even decide what he wants to do!

“Lie down there!”

“The method that the Demon Emperor planted on you, even without my this fist, you should be able to crack it soon It’s almost done.”

Fang Yu faded out.

The punch just now seemed to be Fang Yu’s flying Sword mystery, but in fact, it was Fang Yu who secretly helped the sword mystery!

Refining the soul of the Demon Emperor, so plot against Chi Xiao, the wolfs ambition is almost on the surface.

Since the Soul Refining Demon Emperor played tricks, he almost set up a situation and framed him Fang Yu too! Then don’t blame Fang Yu for lifting the table.

After finishing all this, Fang Yu turned around and walked towards the 99th floor of the sacred sword tower, inside one after another aura came acro .

Imperial Family treasure house, the lost millions of profound crystals are indeed here in the soul refining Demon Emperor!

Behind Fang Yu, he could be heard vaguely.

Sword Mystery, stood up with strong support, muttering moved towards Fang Yu.

“Many thanks, your Excellency…”

Hearing this thank you, Fang Yu paused and shook his head.

Thanks for finding the wrong person!

The Demon Emperor is the killer enemy of this sword mystery! And Fang Yu, is he not the enemy of this sword mystery?

Sacred sword tower, the gate on the 99th floor, slowly closed!


Sword mystery, holding on to his body, looked deeply in the direction of the Great Cold King Capital, and moved towards the Great Cold King Capital.

“Back then, I took the younger brother and betrayed the sword clan! Now, the only son is murdered by an adulterer, and the only younger brother is killed by someone.”

“My sword mystery is nothing but a lonely family, and there is nothing worth worrying about! Tonight, let me use my own life, please move the five upper sect powerhouses to kill the thieves!”

The sword mystery roars, figure Dive into the night.

And the direction he is going is the place where the five upper sects gather!

Sacred sword tower, in the 99th floor.

Millions of profound crystals, shining brilliantly, are reflected in Fang Yu’s eyes!


“Redeem me the cultivation base of the nine-star Venerable Realm!”

Fang Yu opened the system mall and pre ed it with one hand. In front of Wan Xuanjing, the other hand clicked on the exchange.


There are a million profound crystals here, and in an instant, there are three tenths le .

Even the remaining 700,000 profound crystals were all incorporated into the system space by Fang Yu!

At this moment.

Fang Yu’s cultivation base is climbing at a terrifying speed.

The peak of the Seven Stars!

The Eight-Star Great Venerable Peak!


Half a tea time.

Fang Yu, eyes opened, pupil light is as sharp as a sword, shocking people!

At this moment, the Great Venerable Pinnacle is in the realm!

“If it weren’t for the Great Saint who was born in Martial God Overlord Influence! At this time, I really want to charge ahead and fight the Demon Emperor!”

” Give it a try, how far I am today from his Old Senior!”

Except for the millions of profound crystals, the rest of the sacred sword tower, not at all, can enter Fang Yus eyes. of.

There is no hesitation.

Fang Yu turned around and left, also disappearing into the night!

At the same time.

Beyond the sacred sword tower, there is a violent silhouette whose expre ion is as hideous as a ghost! Above the body, a nine-headed evil ghost body faintly appeared.

this one is a nine-headed evil spirit body, extremely furious, madly roaring, and eighteen pairs of eyes kept moving towards sacred sword peeping at every corner of the tower!

The one who came is the Demon Emperor who refining souls!

At this moment, he is very angry!


Because someone took advantage of his absence and copied his nest!

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