“It seems that the malicious born temporarily cannot appear in the killing treasure chest! Perhaps this is also related to the weak cultivation base of Mu Xue!”

Fang Yu looked away The vigorous Mu Xue was about to leave.

Just then.


On Mu Xue’s body, there was a wooden box floating in the air, filled with dazzling aura, and moved towards Fang Yu.

“What is it!”

“Damn it!”

“What is the curse?”

Fang Yu complexion greatly changed , His stature retreated crazily, he was still very afraid of the ancient territory world’s cultivation system.

In his original world, in addition to the legend of Body-Refining Cultivator, there is also a legend of warlocks who can cast weird curses!

Obviously, these two systems are derived from the ancient territory world! If it is really a curse, then he is afraid that he will suffer!

This curse method may not be of high level, but if it is lifted, it must be extremely troublesome!


Soon, Fang Yu knew he was thinking too much!

The wooden box is blown up!

It reveals something shining brightly within it!

That is a token!

Write ten directions on the front! On the back is engraved with one after another lines, converging into two big characters “slaughter”.

This is a ten-party slaughter order between the Zhenbei Junhou and Muxue Prince ! You can order the power tokens of the ten frontier soldiers!

“It’s weird!”

“Mu Xue said that there should be nothing special about the ten-party slaughter order. It only represents the power of the ten frontier fortre es, and only has a symbolic meaning. That’s right!”

“What the hell is going on in this scene! This ten-direction slaughter order is out of the ordinary like rare treasure……”

< p>Fang Yu is slightly frowned, moving towards moving towards outside!


No matter where Fang Yu goes, this ten-party slaughter order will simply follow!

Fang Yu returned to Mu Xue’s corpse again, and the corpses of Zhenbei Junhou and the others were all searched by Fang Yu!

“Almost forgot!”


“Xuanjing the more the better, be prepared for trouble! Lin Tian Martial Emperor, and the rest The Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse also descended in the nine realms of the world.”

“If I really meet them, they will definitely not let me go! Before that, I must find ways to raise mystery Jing, let the cultivation progress go up soon.”

It didn’t take long.

Fang Yu scoured hundreds of thousands of profound crystals from these many corpses! The space of Zhenbei Junhou was blasted to scum as well as his body!

Otherwise, the number of hundreds of thousand profound crystals can be at least ten times higher!

“It’s a pity!”

“When you shot, not at all think so much! I just want to get the black iron treasure box quickly.”

Fang Yu sighed.

After that, he looked at the ten directions slaughter order that showed out of the ordinary aura and kept dangling under his nose.

Fang Yu hesitated a little, and finally took this token in his hand.


Start with the ten directions ma acre order!

Fang Yu’s face suddenly changed wildly, because from the slaughter order of the ten directions, a violent sucking force emerged, directly acting on his soul.

“What’s going on!”


“Why didn’t the system respond? Is this the ten-party ma acre order that sucks my soul? System judged to be harmle ?”

Just when Fang Yu wanted to scream.


Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move.

When Fang Yu opened his eyes again, he was already in the space within the Ten Thousand Killing Order. It was full of hideous corpses, the Divine Demon Body of ten thousand zhang, and the vastness of boundle . Sea of blood!

“Where is this place?”

“It seems to be a consciousness space, but also seems to be an illusion, not like a real World Space……”

Fang Yu looked at those gods and demons with ten thousand zhang in horror, and couldn’t help taking a step back.

Even if you dont know how long has pa ed, the aura remaining on the corpse of the one after another ten thousand zhang god and devil is still extremely vast and powerful!

Even, it is far above Lin Tian Martial Emperor and the others.

Above the Martial Emperor!

That is Martial God Realm!

Fang Yu subconsciously held his breath.

Could it be that there are 70 to 80 ten thousand zhang corpses of gods and demons in front of them, at the peak of their lives, all of them are a Martial God?

This conjecture caused Fang Yu to breathe quickly.


The suction force acting on the soul has once again emerged.

Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move.

This time, Fang Yu came to Illusory World on this side, on a high platform, before a game of che .

On this high platform, in the chess game, there is a man with white hair and old age, but his eyes are scarlet and blood.

When Fang Yu arrived, the white-haired man opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes sharp and sharp like a sharp long sword.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

“The latecomer! Hold this token! Reunite the Sword of Slaughter! Kill all the rebellious thieves of God World for me! “

The stern roar sound resounded through Fang Yu’s ears, rushing towards Fang Yu’s soul, as if he wanted to plant this obse ion with killing deeply into Fang Yu’s soul.

Fang Yu couldn’t bear it, and roared in pain!

Dont say Fang Yu Martial Venerable Realm!

I’m afraid, standing here, even if it is a Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse, will be as painful as Fang Yu.

Because of the white-haired man who died during meditation during the chess game, the killing obse ion left behind is really too strong!

To be able to withstand this killing obse ion without being injured, even Martial God Realm powerhouse may not be able to do it.

All the obse ions left after death can be so terrifying!

You can imagine.

This white-haired man’s peak state during his lifetime must be among the realm above Martial God, and they all belong to the extremely strong level!

“ding dong!”

“Trigger the system protection mechanism!”

“Start to forcibly pull away the host soul and return to the fleshy body. Now start Entering the countdown…”

A long while pa ed.

The blazing sun is empty.

Fang Yu, like a fish about to die in the sun, returned to the water and came back to life, breathing fresh air quickly!

At this moment.

Fang Yu opened his eyes and reappeared in front of Mu Xue and the corpse of Zhenbei Junhou.

The slaughter order of the ten directions has disappeared!

However, Fang Yu can’t take care of these.

I was in a cold sweat. I don’t know when I got soaked in my clothes.

Fang Yu sat slumped on the ground.

Recalling the horror of the white-haired man, I still have lingering fears.

“That…existence, how strong should it be before death! Also, that existence seems to talk about the God World, is this God World the legendary God World?”

“God Slaughter Sword, what is it?”

Fang Yu shook his mind, just want to leave here as soon as po ible! If he could choose again, he would definitely not touch the ten directions slaughter order.

Furthermore, I saw that ten directions slaughter order, how far do you hide!

If it werent for the system, lets not say it. Im afraid it is as strong as Lin Tians Martial Emperor powerhouse, and it will be crushed to the soul by the obse ion of killing in that illusory space…

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