“What’s the matter? You figured it out?”

Fang Yu coldly snorted, looking at Guanghan with scorching eyes, with a cold expre ion on his face, curled his lips and asked .

At the same time, this violent aura slowly retracted within the body……

After seeing this aura retracted, Guang Hans pale face Turn around slightly.

Looking at Fang Yu with a lingering fear, looked at Fang Yu with a bitter expre ion on his face, struggled for a while, and finally spoke.

“My lord, I don’t have anything valuable to pay you right now! But for several decades, I have gradually mastered the Alchemy Technique under the influence of my spirit.

These exquisite pills are my painstaking efforts for so many years…”

Speaking, Guang Han has already pulled out three gray-black medicine pills from his sleeves.

The moment the gray-black medicine pill appeared in front of him, Fang Yu was stunned for no reason!

In front of him, the few Peculiar Pills in Guanghan’s hands were all ridiculously high in grade.

It is different from the exquisite pill refined by Fang Yu.

The several medicine pills in his hand, whether it is the color or the red fragrance, or the flowing power of the medicine pill, are much stronger than those previously refined by Fang Yu.

Even the quinte ential pill once refined by Pill Saint and Danxian Senior is not as good as the three in his hands.

Obviously, this is a superb pill.

I don’t know how this guy made a strand of Remnant Soul from this superb pill.

But after another thought, this guy secretly likes to swallow all kinds of spirit flowers and gra es.

Following Danxian for many years, I may secretly swallow many things.

Using the power of these spirit flowers and gra es to refine this grade medicine pill is not difficult.

Fang Yu muttered in his heart, his face already showing a greedy expre ion.

These three exquisite pills are completely more valuable than the few heavenly spirits and earth treasures he swallowed.

You don’t even need three, just two will be worth the precious things he swallows.

Able to take out three exquisite pills in one breath, it can be seen that this guy is obviously rich and imposing.

If Fang Yu had just been soft-hearted and truly believed in his evil, these three exquisite pills would be lost for nothing.

Fang Yu felt a little fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he did not feel soft, but overbearing once.

This time, I made a lot of money!

After thinking about it, Fang Yu immediately wanted to take over these three exquisite pills.

However, Fang Yu was frowned as soon as he was shot.

This guy seems to be distre ed.

But in the corner of my eyes, a hint of grateful expre ion faded.

He relaxed.

Of course, this expre ion is not the feeling of the rest of life, but the feeling of a tricky trick.

As soon as this emoji appeared, Fang Yu was taken in the entire scene.

Slowly, and forcibly turned his thoughts back, Fang Yu’s gaze reappeared on Guanghan’s body.

Sweeping up and down, I always feel that Guanghan’s eyes are faintly avoiding something. I didn’t dare to look directly at Fang Yu’s eyes.

“Trifling three exquisite pill, just want to change my Spirit Treasure of this amount? Dreaming!”

If it weren’t for his last dodge extension, Fang Yu wouldn’t dare sure.

However, after seeing his expre ion, Fang Yu sneered in his heart and spoke in a deep voice.

It was his lion’s big mouth first.

Fang Yus lion’s big mouth cant be blamed.

Moreover, this guy dared to play scheming when he died, but it was a bit hateful!

“gu lu ~”

Sure enough, when Fang Yu’s voice just fell, Guang Han’s expre ion changed slightly.

He swallowed his saliva, his face pale again.

Looking at Fang Yu with a sad face, said: “My lord, you have a lot of it, please do me a favour.

The aging is just a ray of Remnant Soul, I really cant get it out. There are more treasures.

These three exquisite pills are already…”

“shuaa~ ~”

Guanghan cried and wanted to continue When he explained, Fang Yu’s face was already cold.

To mobilize the aura within the body and communicate the power guarded by the Eight Desolation Secret Realm. In the surrounding space, the imposing manner suddenly erupted, and there was a burst of abnormal noise.

After feeling this breath, Guang Hans crying face stopped abruptly, then his face twitched, looking at Fang Yu, and quickly took out two of the same grade pill from his sleeve. .

He handed it to Fang Yu’s eyes in one breath, his face crying: “My lord, this is really all of me!”

Five superb pill!

Fang Yu’s gaze became fierce again.

These five exquisite pills. Like the same grade, medicine efficacy is extremely strong.

Compared with Fang Yu’s previous refining, it has a certain stabilizing effect.

This medicine pill is a good thing. I don’t know what medicine pill he uses.

However, if this kind of superb pill is put in Jubao Pavilion, it will definitely sell for a high price.

Mumbling in his heart, Fang Yu did not rush to take action.

When dealing with this kind of harbor ulterior motives guys, you have to be careful everywhere and keep your eyes open.

His eyes continued to scan Guanghan’s face.

This time, I can see that there is no strange expre ion in his sad expre ion.

Moreover, his eyes flashed with a sense of regret that was not easy to be noticed.

It looks like he lied this time not at all.

These five exquisite pills may really be his all.

Thinking about it, Fang Yu directly coldly snorted, took Guanghan up and down, and then said: “Since this is all your po e ions, then I won’t force you.

The five trifling pill, although not as precious as my spiritual treasure that day, I am not an unreasonable person.

This time, just treat you as ignorant and let you go One horse.

If there is another time, I will take your skin off!”

Fang Yu’s words, calm and strong.

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Yu once again mobilized the surrounding aura to lock Guang Han’s whole person firmly.

Being locked in by this force, Guang Han’s whole person is not normal.

There was a sudden tremor on his face, and he hurriedly nodded: “many thanks, man many thanks!”

Fang Yu’s heart was slowly di ipated after bowing his head for mercy.

After that, I looked back at the mess in this wood house, frowned.

Fang Yu was more shocked that everything that happened just now seemed to affect Ruo Han not at all.

At this moment, Ruohan is still sitting quietly on the spot, controlling the stable breath of his body.

The condensing period is very important.

However, it stands to reason that the bursts of violent aura flashed by just now, he should have already confused his mind.

However, this is not the case.

He still sits still, Motionless As Mountains.

This state of mind is almost beyond the ordinary, which shocked Fang Yu a bit.

Slowly tidying up the wood house, Fang Yu glared at Guang Han.

I opened the exit of the Yahuang Secret Realm outside the wood house, coldly said: “While I am not angry, get out!”

The cold voice sounded, Fang Yu stood by the exit.

This guy is not a good thing, and he must not stay in the Yabara Secret Realm.

If not, the treasure in this wood house is in danger of being lost at any time.

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