This benefit is definitely huge for Fang Yu.

Fang Yu was dumbfounded especially when he thought of Shaohan’s ghost-like cultivation speed.

If there is such a speed, what else do you use Crystal Mall for?

Do you still need to work hard to earn spar?

As he muttered in his heart, Fang Yu had already walked out of this white glow space.

In front of me, there is still the black fog when I entered.

In this black fog, Fang Yu’s fleshy body poses no threat.

When I first came in, I was worried that the Spiritual Qi was running out.

But this time, you dont have to worry so much.

In the white glow space, the strength of the fleshy body has been greatly improved.

Even if you don’t mobilize the Spiritual Qi at Dantian Qi Sea, relying on that gentle force, you can still easily resist the attack power against the fleshy body in the black mist.

In this way, the journey will be much easier.

In the dark fog, there is no sense of direction at all.

Fang Yu couldn’t remember the way back last time.

After going around a few times in the black mist, he finally took out the Seven-Star Desperate Sword.

With the Seven-Star Desperate Sword, at least Fang Yu will be able to figure out Fang Yu, and he will not go around in circles.

After walking all the way, Fang Yus perception still cannot be released.

I don’t know what happened to the people who came in with him before, but obviously, they hardly succeeded in cro ing this black mist.

Perhaps, he was still spinning around, maybe, Spiritual Qi was exhausted by the power in the black mist, and he was buried here.

Mumbling in my heart, the time of a night also pa ed quietly.

There is the Seven-Star Desperate Sword to guide the way. On this road, Fang Yu almost always moved towards one direction, not at all turning in circles.

A few hours later, a white light appeared before Fang Yu’s eyes.

This white light is just pure and incomparable sunlight.

The exit is here!

While he was excited, Fang Yu had already checked his aura.

not at all Cold Moon Palace breath remains.

The real puppet has also been put into the Yabara Secret Realm.

Same as when I entered, the special breath not at all appeared.

In this way, even if you walk out swaggeringly, it will naturally not arouse the jealousy of outsiders.

Fang Yu doesn’t think their strength can compete with him.

However, if you are not afraid of stealing, you are afraid of it.

In case someone is thinking about it, it would be unwise.

The white light is getting closer and closer, Fang Yu directly quickened his pace, rushing out of the black mist.

“huhuhu ~”

When he came out, a gust of wind came from behind him.

Hei Mist seems to vent his di atisfaction.

However, at this time, Fang Yu had completely escaped the scope of the black mist.

When he came out of the black fog, Fang Yu quickly looked at the surrounding space.

There is a jungle in front of me.

The space is different from when he entered the jungle.

Here, not at all how many people gather.

However, there are still a few people who are standing on the edge of the black mist be eager to have a try, wanting to go in, but they have no courage.


“Why did he come out?”

“When did this guy go in?”

Fang Yu The moment silhouette appeared, several people around were frowned at the same time, and their faces were unbelievable.

But then, they looked at Fang Yu’s gaze, and there was a trace of greedy expre ion.

“There is nothing in it, I advise you not to waste your efforts!”

Fang Yu was coldly snorted and said to several people.

As a result, it is to persuade them not to overestimate one’s capabilities.

Secondly, it can be regarded as a hint to them that he is not at all treasure.

After all, at this time, Fang Yu’s realm has been suppre ed to the realm of the Martial King peak.

Compared with the strength of these people around, it is even somewhat weak.

If they don’t persuade them to leave, they might really be so stupid to rush forward.

“Are you telling the truth?”

“Behind this black fog, there is really nothing?”

“Why don’t I believe it so much? ……”

Several people looked up and down Fang Yu.

Perception has scanned Fang Yu all over.

After a long while, I suddenly realized that apart from the breath in the black mist, there was nothing unusual about Fang Yu’s body. I couldn’t help but feel a little confused.

“Believe it or not! This black mist, don’t think about it when you go in. I can come out, but it’s a fluke!”

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows and sneered, and then left with a sway In situ.

Almost certain in my heart.

Although these guys said they didn’t believe it, they were afraid that they already believed almost.

After all, even if they didn’t believe Fang Yu’s words, they didn’t find anything of value from him.

“This guy doesn’t seem to be lying.”

“Before the fifth and they went in, it has been almost ten days since they lived and died!”

“This black mist looks evil, even more how, whether Cold Moon Palace exists or not, I don’t think we need to take that risk!”

Fang Yu’s silhouette As I want to go further, the few people behind him have begun to whisper.

After exchanging opinions, several people finally gave up.

Fang Yu had already anticipated this idea.

Even if Fang Yu does not remind, they are likely to give up.

It’s not because Fang Yu is good at trying to figure out people’s hearts, but because there are already a large number of people coming back from the black mist.

Hearing the news from Hanyue Palace, all of them had the same reaction as Fang Yu, and wanted to come over and try one’s luck.

It’s just that the black fog outside is really terrifying.

Just a black fog outside has di uaded so many people, there is a white glow space inside, and it may make them desperate…

Fang Yu muttered in his heart Thinking about it, I was not in the mood to regret them.

After all, everyone’s thoughts were on the Cold Moon Palace when they came in earlier.

At this moment, Hanyue Palace is obviously hopele .

As a result, many people remembered their original intention to come to Independent Space this time.

Looking for heavenly treasures!

Some people are conscientious, but look for a lot of treasures.

But some people are obviously harbor ulterior motives.

When I came in, I was not righteous, thinking about reap without sowing.

At this time, the ugly face is naturally revealed.

However, due to the presence of so many people, it is obviously impossible to rob them directly.

You can never kill everyone.

However, if you can’t grab it, it doesn’t mean you can’t outsmart it.

Behind Fang Yu, the eyes of the three youngsters have been placed on him.

Even if he turned his back to them, Fang Yu could know the thoughts in their greedy eyes.

Want to rob?

Fang Yu gave a secret smile in his heart.

Mother, most recently, regardless of the previous, in this Independent Space, there have been more than ten people ransacked by Fang Yu.

On robbery, he is about to become a grandfather of a robber.

At this moment, there are people who dare to think about him?

Then no wonder Fang Yu is ruthle …

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