these two people, it seems that not at all has any influence on him.

Until these two people walked away slowly, Shao Han shook his head and smiled bitterly.

There was a sense of sadness in my heart, and it took a while to get better.

This kind of expre ion, in appearance, is naturally not captured.

However, in Fang Yu’s position, he can clearly feel it.

After Shaohan smiled bitterly and shook the head, he resumed his usual calm expre ion.

After a while, he looked up at the horizon.

The hazy moon is still hanging in the night sky.

After that, he walked to a stone tablet again and continued to paint with a pen.

This time, the breath is more calm than last time.

It’s like repeating something melancholy.

This kind of thing, either once or both.

They are all vivid and unforgettable.

Furthermore, after doing it again, the power of the artistic conception above is even stronger.

The breath is more calm.

The hazy breath under the moonlight has also become stronger.

Fang Yu can clearly feel the sadness in that stroke every moment.

Finally, at the moment when the moonlight completely disappeared, this fast stone tablet was also completed.

At the place of signature, Shaohan without the slightest hesitation engraved the three characters of Hanyue Palace.

Below the three big characters of Hanyue Palace, the two characters Pill Sect have been engraved with determination.

Of course, Shaohan added a few more strokes between these words.

“Positive forces are not at odds!”

Fang Yu’s gaze slowly looked up.

This stone tablet should be the one standing in front of the Hanyue Palace 800 years later.

It’s just that the upper piece has broken.

And, it has appeared at the junction of the plain and the jungle.

On which piece, the few big characters Fang Yu saw were carved by Shao Han at this time.

Seeing these large characters carved out, there is still some special flavor flowing in my heart.

How long does this feeling not at all last!

After portraying this stone tablet, Shaohan directly bases the stone tablet on the gate of Hanyue Palace.

After that, he stood on the periphery of the canyon.

He looked at the space outside the canyon with scorching eyes.

Finally, his mind sank, and the power of artistic conception within the body exploded.

The violent aura lingers around Shaohan.

After that, in this aura, the force of the cold artistic conception slowly condensed in the surrounding space.

With that icy cold as the center point, all the power of the mood contained in the hazy moonlight, in this brief moment, condenses.

Slowly release this a side World around.

The a side World outside the canyon was soon shrouded in a hazy moonlight.

In this true white glow, all the power of artistic conception, all the meaning of moonlight and sadne , are all released.

In this space, the feeling of white mist in the sky instantly formed.

In this white mist, there is the meaning of ice cold.

The space surrounding the canyon forms a natural barrier Formation.

Ordinary people, simply can’t set foot here.

Even if you are not lost in the white mist, you will be buried in this white mist and cold!

It’s just that the meaning of coldness at this time is not very obvious.

After 800 years, the meaning of ice and cold in the moonlight gradually increased, and finally formed the white glow space that almost killed Fang Yu’s life.

Fang Yu is frowned when looking at this space with five flavors of miscellaneous grains in his heart.

This white space was written by Shao Han.

The moment this white space is gradually raised, it is destined that Shaohan will be isolated from the world and not matter to the world.

People outside cannot enter.

He doesn’t want to go out at all…

Mumbling in his heart, Fang Yu’s thoughts turned, and suddenly another question came to mind.

On the periphery of the white glow space, who is the source of the black fog?

Also, who did the broken stone tablet?

These two questions lingered in Fang Yu’s heart for an instant.

But obviously, staying here seems to be unable to find the answer.

Unless you maintain this state, you can see it with your own eyes.

But obviously, this is no longer nece ary.

Because, even if that person was great, in the end, he couldn’t bring that half of the stone tablet out of this independent space.

Fang Yu also has no intention of getting answers.

Presumably, this matter is still inseparable from the people of Pill Sect.

Mumbling in his heart, Fang Yu planned to leave this time.

I have been here for a long time, and I dont know what happened to the world outside.

the thoughts got to this point, Fang Yu’s thoughts are flying.

Forcibly stripped this Remnant Soul from Shaohan’s within the body.

Shao Hanrao is the cultivation base at the peak of Martial Sect, and nothing unusual was found.

Looking at his silhouette, I walked into the great hall of Hanyue Palace lonely.

That figure from the back seems to be a bit sad.

The feeling of loneliness arose spontaneously.

Going to leave!

This fleshy body that has been here for more than ten years.

Although I don’t have the right to control, I still have a little nostalgia for more than ten years.

Forcibly letting go of this feeling of reluctance, Fang Yu’s figure shook, and that strand of Remnant Soul began to become unstable.

A violent twisting force swept Fang Yus Remnant Soul once again.

The feeling of murky heavens dark earth came out again.

Fang Yu has experienced this feeling once, but that was ten years ago.

At this time, I experienced it once, and it was obviously a bit uncomfortable!

After all, this violent twisting power is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

The earth roars and the sky spins.

Fang Yu has completely lost consciousne .

I dont know how long this feeling lasted.

Finally, Fang Yu’s consciousness slowly recovered after a burst of pain.

The eyes were opened, and the legs softened and fell directly to the ground.

Through the eyes, there was a faint ray of light.

It’s just that the light is very blurry.

The feeling of spinning around in Fang Yu’s heart continued.

A strong feeling of nausea enveloped my heart.

After a while, Fang Yu’s eyes went dark, and he fell into dimness again.

I don’t know how long it has been, and what I have experienced.

When Fang Yu opened his eyes again, he only felt weak.

The feeling of murky heavens dark earth is still going on.

It took a long time before he recovered slowly.

The moment the eyes opened, the dizziness in front of him weakened slightly.

In the blurred vision, the old and Shaohan still turned his back to Fang Yu, holding the cane in his hand, slowly sweeping the dust on the wall.

This figure looks familiar and strange.

Every move, it looks like something special.

Forcibly instilling Spiritual Qi into his body, Fang Yu slowly stood up.

After all, in that illusion, Fang Yu has not controlled Fleshy body for 15 years.

At this moment, suddenly there is a Fleshy body. To be precise, it is the control of one’s own body. On the contrary, I am not used to it.

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