One hit failed.

Liu Fatty “cengcengceng” backed a few steps, and instantly distanced himself from the group of Spirit Beasts.

The eyes are a bit solemn, as if looking for the weak spot of these Spirit Beasts.

It’s just that at this time these Spirit Beasts are already on alert.

The sneak attack just now did not succeed. I want to use this method again, which is obviously impossible.

A few Spirit Beasts opened their positions instantly.

The one who seems to be the strongest, faces Liu Fatty.

The remaining few heads stand behind it.

Before and after, there was a tendency to bend the corners, faintly, so that Liu Fatty could not find the weak spot directly.

No matter who he does, the remaining Spirit Beasts will fly fiercely and tear him to pieces.

Liu fatty inwardly complained in one’s heart.

To deal with this kind of fleshy body is powerful, the skin is rough, flesh is thick Spirit Beast, obviously can’t be tough.

Moreover, their spiritual wisdom is still very high.

Helple , Liu Fatty only glanced at Fang Yu and asked for help.

If this stalemate continues, it may not be po ible that these Spirit Beasts will still have patience. Maybe they will rush directly at Liu Fatty.

At such a close distance and so many Spirit Beasts, if he rushed directly at Liu Fatty, he would definitely not be able to get away.

Fang Yu can only shook the head.

Slowly stepped forward and stood beside Liu Fatty.

These Spirit Beasts do not intend to attack for the time being, but it does not mean that they are good crops.

Especially the Spirit Beast who faced Liu Fatty directly, without any look of dreading in his eyes.

Even, I seem to be thinking about how to take Liu Fatty down!

“I disrupted their formation, and the rest is up to you…”

Fang Yu whispered in Liu Fatty’s ear.

He has been observing for a long time.

The position of these Spirit Beasts is almost impeccable.

If you want to take them down, you can only disrupt the formation first and then wait for the opportunity.

Liu Fatty didn’t say much, just nodded.

The next second, Fang Yu exploded in an imposing manner.

God’s Will Wandering the Dragon will make an instant shot.

Densely packed boxing shadows are gathered beside them.

At the same time, Fang Yu’s figure has appeared in front of the first Spirit Beast like lightning.

Behind him, the dense shadows of fists also followed.

The goal is the crown of its head.

With several battle experiences with Spirit Beast, Fang Yu has basically figured out the weakness of this group of Spirit Beast.

Their biggest weakness is that they have no weaknesses…

After all, the strength of the fleshy body is invincible.

The position above the head is only relatively weak.


Sure enough, when the violent shadow of the fist was about to reach Spirit Beast’s forehead, he just listened to his low roar.

Then he leapt up, trying to avoid this fatal blow.

Fang Yu has eyesight and quick hands.

At the moment he flew up, he struck the Spirit Beast behind him with a punch.


After a dull sound, the huge monster flew out directly.

This fist, Fang Yu mobilized most of the Spiritual Qi within the body.

The explosive power is extremely violent.

“hong long long ~”

After a long while, the Spirit Beast is slowly landing.

Along with a loud noise, a burst of yellow sand was directly set off in that one.

Fortunately, this Spirit Beast can also be regarded as skin is rough, flesh is thick.

After being bombarded by Fang Yu with such a violent blow, he fell to the ground and still had a breath.

“roar ~”

As soon as Fang Yu succeeded, the Spirit Beast on the left and right rang up to the sky with a roar, bursting out a terrifying imposing manner.

Two Spirit Beasts, one on the left and the other on the right, rushed towards Fang Yu frantically. Looking at the posture, they should be trying to smash Fang Yu!

Fortunately, Fang Yu has already prepared for it.

Almost the moment when two Spirit Beasts rushed over, his silhouette flashed and disappeared in place.

When the two Spirit Beasts galloped over, the original triangle formation was instantly me ed up.

And Spirit Beast headed by that head is already on the order at this time!

Liu Fatty found the right time, and he was not stunned at the moment.

The short blade in his hand flew in the wind, and after a sky-splitting sound, it directly pierced into the forehead of the Spirit Beast.

After that, Liu Fatty within the body breathed, and punched again, and strikes on Spirit Beast’s forehead.


The Spirit Beast flew out directly.

Without the echo of peers, its response is obviously much slower.

After a while, that huge monster fell directly to the ground and died.

Liu Fatty’s shot is quite ruthle , and he didn’t keep his hands.

After solving one Spirit Beast easily, the remaining three are already injured and tired.

That’s the case, they are still madly colliding at Fang Yu, as if they have encountered some enemies.

Fang Yu just avoided blindly, and didn’t fight with him.

Through one of the fatigued space, Liu Fatty’s silhouette has also arrived.

“pu _”

The short blade penetrates its forehead easily as if it enters no one.

In the next second, Liu Fatty pulled away and pierced the last Spirit Beast in front of Fang Yu’s eyes.

On this Spirit Beast, Fang Yu was the only one in his eyes at this time, and he didn’t notice at all.

The dazzling short blade has penetrated its head!

Liu Fatty’s shot is really quick and decisive.

And, there is no room left.

At this point, it looks a bit like his fourth brother.

After solving the battlefield, Fang Yu swept the dust on his face.

I still feel a little lost in my heart.

After all, in this mountain range for so long, the only group of Spirit Beasts that I have seen is so weak. It is really hard to figure out why those Elders keep on saying In Yiyuan Mountain, it is extremely dangerous!

“These guys don’t seem to be entrenched here!”

At the same time, Liu Fatty squatted beside the body of Spirit Beast and muttered.

“What do you mean?”

Fang Yu, frowned, walked to Liu Fatty’s side.

“Look at this…”

Liu Fatty pointed his finger at the stab wound on one of the Spirit Beasts.

The slender blade does not look clear from a distance.

However, when you get close at this time, you can discover how scary this knife edge is.

The slender and sharp blade slashed directly across the back of this Spirit Beast, at least halfway through the body.

It’s just that the cutting edge is not very deep, so there is no danger of death.

However, the fur of Spirit Beast is extremely solid.

The strength of the fleshy body has reached the Realm of Martial King.

General daggers and swords are basically impossible to tear apart its skin.

Even if it is the short blade in Liu Fatty’s hand, it is very difficult to leave this blade on the Spirit Beast whose skin is rough and flesh is thick.

However, Liu Fatty’s attention is clearly not above weapons.

He frowned and said: “This Spirit Beast is either not of this generation.

Either this generation, besides us, there are others!”

< p> Liu Fatty’s words slowly appeared in Fang Yu’s ears.

Fang Yu only reacted at this time.

Staring at the incision on Spirit Beast’s body, I am a little confused…

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