A letter that can be placed on the second floor of the Chamber of the Mystery Institute, and also makes Vice President Wang so important.

Presumably, the things recorded here are very unusual.

Listening to Vice President Wang, the matter in this letter is related to the origin of Heaven and Earth.

I don’t know why Vice President Wang wants him to see it, but it must be no harm.

He sighed, Fang Yu mobilized the aura of within the body, gathered around his body, to prevent being corroded by the power of the artistic conception in the letter.

After that, his figure shook, and instantly merged into the white light on the envelope.

There was a white glow all around, and the space was shaking.

This is a Formation similar to Space Teleportation, and Fang Yu has long been used to it.

Closed his eyes slightly, and gue ed it for a while.

The shaking feeling of the space, suddenly disappeared thoroughly.

In front of me, the white glow is no longer so dazzling.

Fang Yu slowly opened his eyes.


What catches your eyes is a white scene.

It is different from the white glow in the teleportation space.

The white glow in Space Teleportation is beyond sight.

And here, there are things and scenes.

Being in this white glow is like being in the sky.

Here, there is no picturesque scenery, no air, and nothing!

It is like a special space condense by the powerhouse.

However, being in this space is very real.

Fang Yu can clearly feel his flesh and blood, which also shows that everything around him is not fake.

This is the powerhouse where this letter of artistic conception was written, and the scene really seen!

Here, simply is not the continent where Fang Yu lives.

To be precise, Fang Yu didn’t even know where it was.

Different from ordinary continents, here is a white glow, surrounded by Spiritual Qi, just like the Celestial Court, but without the Immortal Qi on the Celestial Court.

Here, everything seems to be swallowed.

Even if I yelled, I couldn’t hear any sound.

After finally getting used to this white glow, Fang Yu looked at all around.

In that white glow, there is a towering tree standing here.

The tree has no color and is almost transparent.

If it weren’t for the clearly visible frame and outline, Fang Yu couldn’t see the existence of a tree there.

The towering tree stands in this white glow. I can’t see how high it is or how thick it is. The surrounding cold and cheerless are very scrupulous.

From Fang Yu’s perspective, that is, from the powerhouse who wrote the letter, the illusory shadow of the tree is just a tip of the iceberg!

And the power contained in this tip of the iceberg is daunting.

It’s like being in a Star Sea, looking at many galaxies, feeling the endless power of the aby , which shocks people’s hearts, but there is inevitably an incomparably powerful oppre ion.

With this feeling, Fang Yu is actually a little familiar with the game!

It’s like the feeling of shock and suffocation when comprehend the eternal chess game nebula map.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

After all, under this towering tree, Fang Yu looks too small.

My eyes continued to look at this tree, the feeling of suffocation became stronger and stronger.

However, Fang Yu couldn’t take his eyes back.

It was as if there was a powerful resentment force not far away, attracting him.

This feeling has also appeared in the comprehend nebula map, but it is still within Fang Yu’s controllable range.

But at this point, Fang Yu can’t control himself at all.

The oppre ion in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, and the heartbeat suddenly rises to its limit.

Fang Yu felt that all the blood was madly moving around, and the blood ve els were about to burst.

The feeling of suffocation instantly turned into fear.

A kind of fear from the aby .

Fang Yu has never felt this kind of fear.

This is fear at the edge of death.


At the moment when Fang Yu was about to lose consciousne , his body suddenly felt like an electric shock.

After that, this painful sensation instantly awakened Fang Yu’s consciousne .

When he opened his eyes again, Fang Yu found that he was still on the second floor of the chamber.

The pain just now was brought by Vice President Wang.

He slowly withdrew his strength and looked at Fang Yu slightly relaxed, but his eyes were strange.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Fang Yu just barely recovered at this time.

The feeling of suffocation just now seems to have not completely disappeared. It can be said that that feeling is very real.

In the power of artistic conception, if you accidentally lose your God, this happens occasionally.

“What did you see?”

Vice President Wang also reacted at this time, with some horror in his eyes, facing Fang Yu, he almost shouted: “You almost died, do you know?”

After speaking, there was still a trace of fear in his eyes.

“A tree…”

Fang Yu murmured.

“Yes, it is the tree. That strange force is on that tree!”

came back to his senses, Fang Yu recalled the scene just now, Still a little frightened.


It’s not just Fang Yu. At this moment, Vice President Wang’s turn is surprised.

“How can there be trees?”

Vice President Wang frowns, thinking hard.

If it weren’t for Fang Yu’s situation just now, Vice President Wang would even want to go in and see for himself.

But after thinking about it, looking at Fang Yu doesnt look like a lie, he still asks: “What kind of tree?”

“Large, big boundle … _t feels like”

Speaking of this, Fang Yu shook the head and didn’t continue.

Because of that feeling, it is like the infinite expansion of the Throne of Sin, boundle , shocking.

“This is weird…”

Deputy Dean Wang shook the head, frowned and looked at Fang Yu, and said, “I have seen the scene in this artistic conception. This is the second time.

To be precise, it was a Space Node that detached from the mainland!

As for what tree, why didnt I find it?”

He muttered When talking to himself, Fang Yu heard something strange.

“This is the Space Node of the Transcendence Continent?”

The eyes were a little surprised, and continued to ask: “The Transcendence Continent, does it really exist?”

At that time, Fang Yu had already come back to his senses from the thrill just now, and his mind was completely focused on what Vice President Wang said.

He originally thought that the so-called detached continent was just a fictitious that’s all. Lack of rice thought that it really exists.

Furthermore, he felt it up close just now.

“Yes, detaching from the mainland is indeed not a legend!”

Vice President Wang also calmed down at this moment, looking at Fang Yu, and said with certainty.

After that, he pointed to the envelope.

“This letter was sent back by the last dean of our Azure Dragon Academy!”

“Here is the power of artistic conception, that is, what you see Yes, they were all seen by the previous dean.”

The words of Deputy Dean Wang slowly drifted into Fang Yu’s ears.

Fang Yu was even more confused.

“The last dean? Hasn’t he already fallen?”

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