“I am not happy to be said that by you!”

Bai Wuxie rolled his eyes and said.


Kegul spreads his hands, why is he incompetent?

This is unreasonable.

Everyone is equal in the team.

“Because I am a straight guy, you are not a straight guy anymore? You are all straight guys, so you are not qualified to talk about me.”

Bai Wuxie said angrily.

Kegul was not convinced and directly refuted.

Bai Wuxie was not convinced by Keguer’s di atisfaction, and argued endle ly.

So, along the way, there were discu ions between two people arguing about who is a straight man. Except for Fang Yu, who walked in the front, everyone else was very big.


“Quickly, follow!”

“Not good, lost it!”

“Don’t follow Squeeze, there is something weird here!”

The entrance of the Weiming Cave is a me !

“Hurry up and stabilize the scene!”

Jiang Zhenyu is almost violent.

She was the one who set the game for Liehua, but she did not expect that Liehualuoluo generously accepted the move and kicked the chaos back without any change.

According to Jiang Zhenyus prediction, with so many martial artists me ing up, Liewei will definitely not be easy to get in. When the time comes, she really has a chance. She doesnt mind making a shot in person, and teaming up with other powerhouses. Liehua!

Granddaughter of Emperor Lie!

Innate talent Juniors beyond Lie Di!

How big these names are, even Jiang Zhenyu himself is afraid of three points.

If you can capture Liehua, it will definitely be a great opportunity to become famous.

However, Liehua is still Liehua, impossible is easily succeeded by them.

The layout that Jiang Zhenyu took for granted was instead used by Liewei, which made the scene chaotic for a while, but it was difficult for her to clean up the me !

“This woman is not simple, she is very strong.”

The mysterious woman hung in the shadow of Jiang Zhenyu said: “Her innate talent is so high that among her peers, she can be called a lifetime. Only see.”

Jiang Zhenyu frowned.

To be honest, Liewei is very strong, and she has a very high innate talent. She doesn’t know how many times she has heard these words.

But she didn’t know whether it was true or false.

Because Liehua will not easily interact with others.

So, many rumors, until now, are just rumors.

Now even this mysterious creature who has taken refuge in her respects Liewei, Jiang Zhenyu is very upset!

“You don’t need to be angry.”

Mysterious woman said: “The ruins of the saint are very large. I can’t eat so much by myself. I am willing to give you some of the benefits!”

“Give me some of the benefits?”

Jiang Zhenyu smiled: “Why didn’t I take the big head?”

“Because the big head…has very special You dont meet the requirements, you cant get it, you can only retreat, this is a secret I exposed to you in advance.”

Mysterious woman is very calm.

As if she had expected Jiang Zhenyu to have such a question.

“Very special requirements? What are the requirements?”

Jiang Zhenyu asked.

But the mysterious woman stopped talking.

She can reveal not much.

Say more, but it’s not good.

“How much are the benefits of retreat?”

Jiang Zhenyu changed his question.


Mysterious woman’s answer is very simple.

“No way!”

Jiang Zhenyu couldn’t believe it.

After giving up the big head, the remaining benefits can also make people sanctified?

How is it po ible!

“If you don’t believe it, it’s your busine . I can only say that this is a fact. I don’t have to deceive you on this kind of thing.”

mysterious woman indifferently said: “If it weren’t for you to cooperate with me so boldly, I would not disclose these news to you, even…”

“Even how?”

Jiang Zhenyu couldn’t help but ask .

“Even after you enter the ruins, you will use some of the big kills to kill you inside.”

Mysterious woman did not wait for Jiang Zhenyu to ask questions, and continued:” Dont think its impossible, my ancestors have a huge relationship with the ruins of the saint, and this saint is very powerful existence, to some extent, no less than the Martial Emperor here.”

” No less than our Martial Emperor? No way!”

Jiang Zhenyu swallowed his saliva.

She comes from the Martial Emperor family, even if she has fallen, she is also honored as a hidden Aristocratic Family.

Therefore, Jiang Zhenyu is too clear about the existence of Martial Emperor.

Even if he is gone, the rays of light of the Martial Emperor still illuminate future generations.

Now that the one in the ruins of the saint is no less than the Martial Emperor…how it is po ible!

The Martial Emperor is the Martial Emperor. Even if it is a mighty general, he will break his wrists with the Martial Emperor at best, and want to surpass the Martial Emperor… absolutely impossible!

However, according to the mysterious woman, the strength of this saint is still higher than that of the Martial Emperor, or is it directly equal?

How is it po ible!

“Your knowledge is still too little. The world and the world are different. In our world…”

Mysterious woman said and said, she suddenly reintegrated into the shadow.

next moment, someone came in.

“What’s the situation? Liewei’s good deeds?”

This is a teenager with scars on his face.

His breath is fierce and chilling.

“Bei Zhiang, didn’t I tell you what happened? Want me to say it again?”

Jiang Zhenyu said unhappily.

Mysterious woman is about to talk about the critical moment, but Bei Zhiang came in to interrupt her, how could she be happy.


The man named Bei Zhiang coldly snorted, said: “Such simple things can be screwed up, if you and I are limited to a cooperative relationship, I It is definitely…”

“What is it absolutely? Kill me?”

Jiang Zhenyu was also angry.

Bei Zhiangs family fell faster than theirs!

However, the Martial Emperor of the Beizhiang family made a lot of preparations before died during meditation, so the current background is stronger than Jiang Zhenyu and the others.

However, in Jiang Zhenyu’s view, the difference between the two sides is very small, which is not a cause for concern. She will not consider herself inferior for this.

As everyone knows, Bei Zhiang directly treated herself as a subordinate, and wanted to teach her how could she not be angry.

“I’ll take care of this!”

Bei Zhiang didn’t entangle Jiang Zhenyu on such trivial matters, and went away.

“He also has something within the body, don’t be carele .”

After mysterious woman said this sentence, she completely melted into Jiang Zhenyus shadow, unless she entered the ruins, otherwise she would not Will appear again.


“Here is the ruins…Hey!”

Liewei has just arrived at the ruins and has not seen clearly yet, but Fang Yu is facing the door What did you do.

After that, as everyone watched, Fang Yu had a reaction when he broke into the door…A crack in the door slowly appeared.

“Go…it can only be so big! Time is not up to hundreds of breaths, hurry up!”

Fang Yu urged him to take the lead and enter the ruins of the saints.

The rest of the people reacted and quickly followed!

Because a hundred breaths are fleeting, and they have limited understanding of the ruins and so on. In case the door is closed when the time is only more than ten breaths, they have no place to cry!

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