“The fog is di ipating!”

The fog at the entrance of the Grieving Cave was di ipating, and everyone was excited.

Actually, they didn’t try to break in.

However, Jiang Zhenyu directly reminded them that this was a waste of effort!

Mist is not an ordinary thing, it is not something they can break through if they want to be impulsive.

However, there are still many people who have a fluke mentality, and they are directly lost in it.

I wandered around one day and one night before I came out.

Many people are terrified. Fortunately, there is no Demonic beast in the mist, otherwise it is impossible to come out!

Be aware that these mists are strange, but some Demonic beasts can definitely be done as long as they dont try to pass through and just hunt inside!

On the premise that no one knows what is going on inside, it is no different from courting death.

“Ready to go in!”

Jiang Zhenyu showed up and shocked the young talents present.

Because Jiang Zhenyu’s appearance can’t be called stunning, but it is indeed a must.

Not to mention, she has the identity of the Aristocratic Family!

This is the main reason that really shocks everyone.

The status of the hidden Aristocratic Family is beyond doubt.

If it werent for Jiang Zhenyu to reveal his origins, it would be impossible to attract so many powerhouses by relying on the Heaven Slashing Alliance alone.

It is true that the Slashing Sky Alliance is definitely a force in the place of retest.

However, for most martial artists, the way of doing things in the Sky Slash Alliance is not pleasing!

A force dedicated to sniping geniuses.

They are the Heaven’s Chosen Child of various places.

The Slashing Sky Alliance has just played such a name again… It is absolutely deceptive to say how pleasing it is.

Fortunately, the name of the hidden Aristocratic Family is still loud enough.

A former Martial Emperor family, even if it is not at its peak, is still beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Jiang Zhenyu felt the heat in their eyes, and smiled randomly: “I promise in the name of our family that the ruins of the saints are in the cave of mourning! And our luck is very good, the saint who came here The ruins of the saints are the complete ruins of the saints!”


Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air!

The complete relic of the saint, this is incredible!

Be aware that a saint with half claws can feed the martial artist present.

Their appetite is not as big as Fang Yu and the others.

There is also no such terrifying strength as Fang Yu and the others.

Now it is said that the ruins of the saints that have descended here are complete ruins of saints…… this kind of thing, it is estimated that even the Saint family will shake.

As for why it is called a saint, instead of Saint or Martial Saint, it is related to the high probability that this ruin came from outside the territory.

How can the extraterritorial creatures be Saint, let alone Martial Dao, but they have Saint-level strength, so they are Saints, not Saint and Martial Saint.

“The fog has cleared…Let’s go in!”

People still want to ask a question, but Jiang Zhenyu glanced at the entrance of the Weiming Cave and said loudly.


Everyone’s attention was immediately attracted.

“I want to be the first to go in!”

“I am the first!”

“All get out of my sight!”



Martial artists who are attracted havetily swarmed in.

Jiang Zhenyu smiled and said nothing.

“Young Lady, normally, you should have gone in first. These people are so rude!”

The martial artist who served her left and right was very angry.

“Shut up, isn’t it good for them to find the way.”

Jiang Zhenyu said indifferently.

Yes, she is not these fools, she can’t think that Fang Yu must have arranged inescapable net in it, waiting for the newcomers to arrive.

She is more curious, what about Liehua?

How will Liehua go in again?

Liehua came over in advance just to meet Fang Yu and the others.

But, what it looks like now… She is very curious about how Liehua will get in.

“Jiang Zhenyu, this woman…”

Lie Wei looked at Jiang Zhenyu whose eyes were turning from a distance, and couldn’t help but scold her in his heart!

Obviously, Jiang Zhenyu did it deliberately in order to prevent Liehua from entering.

“In that case, it’s better to…”

Liewei’s eyes rolled and he had an idea.

Everyone is cautiously at the entrance of Screaming Cave.

They are indeed menacing, but no one took the initiative to explore the way in these two days, and what they ended up with is self-evident.

Now it’s really going to enter the cave of sorrow, who wants to be this little white mouse!

Who loves to be whoever is!

“Jiang Zhenyu, since your people are all hesitant to move forward, then I will take care of the position of the pathfinder…”

Suddenly, a sweet female voice rose up.

“Who is it?”

“It’s Liewei! I saw her speak!”

“Liehua is here!”

< p>_

The spirits of everyone are lifted up.

Jiang Zhenyu comes from the hidden Aristocratic family, which is certainly eye-catching enough.

However, Liehua is the granddaughter of Emperor Lie, Emperor Lie is not only alive, but also at the peak!

When the two girls were together, Liehua was undoubtedly better than Jiang Zhenyu.


Jiang Zhenyu showed shame.

Originally, she had deliberately added a blockage to Liewei, but she suddenly put herself into the pit, which was definitely not expected.

“Ms. Liehua, are there really saint relics in the Screaming Cave?”

Someone can’t help but ask.

Although Jiang Zhenyu has repeatedly determined this question, and Liehua also came here, proving that the ruins of the saint are here.

However, when Liehua appeared, they still wanted to confirm again.

This makes Jiang Zhenyu’s face a little ugly!

Do you not believe what Jiang Zhenyu said by asking Liewei so persistently?

She’s so shameless like this!

“Yes! I am going to join Fang Yu now, we formally form an alliance with Fang Yu, and now I want to go one step ahead!”

Lie Wei said generously.

“Hi …”

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

Although this is a fact, it is still shocking when Liewei said it so directly.

“And Im not afraid to say a word, Fang Yu has already told me how to enter the Sorrowful Cave correctly. If you want to come in, just follow me.”

Liehwa just finished talking. , Immediately flashed, he sank into the cave of wailing.

“Follow up!”

Everyone was inspired by Liehua’s words and immediately followed.


Jiang Zhenyu’s face faded.

This is different from the script she had planned!

Liehua flashed in, eloquently flowing.

Before Bai Wuxie learned some of her doorways and skills, and showed them at the same time.





One Without a hundred breaths, Liehua appeared in front of Fang Yu and the others.

“Oh? What a fast speed!”

Fang Yu was moved.

He asked himself if his speed is not to lose Liewei, but how Liewei was Lifting The Heavy As Though It Was Light just now, he still sees it.

This woman is really strong, she is the hidden number one in the retest this time!

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