“By the way, until now, I didn’t tell you my real name.”

The drug lunatic seemed to remember something, said.

“Well, you just said that you are a drug lunatic.”

Fang Yu nodded.

“I thought that you would help me complete the Jiyuan Pill before, but I didn’t expect that you and I would become master and disciple!”

The drug lunatic was full of emotion.

“This is what you forced to accept disciples, but I was not willing to…”

Fang Yu corrected the drug lunatic’s statement.

“My name is Yao Feng! When I was in Azure Dragon Academy, they called me a lunatic Yao because I was obse ed with refining medicine. I dont care about everything except medicine. Ignore it!”

The medicine maniac said with a smile: “This is the real name of the teacher, you must remember the discipline.”

“Well, I remember it! “

Fang Yu said reluctantly.

“As for the ruins of the saints you asked…it is dangerous.”

Speaking of the ruins of saints, Yao Feng, who is already a half-step Grandmaster, also showed a grave expre ion: ” There are probably living things inside, and there are many!”

“There are many living things!”

Fang Yu pupil shrink.

This can’t be regarded as not seen.

If there are many living creatures in the ruins of the saints, it shows that the degree of danger in this place has exceeded their previous estimates.

“Yes, something escaped, but I didnt catch it, and I didnt mean to catch it. They were not very powerful, but they seemed to have a certain amount of wisdom, very cunning, and wanted It should be very difficult to succeed.”

Yao Feng said seriously: “As for why I am sure that there are living creatures in it, it is because of the so-called living creatures. I have encountered more than once. Although I do not live in this place, how Many years, its only recently about a year, but there are not too many Monster Kings here, or I cant deal with them, not many. At any rate, Im also a graduate of Azure Dragon Academy. Trifling Monster King is simply not there. Now…”

“Okay, okay…”

Fang Yu hurriedly called to stop: “Master, these things, wait for you and I to reunite at Azure Dragon Academy , Its not too late to elaborate, lets hurry up and talk about the relics of the saints now.”

“Lets do it!”

Yao Feng’s meaning is still unfinished: “It can be said that the powerful creatures here, I I recognized almost…but the creatures I encountered for two consecutive days are definitely not the natives here, they can only escape from the ruins of the saints.”

“so that’s how it is!”< /p>

Fang Yu suddenly realized it, and was a little confused: “Master, are you not interested in the ruins of the saints? With your eyesight, even if you don’t know this is the ruins of the saints, you should be able to see it, this place is out of the ordinary, why are you……”

“There is no why, I was thinking that Jiyuandan was only one step away, where would I go into too much……”

Yao Feng smiled bitterly: “Let’s go, I will take you for a walk, and then…I am going to return to Azure Dragon Academy.”

“Master, don’t you go with me?”

Fang Yu moved in his heart.

He really wants this Master to walk with him.

If this is the case, with a Martial King backing, may I ask if you still kill invincible in the whole world in the Azure Dragon mirror?

“Stupid discipline, just talk about this kind of thing. I really stay here. Let’s not say that it is not in compliance with the rules, and you will also be embarra ed.”

Yao Feng said with deep meaning.


Fang Yu laughed.

Just now, half true and half false!

Really, with Yao Fengs battle strength, he can indeed walk unhindered.

Fake, Yao Feng stayed, is it fortune or misfortune, its hard to say!

Because Azure Dragon mirrors here, there are rules for Azure Dragon mirrors.

Yao Feng has been here for many years of atonement. Azure Dragon Mirror should have recognized a familiar one, but Yao Feng has really intervened in the retest. Whether Azure Dragon Mirror will make a move is a matter of two things.

Even more how, the evil spirits eroded the Azure Dragon mirror, making everything here become blurred.

If Fang Yu really finds foreign aid, I am afraid that the evil spirits will really fall apart when there is no way to survive!

This ending is definitely the last thing Fang Yu wants to see.


“Young Lady, according to the me age returned, the martial artist who is rushing has more than three figures! And the overwhelming majority are all ours!”


In front of the surnamed Jiang woman, there is a female martial artist from the Sky Slashing Alliance, who is reporting respectfully.

In the beginning, although she worked extremely hard for the surnamed Jiang woman for chance.

In fact, there are still many unwillingne es in my heart.

However, in the errands and contacts again and again, she could see that some of the famous martial artists treated her respectfully, and she reacted. All this is surnamed Jiang. The woman brought it!

For this, she decided to serve each other well, and really be the servant girl of the other party, as the surnamed Jiang woman.

“The number of people is still a bit small.”

The surnamed Jiang woman said lightly.

“Still still few?”

The female martial artist was surprised.

Hundreds of people came, and they all became a landscape. More people, I’m afraid they will be exposed directly!

Thousands of martial artists are really allowed to grab the good fortune in the ruins of the saints. How much benefit they can get is unknown.

“It must be le . According to time, we definitely have no time to unlock the seal slowly, so there is no doubt that there is only one way to get in.”

surnamed Jiang woman said with a smile: “Take your life to fill in!”

“This…not good! And these martial artists, can they agree?”

Female martial artist hesitates .

Although she is a member of the Sky Slashing Alliance, but the Sky Slashing Alliance is not a murderous madman and will not take human lives. Now she wants to design these martial artists and let them use their lives to fill it. Seal, it’s not good!

“You are still too immature. The remains of the saints are obtained by those who are predestined, and those who have the ability to live in them. They can be used as stepping stones to fill them. People who have no chance to get good fortune.”

“Even the geniuses are divided into three, six or nine grades. They are all the bottom roles in Heaven’s Chosen Child. Have what skills and abilities compete with us for the creation of the saint?”< /p>

“So, all this is their own choice. Did I force them to die? No, I even kindly shared the secrets of the saint’s ruins to them.”< /p>


The surnamed Jiang woman is all smiles, and she doesnt think her actions are any strange: “So, we are actually doing good deeds! You dont need to have Any psychological burden!”

“Here, I… Okay, Young Lady!”

What else did the female martial artist want to say, but I met the eyes of the surnamed Jiang woman At that moment, I didn’t dare to say anything. I promised trembling with fear and went out to contact other people.

“What do you keep for such a stupid girl? It’s better to kill it. It’s an eye-catcher.”

Suddenly, there is a pitch-black as ink in the shadow of the surnamed Jiang woman. ‘S silhouette appeared and said.

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