At this moment, mutation suddenly occurred!

I saw the thunder Divine Flower that was about to be put away, and suddenly released a rolling thunder and lightning!


Under the strikes of thunder and lightning, the blood energy of the drug lunatic is rapidly exhausted.

It’s too powerful, even a Martial King like a drug lunatic, still can’t withstand such a short-range lightning strike!


Later, Lei Divine Flower changed, and it actually grew a face!


Fang Yu was shocked!

What is this?

A human face has grown!

This is a little girl’s face. It looks delicate and cute, no different from a porcelain doll, but Fang Yu feels a terrifying threat!

“Throw the Thunder Divine Flower!”

Fang Yu quickly reminded.

Perhaps The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear, until now, the drug maniac has firmly grasped the mine Divine Flower, which is simply fatal!

The drug maniac heart shivered with cold, and threw Divine Flower quickly.

Sure enough, the medicine maniac just threw the Thunder Divine Flower, and the lightning of this flower was immediately restrained back.

This face disappeared unwillingly.


Fang Yu and the drug lunatic both breathed a sigh of relief.

Its no wonder that Thunder Divine Flower needs the highest guard. Just a careless one, I was caught off guard. Even a Martial King like a drug maniac will be killed!

And Fang Yu felt that when this face appeared, the activity of Ray Divine Flower was significantly enhanced.

It is not difficult to imagine that if you continue, the thunder and lightning will only get stronger. Even if the drug lunatic is breathe one’s last, it is not surprising.

“cough cough!”

The medicine maniac strength great injury, coughing hard.

“Medicine Maniac Senior!”

Fang Yu wanted to go over and help, but Medicine Maniac stopped him.

“Don’t come over, leave me alone!”

The drug lunatic roared.


Fang Yu was a little confused and puzzled.

“Fang Yu, you, you come to practice! The ultimate e ence pill is still the last step, you come to complete it!”

The drug lunatic shouted: “I can’t recover now. Time cant keep up, come! Otherwise, you will fail! A rare opportunity, I want the perfect Jiyuan Dan! I want to prove that I am right this time…cough cough!”

“Medicine Crazy Senior !”

Fang Yu was stunned.

He dumbstruck.

Is it an a istant?

Not only is he trying to have a master and disciple relationship with himself, but now he is even the last step of refining medicine?

No way!

“Im serious, I cant catch up, but I cant miss the extremely rare opportunity… Come!”

The drug lunatic said word by word: “If you miss it If this opportunity fails, even if I die, I will not forgive myself! So, come on, Fang Yu!”

Fang Yu grabbed his head, this question is a bit superb!

When he started refining medicine, he was a little white with a very poor foundation, and he was taught while a isting.

Now it’s all right, the last step is coming, and Fang Yu suddenly became the completed person.

Meow meow?

Is there really nothing wrong?

“Fang Yu, you go help him look at medicine cauldron first!”

Long Celestial Immortal reminded Fang Yu.

If you continue to be in a daze, I am afraid that the medicine pill inside really doesnt need to be practiced, and it will be abolished!

Fang Yu had no choice but to watch the refining medicine.

“Its okay for the time being…but do I really want to concoct medicine? Although I have completed the Rejuvenation Pill, you should know that it was an accident.”

Fang Yu is helple . Said.

“Try it, you have a chance.”

Dragon Celestial Immortal pondered a little, and said: “And if you don’t complete the Jiyuan Dan, how can you go back and join?”< /p>

“This is indeed the case…Let me see it first!”

Fang Yu reluctantly took over.

As the saying goes, profe ional things are done by profe ionals.

This is the first time he refines medicine today. He didn’t expect the leap from Rejuvenation Pill to Jiyuan Pill.

“Tell me about the current medicine pill situation!”

The drug lunatic said again.

“His situation is very bad, even Spiritual Consciousness is very difficult to develop, otherwise you will definitely not let you concoct medicine!”

Long Celestial Immortal glanced at the medicine maniac , Tao.

Yes, if the medicine lunatic can feel the medicine cauldron situation, Fang Yu will not be allowed to tell the situation inside.

So, the state of the drug lunatic is very bad, very bad.

“It seems that its color is a bit unstable, and it has not finally become a pill.”

Fang Yu frowned: “In my opinion, it is still fuse together… Huh?”

“What’s wrong?”

The drug lunatic asked hurriedly.

“Its pill pattern…is changing! I can see that the pill pattern was about to emerge, but now it gradually fades away!”

Fang Yu complexion sank.

What’s the situation?

It’s super cla !

“It’s over, its energy is going to run away!”

The face of the drug lunatic is like earth!

“What do you mean?”

Fang Yu asked the dragon Celestial Immortal.

“It means literally, Cheng Dan, which means that the energy in the medicine pill has completely stabilized, but if the energy is unstable, it is impossible to complete the final Cheng Dan this step.”

Long Celestial Immortal looked distre ed: “impossible, even Chengdan Thunder Tribulation has been through…Huh? Is it because of Chengdan Thunder Tribulation?”

“Chengdan Thunder Tribulation is too powerful. This makes it unbearable. Although it succeeded in cro ing the robbery, think about it, did medicine pill succeed? Divine Flower cheated! So, there is some backlash.”

Pause, Long Celestial Immortal explained.

“What else can I do?”

Fang Yu didn’t want to see the drug lunatic’s efforts fall short.

“There is only one way…upgrade!”

Long Celestial Immortal said seriously.

“What is the promotion?”

Fang Yu is one of the first two big people.

How are they all profe ional terms?

Can’t you say something Xiaobai?

“Upgrading is…improving its final quality! As you can see, it can now show a pill pattern, which means that the energy it can withstand and hold is a single pill pattern.”

“But, at this time, you took tricks…that’s all by tricks, but if something happens to the drug lunatic, otherwise, if the drug lunatic comes, you should be able to barely control the overall situation. The so-called Grand Alchemist is It has this ability, so it is called master!”

“If one layer of pill pattern is not enough to form a pill, then 2nd layer pill pattern! Forcibly increase the level of pill pattern to 2nd layer’s ability , Its an upgrade!”

Long Celestial Immortal said in a serious tone: “However, this kind of thing is very difficult. In Grand Alchemist, there may not be a hundred If one can do it, only Grandmaster has a greater chance of succe .”

“But, we dont have a second solution, right? If it fails, the medicine pill will be destroyed, and the same result will be obtained. But if it succeeds…”

Fang Yu’s eyes flickered.

“Medicinal maniac Senior, I want to try to upgrade!”

Fang Yu said to the medicine maniac.


As soon as this remark came out, some drug lunatics who had been heartbroken were stunned.


Does Fang Yu know what he is talking about?

Even the self-proclaimed enchanting drug lunatic, who has been refining medicine for many years, has not succe fully upgraded the product more than three times!

You must know that a Grand Alchemist is definitely a countless number of refining medicine. Among them, it has been succe fully upgraded three times. What kind of concept is this?

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