“Where is this one?”

Fang Yu looked towards the next medicine cauldron.

This medicine cauldron is different from the deep and introverted red clay stove, waiting for an opportunity, it is silver light shining, brilliance ten thousand zhang.

“This is the silver light tripod that I personally found when I became a master! Its effect is far better than ordinary medicine cauldron, and its characteristics attract the attention of others… In fact, it is the most remarkable Yes, its not that difficult to operate.”

The medicine maniac said triumphantly: “Because I have thought about it, if I have a chance in the future, I will customize this medicine myself when I became a master. Cauldron, give it to my descendants or descendants.”

“Unfortunately, there is no chance.”

Fang Yu’s untimely complaints made the medicine maniac stunned.


The drug lunatic sighed, his eyes gloomy.

Yes, who would have thought that after he graduated, he would be the difference between Heaven and Earth with Wang Dalong.

Wang Dalong traveled around and eventually became Vice President Wang.

What about him?

He became a prisoner.

Despite this atonement, it is also voluntary by the drug lunatic.

Azure Dragon Academy knows how high the innate talent of drug lunatics is. Although such people have taken a wrong step, their future achievements are still immeasurable. The punishment they give is far more than it is now. light.

However, the drug lunatic refused.

Over the years, he has not regretted it.

I regret that I am young and frivolous, I regret that I do not know the world.

Just regret it, regret it, and the drug lunatic has regretted it, and is buried in the improved Pill Recipe again.

So, after a short while for many years, I made myself mentally out of order, crazy.

This is the disadvantage of working behind closed doors. No one discu es it. It’s all on your own.

Fortunately, today I finally stand at the door of the last step!

He is confident that this time, he can really improve Pill Recipe.

“Then it is…”

Fang Yu looked towards the third tripod.

This tripod is different from the previous ones. The whole body is pitch black and the image is a black beast!

“What cauldron is this?”

Fang Yu couldn’t help asking.

“It? It is the black beast cauldron!”

The medicine madman will answer: “The black beast cauldron is very strange and weird.”

“Black Beast tripod!”

Suddenly, the dragon Celestial Immortal, who was sleeping in a daze, woke up.

“Do you know what the black beast cauldron is?”

Fang Yu asked.

“Of course I know, because the black beast and so on…hehe, it was also famous here in Myriad Spirits Continent back then!”

Long Celestial Immortal laughed and said: “Fang Yu, you know crazy beasts, crazy gods!”


Fang Yu is nodded.

The wild beast was the main reason that ravaged the Barbarian Race land in the past. It is a very violent, but very intelligent creature, which is very different from the ordinary Demonic beast.

Some say that wild beasts come from outside the sky.

In short, it was the darkest period of Barbarian Race when it was ruled by wild beasts.

Only because the wild beasts have wild gods!

Although in the later legend, a barbarian god was born in the Barbarian Race.

This savage god has been repairing the cracks in the Barbarian Race land all his life.

The traces left by these mad gods can only be repaired by the existence of Divine Grade.

Although there should be more than one Divine Grade powerhouse in Myriad Spirits Continent at the time, it was not a relative, and the other party did not nece arily have to pay a great price to repair the Barbarian Race land.

Later, the barbarian god patched the Barbarian Race almost, and it also took many years.

Finally left Myriad Spirits Continent and went to the land beyond the sky to pursue a higher world.

Man God once said that there should be a world of God!

“Black beasts have black gods, very powerful, very difficult to deal with, but unlike wild beasts and crazy gods, black beasts and black gods are absolutely evil!”

The dragon Celestial Immortal said seriously: “The wild beasts and the wild gods are lunatics. They only want to destroy and wreak havoc, but the black beasts and the black gods are very intelligent, and they think differently from the wild beasts. They intend to infiltrate the entire Myriad Spirits Continent. “

“What does this… mean?”

Fang Yu was puzzled.

“They want to breed black beasts here…Black beasts are evil creatures who don’t know which world, and their offspring will only be black beasts, which is very scary!”

The dragon Celestial Immortal said sternly: “Moreover, the powerful black beasts may directly exhaust the vitality of their mothers, allowing them to be born…In short, the black beast disaster is a complete disaster! In the end, the Myriad Spirits Continent God level existence teamed up to kill to the last one against the black beast!”

“So scary!”

Fang Yu was terrified.

Now Myriad Spirits Continent is the Martial Emperor and there are not many legends of Martial God.

It can be seen that Martial God has not been born for many years.

Now that the Black Beast still has many Divine Grades to join forces to encircle and suppre , it is indeed terrifying!

“You must not have expected it. The crazy gods at that time also made an effort… The black beasts were before the wild beasts, and the black beasts greatly affected the beasts. The flesh and blood of the black beasts are not tasty and difficult. Absorbing, the wild beasts are very repulsive, and the black beasts want to occupy all the places they can reach, the wild beasts will not do it!”

Dragon Celestial Immortal sneered: “Of course, everyone didn’t expect it at the time. The influence of the wild beast on the Barbarian Race land is so bad, otherwise…”


Fang Yu waited for the following.

“Otherwise, it’s probably the same as the wild beast.”

The dragon Celestial Immortal finished speaking.

“…It’s boring for you to talk like this.”

Fang Yu directly gave Long Celestial Immortal a big eye.

The dragon Celestial Immortal didnt care, and said: “Black beast cauldron, this is a saying that only happened in recent years. Back then, the black hand was slaughtered, but there are still some lucky people who have obtained the remains of the black beast. , Casting weapons or other things, this a cauldron, I am afraid it is closely related to the black beast!”

“Dare to ask this one black beast cauldron, where did it come from?”

< p> Fang Yu asked tentatively.

It’s about the black beast, so I have to be more careful!

“I won a bet with someone else!”

The medicine maniac grinned and said: “This is a powerhouse in the black domain. It is repaired by Martial and Medicine Dual, Martial Dao. It’s not terrible. Older Wang Daolong, but crushes Wang Dalong, and my medicine has won him a bit! Because his medicine innate talent is not as terrifying as the Martial Dao innate talent.”

“So that’s how it is…”

Fang Yu is slightly nodded.

“The black beast cauldron is very weird, I believe you should have heard of what a black beast is? But there are still some special features. I summarized it, and it is about two points.”

The drug lunatic cleared his throat and said: “The first point is that it has a bonus to refining medicine pill with a ferocious effect!”

“It looks like a black beast! “

Fang Yu looking thoughtful.

“Secondly, hehe…you know! I don’t need to say more about this.”

Medicine lunatics look like you and I are both men should understand Expre ion: “But, the black beast is a kind of unknown after all! So, sometimes, it will be too violent, or too violent, beyond the original expectation, it is not a strange thing.”

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